Is the Torah the ministry of death that is passing away?

2 Corinthians 3 2 Corinthians 3:2–15, Overview of the Letter Vs. the Spirit of the Torah In this passage, Paul isn’t teaching against the validity or replacement of the Torah with something else. There is nothing wrong with Torah. How … Continue reading

A Chronological Analysis of Scriptures on the Resurrection of the Dead

1 Corinthians 15 The resurrection of the dead is a biblical truth that stretches like a line from the beginning to the end the Bible. It is this glorious hope to which the Bible believing saint in faith clings as … Continue reading

Korah the Malcontent, a Rebel and a Secular Humanist—A LEFTIST!

As we watch the rise of violent rebellion and civil disobedience in western—formerly Christian—nations (and elsewhere), it would behoove us to determine what is at the root and core of this movement, so that we can determine its source and … Continue reading

Notes on 1 Corinthians 1 and 2

Corinthians 1 1 Corinthians 1:12, I am of Paul. Truly it is amazing how many scriptural admonitions and truths which many in the Christian church totally ignore and walk in direct opposition to. For example, note how many denominations are … Continue reading

The Case of Korah the Heretic, a Godly Response and the Prophetic Implications

Numbers 16:1–3, Took men…rose up…gathered together against. Notice a progression (or downward spiral) of actions on the part of Korah and his rebels. They separated themselves from fellowship, rose up against Moses, gathered together others of like mindand falsely accused … Continue reading