Genesis 42–46 Two Brothers and the Two Houses of Israel in End-Time Prophecy

Biblical Types and Antetypes A major key to understanding biblical prophecy is to recognize the relationship between antetypes and types in the Scriptures. This means that an event or a series of events occurred once, was recorded in the Scriptures, … Continue reading

What is Moses’ seat and should we follow the modern rabbinic Jews?

Yesterday, a well-meaning reader of this blog posted a question in the comments section. He wondered why I didn’t come to the “higher level” spiritually by following the oral traditions of the modern-day Jews who are the spiritual descendants of the … Continue reading

Getting a Christmas Tree? Save Some $ and Read This First!

The use of trees or wooden poles as an object of worship in the ancient world was universal as a fertility or phallic symbol. In many places, the Bible strongly condemns involvement with this pagan custom. Obviously the tree of … Continue reading

Yeshua’s View on the Torah-Law

Matthew 5:17–19 are three of the most important verses in the Testimony of Yeshua (New Testament) on the subject of the Torah. These are Yeshua’s instructions about the Torah. The words of Yeshua’s apostolic disciples cannot contradict the words of the … Continue reading

Sukkot—the Feast of Tabernacles—2016 Is Here! Rejoice

Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret—The Historical Roots of Our Faith, Present Relevance for Believers & Prophetic End-Time Implications Spiritual and Ceremonial Aspects of Sukkot Overview of the Season Sukkot (also spelled “Succoth”) or the Feast of Tabernacle/Booths or Ingathering is the … Continue reading

Yom Kippur—The Historical Roots of Our Faith, Present Relevance for believers & Prophetic End Time Implications

Introduction Yom Kippur is a day of contradictions and contrasts: Joy and sorrow. Rewards for the righteous and judgments for the wicked rebels. Joy for the righteous when Satan and his demons, death and Babylon are destroyed by the King … Continue reading

What about “I change not!” do we not understand?

Deuteronomy 31:10–13, You shall read this Torah before all Israel. Verses like this tend to expose the theological confusion that occurs in the minds of many Christian Bible teachers. For example, Christian commentator Matthew Henry on this verse writes about … Continue reading