The Spirit of Elohim Energizes our Spirit to Keep the Torah

John 14:16, Another helper/Comforter. At the end of his ministry, Yeshua promised his disciples to send them his Holy Spirit or Comforter after he had left earth (John 14:16). He declares that his Holy Spirit would dwell in them (John … Continue reading

From the Walking Dead to the Glorified, Immortal Children of Elohim

 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of Elohim, to those who believe in His name… (John 1:12) Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should … Continue reading

“Thy way, O Elohim, is in the tabernacle”

Exodus 40:1, You set up the tabernacle. This verse implies that Moses set up the tabernacle single-handedly without any help. To what does this point prophetically? (Read Hebrews 3:3–6.) Exodus 40:2–7, Set up the tabernacle. YHVH’s instructions to Moses to … Continue reading

“Ye are gods…” (??)

In these days of uncertainty, geopolitical intrigue, economic uncertainties, mistrust, life-threatening diseases and plagues, faithlessness and hopelessness, and fear on every side, it’s time to look upwards to the Rock of our salvations and to WASH OUT YOUR BRAIN WITH … Continue reading

The Deeper Message of the Tabernacle of Moses

The Tabernacle and the Deification or Theosis of Man The Tabernacle of Moses from its front to back represents one’s progression in their spiritual journey starting with their initial salvation leading to the glorification of the physical body and eternal … Continue reading

Surviving the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Plague

Both a physical and spiritual response is required to survive the current Coronavirus/COVID-19 plague that is sweeping the earth. I discuss both of these needed responses in the video below. In the video, I also briefly discuss Psalm 91. In … Continue reading

NathanTalks #8—Should We Say Yeshua, Jesus, Yahshua, Yeshoshua or What?

What is the name of the Messiah? Which name should we use? Should we use his Hebrew name, his English name, his Greek name, or his name in some other language? What does YHVH Elohim, the God of the Bible, … Continue reading