89 Percent of British Young Adults Say Life Has No Meaning, Poll Finds

This is what happens when a society turns its back on Elohim and the Bible. This shouldn’t be hard to figure out. — Natan

From the Christian Post at https://www.christianheadlines.com/contributors/michael-foust/89-percent-of-british-young-adults-say-life-has-no-meaning-poll-finds.html

Michael Foust | ChristianHeadlines.com Contributor | Wednesday, August 14, 2019

89 Percent of British Young Adults Say Life Has No Meaning, Poll Finds


A new United Kingdom survey showing an overwhelming majority of 16-29-year-olds believe life has no purpose or meaning can be directly attributed to the decline of Christianity in the country, says the founder of Answers In Genesis.

The poll of 1,500 British people by Yakult UK showed 89 percent of those ages 16-29 say life lacks purpose or meaning, compared to 55 percent of those over 60 who answered that way. The Sun newspaper was the first media outlet to report the survey.

Answers In Genesis founder and CEO Ken Ham blamed a lack of faith among young people for the tragic data. A separate 2018 poll showed only 2 percent of those ages 18-24 are affiliated with the Church of England.

“When we understand and embrace God’s Word, we will know the difference between the truth and the lies, and we won’t be deceived,” Ham wrote in an online analysis.

“Where do meaning and purpose come from?” Ham asked, rhetorically. “It comes from our Creator! It comes from having a proper perspective on the history of the universe and humanity — one that starts with God’s Word. We’re not accidents, the result of millions of years of random, chance processes.

“We’re fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) in the image of our Creator (Genesis 1:27). He has given us his Word, which clearly tells us our purpose and meaning.”

Among all age groups, 80 percent in Britain said life has no meaning or purpose. The teaching of evolutionary theory as fact, Ham says, also is to blame for the data.

“This belief that life has no meaning or purpose is the outworking of the religion of evolutionary secularism that permeates the education system and the media throughout the UK, and here in the United States,” Ham wrote. “When you adopt the religion of atheism, you have to deal with the consequences — and one consequence is that ultimately there’s absolutely no meaning or purpose to life!”

Humans, Ham said, were created “to bring glory to our Creator and enjoy him forever.”

“That’s ultimate meaning and purpose,” he wrote. 


In the Bible, when Elohim’s people turned away from Elohim, they invariably began to murder their babies. People haven’t changed from then until now in their regard. Here’s another tragic story from the UK—a society that has largely turned its back on Elohim.

From the Christian Post at https://christiannews.net/2019/08/14/nearly-25-percent-of-babies-aborted-in-england-wales-in-2018/

One in four babies aborted in England and Wales

Nearly a quarter of babies are aborted in England and Wales, shocking new statistics reveal.

Excluding stillbirths and miscarriages, 23.8 per cent of pregnancies were cut short by abortions in 2018.

While there were 657,076 live births last year, 205,295 unborn babies were killed – meaning that for every three babies born, there was one abortion.

Huge increase

Despite claims from activists that “criminalising abortion does not stop abortions”, the number has risen dramatically since the 1967 Abortion Act came into force in England and Wales.

In 1969, the first full year for which data was available, 6.4 per cent of pregnancies ended in abortion. This represents a 270 per cent increase over the last 50 years.

In Northern Ireland, the figure is much lower, as one in twenty pregnancies were ended by abortions last year.

Almost all of these abortions took place among those who travelled to England or Wales, as Northern Ireland’s strong pro-life laws only permit abortion in cases where the mother’s life is at risk.

‘National tragedy’

Catherine Robinson, a spokesperson for Right to Life UK, which compiled the figures, said it was a “national tragedy” that so many pregnancies end in abortion.

“Every one of these abortions represents a failure of our society to protect the lives of babies in the womb and a failure to offer full support to women with unplanned pregnancies.

“On the other hand, these figures show the dramatic difference that laws surrounding abortion make.”

‘No legal safeguards’

Robinson said that if Westminster’s new abortion regime for Northern Ireland comes into force in October, there will likely be “a rapid increase” in the number of abortions in the province.

She called the new laws “extreme” as it will introduce abortion on demand.


Hillsong worship leader Marty Sampson announces he’s ‘losing’ his faith

I don’t know who this person is, and I’ve never heard of him before, but the reasons he gives for denying his faith are sad and pathetic. If this person really knew his Bible from cover to cover—the whole counsel of YHVH Elohim’s word, he wouldn’t be making these statements. Frankly, he’s revealing his ignorance of the Scriptures.

This brings me to my next point. Just because a person is famous and is on a church stage doesn’t mean a thing. First, they may not even know their Bible. Second, they might not even be saved (converted spiritually from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light). Third, they might simply be a very good actor. Fourth, they might actually be a tare, or worse, a plant of the devil. I have no idea about this fellow. I’m just making general statements based on my deep knowledge of Scripture, on human nature, on the current harlot church system, and my having been in ministry for 30 years 18 of which I head pastored my own congregation.

