Has the Torah been “done away with”? — Hebrews 8 explained

I just received this comment from a Christian minister who is well known in certain circles and who, over the decades, has done commendable work in opposing wickedness and promoting righteousness in America. You’re a good advocate for your own … Continue reading

Dealing with the viral pandemic of the disease of sin (part 2)

Leviticus 12–13 Explained These chapters are perhaps some of the most difficult of the Torah for modern people to understand much less to ascertain the relevance of, so often we pass over them without much thought. However, when we view … Continue reading

Was Peter’s vision a mandate for Christians to cook up a plate of pork bacon?

Acts 10:13–15, Peter’s vision. In Peter’s vision of the sheet covered with unclean animals, the voice from heaven commanded him three times to kill and eat these unclean animals. Peter was confused by the meaning of this vision since being … Continue reading

What is the past and prophetic significance of “the third day”?

Exodus 19:1, 11, In the third month…the third day.  In Exodus 19:1 we read that the Israelites arrived at Sinai in the third month, and according to Jewish tradition, a very significant event occurred on the third day of third … Continue reading

From the Mail Bag: Did Yeshua Encourage His Disciples (and Us) to Receive a Kundalini Spirit?—Updated

A very interesting email came into the comments section of this blog today. I respond to this strange comment below. — Natan Rob writes: Jesus said “be wise as serpents and gentle as doves” there he is describing kundalini, caduceus, … Continue reading