Are you en route to Beth-El, or still stuck in “Babylon”?

Genesis 35:1–15, Go up to Bethel. Jacob, twenty years earlier, had left Canaan in disgrace fleeing eastward into exile (as his descendants would do generations later), where in captivity to Laban he pays the price for being a deceiver. In … Continue reading

History Repeats Itself Again and Again—The Golden Calf, the Church and YOU

Exodus 32:1, Moses delayed coming. Moses is a prophetic picture of Yeshua. Moses’ descending from Mount Sinai is a prophetic picture of Yeshua descending from heaven to the earth the first and second time. When the people presumed that Moses … Continue reading

Understanding the Biblical Concept of Atonement

Numbers 31:50, Make atonement.  Exploring the Concept of Atonement as It Relates to the Tabernacle and Salvation In Numbers 31:50 we read, We have therefore brought an oblation for YHVH, what every man has gotten, of jewels of gold, chains, … Continue reading

“Children are their oppressors…women rule over them.”

Isaiah 3:1–5, 12, YHVH…takes away…children…insolent…women rule over them. When YHVH’s judgment comes on a sinful nation, godly leadership and his protection is removed from that nation leaving a moral and spiritual vacuum. When the fear of Elohim is gone, so goes … Continue reading

Two Choices: Money and Power or the Anointing of Elohim

Exodus 32:2, Break off the golden earrings.The Christian people have generously given the mainstream church much gold and other wealth over the past 1900 years. In the mean time, with that wealth, the church system has constructed many huge religious … Continue reading

A Tithe on War Booty and the Holy Half Shekel — A Memorial Pointing to Yeshua’s Atoning Death

Numbers 31:50, Make atonement.  Exploring the Concept of Atonement as It Relates to the Tabernacle and Salvation In this verse we read, “We have therefore brought an oblation for YHVH, what every man has gotten, of jewels of gold, chains, … Continue reading