So what’s the bottom line? We must know those who labor among us (1 Thess 5:12). We must make sure that those that are up front in our churches are solid and mature spiritually—that they know the word of Elohim and that they have the fruits of a Yeshua and Spirit-led and submitted life. Just because they sing well, play a musical instrument well, have the gift of gab and can preach up a storm, or because they look good, are famous, have written a book or two, have done this or that doesn’t in and of itself qualify them for anything ministrywise in Elohim’s spiritual economy.

Right now, YHVH Elohim is judging the sick American and Western churches and the Babylonian system that largely empowers and validates them. YHVH Elohim is taking the lid off the spiritual garbage can called the harlot church system and exposing the pedophiles, sexual perverts, charlatans, phonies, false coverts, money grubbers, hypocrites, tares, actors, gospel peddlers, and demons posing as angels of light. Make no mistake: this is only the beginning. The faith of many will be shaken because of the failures of humans and religious institutions. Why? Because their faith is in men, NOT in YHVH Elohim and his Word (which most of them don’t know very well, if at all.)

So what can you do? Be strong and keep your eyes on Yeshua the Messiah, while standing on the solid and immovable rock of his word. Amein. — Natan

From https://www.christiantoday.com/article/hillsong-worship-leader-marty-sampson-losing-faith/133017.htm

Hillsong worship leader Marty Sampson announces he’s ‘losing’ his faith

Staff writer  Mon 12 Aug 2019 15:44 BST

Marty Sampson
Marty Sampson

Hillsong worship leader has reportedly walked away from the Christian faith after posting a – since removed – Instagram update in which he said he was “not in anymore”.

The post was removed but not before being captured by Patheos blogger Captain Cassidy and revealed Sampson’s apparent struggles with science and “contradictions in the Bible.  

“Time for some real talk… I’m genuinely losing my faith.. and it doesn’t bother me… like, what bothers me now is nothing… I am so happy now, so at peace with the world.. it’s crazy / this is a soapbox moment so here I go xx how many preachers fall? Many. No one talks about it.

“How many miracles happen. Not many. No one talks about it. Why is the Bible full of contradictions? No one talks about it. How can God be love yet send 4 billion people to a place, all coz they don’t believe? No one talks about it.

“Christians can be the most judgemental people on the planet – they can also be some of the most beautiful and loving people… but it’s not for me. I am not in any more.” 

The post continues with Sampson saying that he wants to know only the truth and that Christianity had become “like another religion at this point”. 

“I want genuine truth. Not the ‘I just believe it’ kind of truth. Science keeps piercing the truth of every religion,” he writes.

“Lots of things help people change their lives, not just one version of God. Got so much more to say, but for me, I keeping it real.

“Unfollow if you want, I’ve never been about living my life for others. All I know is what’s true to me right now, and Christianity just seems to me like another religion at this point.”

Hillsong could not be reached for comment on Sampson’s announcement.

Countless Christians have worshipped God to songs penned or co-authored by Sampson, who first joined Hillsong’s worship scene in the 90s. 

Popular songs in his discography include “Carry Me”, “Better Than Life”, “King of Majesty”, “For Who You Are”, “Take it All”, “Came to My Rescue”, and more recently “One Thing” and “O Praise the Name (Anástasis)”. 

The news has saddened many in the Christian scene who were still getting over a similar announcement made a few weeks ago by Joshua Harris, author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye

Within the space of a week, he announced that he was separating from his wife and that he had fallen away from the Christian faith. 


What the Jewish sages say about the return of the ten tribe exiles of Israel

Deuteronomy 4:25–32, Apostasy, exile, enslavement, repentance and regathering of lost and scattered Israel to the Promised Land in the last days.  This passage deals with the exile and return of the Israelites. Because of syncretism with the idolatrous practices of the nations around them, YHVH prophesied that the Israelites would be scattered among the nations of the world. Conversely, YHVH prophesies that “in the end of days” (verse 30)—a metaphor for “the last days” or “the end of the age”—he would hear their pleas for help, have mercy on his people, and remember his covenant with them. According to some noted Jewish sages, “the end of days” refers to the period just before the coming of Messiah, and this repentance is the same as that which Moses mentions later in 30:1–2 (The ArtScroll Stone Edition Chumash, p. 965). Here are some additional quotes from some noted Jewish scholars on the subject of Israel returning to YHVH from its exile among the nations:

The future King Messiah (Messiah Son of David) will not only redeem the Jews from exile, but will restore the observance of the Torah-commandments to its complete state, which will only be possible when the Israelites are living in the Land of Israel. At this same time, “there will be an ingathering of the dispersed remnant of Israel. This will make it possible for the Davidic dynasty to be reinstated and for the observance of the Torah and its mitzvot [commandments] to be restored in its totality” (I Await His Coming Every Day, p. 35, [see also p. 38 quoting Rambam] by Menachem Schneerson, emphasis added). According to the Rambam (also known as Maimonides) in his Thirteen Principles of the Jewish Faith the resurrection of the dead will occur just after the coming of the Messiah and that the resurrection of the dead is a key element of the Final Redemption (ibid., p. 59).

