The Deity of Yeshua

The Preeminence and Deity of Yeshua Phinehas, the grandson of Aaron the high priest, thrust a spear through Zimri the Israelite man and Cozbi the Midianite woman as they were bringing the curse of YHVH upon the nation of Israel … Continue reading

Is America Mystery Babylon the Great?

Is America Mystery Babylon the Great, the mother of whores and of the abominations of the earth? Since Mystery Babylon will be destroyed in one hour (Rev 18:8, 10, 17, 20, 21), and since YHVH warns his people (all the … Continue reading

Apostasy, Exile, Repentance and Regathering of the Twelve Tribes

A Last Days Prophecy Deuteronomy 4:25–32, Apostasy, exile, enslavement, repentance and regathering of lost and scattered Israel to the Promised Land in the last days.  This passage deals with the exile and return of the Israelites. Because of syncretism with … Continue reading

Natan’s 2018 Shavuot Talking Points—The Deeper Meaning of Shavuot

What is the purpose of religion? What’s should be the higher purpose of religion? It should answer the deeper questions of life. What’s the meaning and purpose of life? Who am I? Where did I come from? Who made me? … Continue reading

Overview of Paul’s Epistle to the Romans

The Gospel, the Torah, & the Israelite Nation Reunited The following overview of Romans is a radical departure from what the mainstream church teaches. Read it and see if what follows doesn’t unite the truth of the Bible from beginning … Continue reading

The Adulterous Woman, Yeshua, the Cross and YOU

Numbers 5:11–31, The adulterous woman. This passages deals with a curious ritual involving wives suspected of adultery called the Law of Jealousies whereby the woman is hauled before the priest, her head is uncovered and, according to Jewish tradition, her … Continue reading