Surprise, surprise! Both Rabbinic Judaism and mainstream Christianity are secular humanistic religions

Isaiah 28:7, The priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink … wine … they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.Here the prophet is addressing Judah. In Scripture, when wine causes spiritual degradation what is the cause of … Continue reading

The Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Wavesheaf Offering & the Resurrection of Yeshua

Chag HaMatzot (The Feast of Unleavened Bread): An Overview Chag HaMatzot or the Feast of Unleavened Bread is the second annual festival on YHVH’s biblical calendar, and occurs on the fifteenth day of the month of the Abib, which is … Continue reading

Passover Day Is Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, Wednesday April 8, is Passover. Tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, my family and I will be celebrating Passover by conducting a gospel, oriented, Yeshua-centered Passover seder including in our home including the taking of communion and a foot washing service as … Continue reading

The De-Judaizing of the Early Church Fathers Paves the Way for Anti-Semitism

After the death of the last apostle, and as time went one, the early church fathers took on a more strident tone against the Jews and their beliefs including the law of Moses. Here are several examples of this: Ignatius, … Continue reading

Israel Is a Sinful Nation Then and Now

Isaiah 1:1–27 Based on this passage in Isaiah, can we see any spiritual parallels between Judah and America (and most other nations, for that matter)? Some might ask what a prophecy given by a Hebrew prophet to the Jewish nation … Continue reading

An Overview of the Sacrificial System and Its Relevance to YOU

Leviticus 1–7 Although Jewish and Christian scholars disagree about whether the sacrifices were to cease after the coming of the Messiah, as Edersheim points out, all agree that the object of a sacrifice was substitution for the offender (The Temple … Continue reading