Join Hoshana Rabbah in Celebrating Yom Kippur 2020!

Tomorrow (for some people reading this, it is already tomorrow), Monday, September 27, 2020 it is Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. This year both the biblical new moon calendar and the traditional Rabbinic Jewish calendar match up, so … Continue reading

Yom Teruah—Celebrate and shout! The Messiah is coming…

This weekend (likely on Shabbat/Saturday—if the new moon is spotted in Israel, which it likely will be) will be the biblical feast called Yom Teruah or the Day of Shouting/Shofar Blasts. I will be celebrating it along with members of … Continue reading

What Are the Biblical Standards for Spiritual Leaders?

The Bible explicitly and implicitly delineates certain standards that must be met before one can assume leadership roles over the people of YHVH. Israelites should know what the Word of Elohim demands of leaders, and should expect leaders to meet … Continue reading

Hebrews 8–9 on the “Old” versus “New” Covenants and the two tabernacles

Hebrews 8 Hebrews 8:2, 5, The true tabernacle…heavenly things. The Tabernacle of Moses was merely an earthly or physical replica of the one that exists in heaven where Yeshua is no ministering as our Great High Priest before the throne … Continue reading

Hebrews 5–7 on the Melchizedek Priesthood, the “Once Saved Always Saved” Doctrine and the Torah Upheld

Hebrews 5 Hebrews 5:2, Ignorant and going astray. Or ignorantly erring. Hebrews 5:6, Order of Melchizedek. Or King of Righteousness. This is the original priesthood that YHVH established to represent him on the earth and to teach humans his ways. … Continue reading