Theosis: The “Deification” of Man and the Tabernacle of Moses and the Biblical Feasts

The Tabernacle of Moses from its entrance to the its innermost room represents one’s progression in their spiritual journey starting with initial salvation progressing to the glorification of the physical body and eternal life in YHVH’s eternal spiritual kingdom.  Entering … Continue reading

The Biblical Feasts and Yeshua’s Wedding Prophesied in the Tabernacle of Moses

Welcome to the World of the Tabernacle of Moses If you were the Creator of the universe, what means would you use to communicate with those that you had created through love in your likeness and image? In a remote … Continue reading

Deuteronomy 14–16 on a Peculiar, Kosher, Generous, Feast-loving people

Deuteronomy 14 Deuteronomy 14:2, A peculiar people.The saints are called to be the kadosh (set apart) and peculiar or treasured people of YHVH. What we eat (verse 3ff) is a key factor in being set-apart unto YHVH. After all, if … Continue reading

Why study and celebrate the biblical feasts?

The spring biblical feasts are just around the corner. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread are the first of seven biblical celebrations or festivals that lay out YHVH Elohim’s plan of salvation or redemption for humankind. Not only that, … Continue reading