The Plain Truth About the New Covenant

Hebrews 8 Hebrews 8:2, 5, The true tabernacle…heavenly things. The Tabernacle of Moses was merely an earthly or physical replica of the one that exists in heaven where Yeshua is no ministering as our Great High Priest before the throne … Continue reading

The Book of Revelation and the Olivet Prophecy (Matt 24 and 25) Compared

Not unlike treasure hunters examining a map for clues leading to a buried treasure, or an archeologist carefully scrutinizing ancient artifacts for information about lost civilizations, or an engineer diligently studying blueprints in order to construct a mechanical device or … Continue reading

Genesis 37–41: The Life of Joseph—A Foreshadow of Messiah Ben (Son of) Joseph

The spirit of Antimessiah (Antichrist) is on a dramatic rise in our day. It is even rampant among those who are returning to the Hebraic, Torah-centric roots of the Christian faith where some people are losing their faith in Yeshua … Continue reading

Have you been called into the ministry? Here are you marching order…

Matthew 10:5–42, Yeshua sent out. The Commissioning of the Twelve Disciples. Do you have a ministry call on your life? If you’re a disciple of Yeshua, then you should. Yeshua has commissioned every saint to help fulfill the great commission … Continue reading