The Leaven of the Early Church Fathers Exposed—From Biblical Truth to Church Tradition

Were the Pharisees the Only Purveyors of Spiritual Leaven? One of the most well-known biblical metaphors is leaven—the chemical agent that makes bread dough to rise. It is a descriptive biblical symbol of sin in one’s life that, like yeast … Continue reading

The Fatal Flaws of the “Zadok Priestly/Enoch Calendar”

By Nathan Lawrence This is a lengthy, deep dive into the so-called Zadok Priestly/Enoch/Qumran/Dead Seas Scrolls Calendar as opposed to the traditional visible crescent new moon/abib barley calendar that was extant in the second temple era and during the time … Continue reading

The Unbiblical “Zadok/Enoch Calendar” & Its Fatal Flaws Exposed

In this video, Nathan Lawrence goes head to head with those who are promoting the so-called Enoch/Zadok priestly calendar, and he exposes the unbiblical and fatal flaws thereof. The promoters of this heretical calendar rely solely on extra-biblical sources to … Continue reading

Is eating biblical kosher a doctrine of demons as some in the Church teach?

1 Timothy 4:1–3 Doctrines of demons…forbidding to marry…abstain from foods [Gr. broma].  Asceticism—A Doctrine of Demons When Paul speaks of “doctrines of demons” and then goes on to mention “to abstain from foods which Elohim created” is he referring to … Continue reading

Let My People Think—Rightly Dividing Scripture According to the Hebraic Rules of Biblical Interpretation (part 3)

(Author’s note: This is the updated and rewritten version of an article that I wrote in the early 2000s. The information contained therein is based largely on the booklet entitled, Hermeneutics: How to Understand the Scriptures by James Scott Trimm … Continue reading

Let My People Think—Rightly Dividing Scripture According to the Hebraic Rules of Biblical Interpretation (part 2)

(Author’s note: This is the updated and rewritten version of an article that I wrote in the early 2000s. The information contained therein is based largely on the booklet entitled, Hermeneutics: How to Understand the Scriptures by James Scott Trimm … Continue reading

Let My People Think—Rightly Dividing Scripture According to the Hebraic Rules of Biblical Interpretation (part 1)

(Author’s note: This is the updated and completely rewritten version of an article that I wrote in the early 2000s. The information contained therein is based largely on the booklet entitled, Hermeneutics: How to Understand the Scriptures by James Scott … Continue reading