Why study about the Tabernacle of Moses?

Exodus 25:8–9, A sanctuary … tabernacle.  The Tabernacle of Moses If you were the Creator of the universe, what means would you use to communicate with those that you had created through love in your likeness and image? In a … Continue reading

What does it take to be YHVH’s “special, peculiar treasure”?

Exodus 19:5, If…then. (See also Exod 23:22.) This verse shows the conditional nature of the Mosaic Covenant. The blessings of YHVH upon the people are conditional upon their obedience to his commandments.  Peculiar treasure. This term or treasured people (Heb. … Continue reading

The Importance of the Seventh Day Sabbath

Exodus 16:4–30,The importance of the Sabbath.This chapter chronicles YHVH’s efforts to literally force an irreverent, unruly and disobedient nation to keep the seventh day Sabbath. Observance of the seventh day Sabbath was one of the first things YHVH taught his … Continue reading

What does, “the law and prophets were until John” mean?

Luke 16:16, The Torah and the Prophets. Many people in the mainstream church view this passage as drawing a defining line between the so-called age or dispensations of law (in the Old Testament or Tanakh) and the age or dispensation … Continue reading

The Seven Steps of Redemption

Exodus 6:1–9, YHVH redeems Israel. The stage is set for Israel’s redemption in Exodus 5:22–23. Yet Moses’ first venture to Pharaoh was a disaster. The plight of the children of Israel had deteriorated instead of improved. Discouraged, Moses almost takes on an … Continue reading