Yeshua’s Boot Camp Experience—Precursor to His Launch into Ministry

Mark 1–3 As believers in and disciples and imitators of Yeshua, we endeavor to follow the example of how he lived. This isn’t easy to do, for Yeshua experienced much that we as normal humans who prefer the comfort zones … Continue reading

Communion or the Lord’s Supper Explained in Its Hebraic Context

The Importance of Memorials and Symbols Obedient and truth-seeking disciples of Yeshua will want to love him by keeping his commandments (John 14:12), and by teaching and doing everything he commanded (Matt 28:20). They will be following Paul’s example to … Continue reading

From the Mail Bag: Did Yeshua Encourage His Disciples (and Us) to Receive a Kundalini Spirit?—Updated

A very interesting email came into the comments section of this blog today. I respond to this strange comment below. — Natan Rob writes: Jesus said “be wise as serpents and gentle as doves” there he is describing kundalini, caduceus, … Continue reading

Why We Don’t Unquestioningly Follow Rabbinic Tradition

Matthew 15:2, Tradition of the elders. These were Jewish traditions or legal regulations not found in the Torah, may of which violated the letter and spirit of the Torah as Yeshua goes on to teach in the next few verses. … Continue reading

Unveiling the Evil Forces Behind Babylon Then and Now

Genesis 10:8–9; 11:1–9, Nimrod…Babel .Comparisons can be made between Nimrod and his rebellion against Elohim (and apostasy from the faith of his fathers) with that of the man of sin (literally, “man of Torahlessness” in 2 Thess 2:1–12) in the end … Continue reading