The Jewish sages recognize that the ingathering of the exiles including the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom, will also return, be reunited with Judah and that the whole house of Israel will serve YHVH together (Ezek 20:32–37, 40–42) (Mashiach—the Principles of Mashiach and the Messianic Era In Jewish Law and Tradition, pp. 20-22, by Jacob Immanual Schochet quoting from Sanhedrin 110b; Bamidbar Rabba 16:25).

The ArtScroll Bereishis/Genesis Commentary, vol. 1(b) states in its commentary on Genesis 48:19 regarding Ephraim: “R. Munk explains: ‘while it is true that the dispersion [of the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh] was caused by the unfaithfulness and sinfulness of Ephraim’s descendants (Hos 7:8ff), Jacob’s blessing was not in vain for “they will return to God” and will have their share in the world to come (Talmud Sanhedrin 110b).’ And R. Eliezer adds: ‘Even the darkness in which the Ten Tribes were lost will one day become as radiant as the day’ (according to the version of Avos d’Rabbi Nosson 36). And in the perspective of history, did not these exiled children of the Patriarchs enlighten the nations among whom they were scattered? They did so by teaching their conquerors the fundamental ideas of the knowledge and love of God, ideals they had never forsaken. Hence they too have a messianic vocation and their Messiah the Maschiach ben Yosef, Messiah son of Joseph (Talmud Succah 52a), also called Messiah son of Ephraim (Targum Yonasan on Exodus 40:11), will play an essential role in humanity’s redemption, for he will be the precursor of the Maschiach ben David, Messiah Son of David. It is therefore not surprising to find that the prophet Jeremiah (3:12) speaks affectionately of Ephraim. In this light, Jacob’s words, ‘his offspring will fill the nations,’ assume the significance of blessing” (pp. 2121–2122).

The regathering of not only the Jewish people (largely from the tribe of Judah), but Israelites from the other eleven tribes is predicted by Yeshua and the apostolic writers as well (see Acts 3:21; Matt 10:6; 15:24). 

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Torah-obedience is an evangelism tool—your light to the nations

Deuteronomy 4:6, Keep. Keeping Torah (YHVH’s instructions in righteousness) was the means for YHVH’s chosen people to be salt and light to the surrounding nations. Torah is literally a “witnessing tool.” What kind of righteous witness are you (via your Torah lifestyle) to those around you who are lost in spiritual darkness?

Wisdom [Heb. chokmah] and understanding [Heb. biynah]. What is the biblical definition of wisdom and understanding? Let’s explore this subject to see what we can learn from the word of Elohim.

Chokmah means “intelligence, skill (in war); wisdom (in administration); shrewdness, wisdom; prudence (in religious affairs); wisdom (ethical and religious). It derives from the verb chakam meaning “to be wise, to be or become wise, act wisely; to make wise, teach wisdom, instruct; to show oneself wise, deceive, show one’s wisdom.” According to The TWOT, chokmah and it’s root verb represents a manner of thinking and attitude concerning life’s experiences including matters of general interest and basic morality. These concerns relate to prudence in secular affairs, skills in the arts, moral sensitivity, and experience in the ways of YHVH. In the Tanakh, chokmah is used in relationship to the whole gamut of human experiences whether it be technical artisan skills, military tactics or political and administrative leadership. It is expressed in shrewdness as opposed to foolishness or silliness. Prudence is another aspect of chokmah as it relates to how one speaks, uses his time carefully and in the practical affairs of life. The Bible reveals that Elohim is the source of all wisdom, and wisdom is not to be found in human speculation. Elohim alone provides wisdom for man’s guidance, so that he can live the best possible moral and ethical life (ibid.).

Biynah means “discernment or insight” or “the ability to understand something, comprehension, the power of abstract thought, an individual’s perception or judgment of a situation.” According to The TWOT, biynah refers to knowledge that is superior to the mere gathering of data. It is necessary to know how to use the knowledge one possesses. This is where perception or judgment comes into play. One must properly interpret the data and make wise and discerning decisions as to how to act. 

Torah is your wisdom in the sight of the nations. Consider the following:

  • Your life may be the only Bible some people read.
  • Torah is light. Light quietly does, it is silent. It doesn’t talk about doing, it does! YHVH is looking for doers, not talkers.
  • What kind of reputation do you have in the community?
  • People may not be turning to the light of Torah as a result of your example YET, when times get tough in this country (“when you are in tribulation … in the latter days, Deut 4:30), they may well turn to you for the answers because they remembered that there was something different about you—something pure, pristine and holy. That’s when they’ll be looking for answers.
  • Torah makes us a great people. YHVH measures greatness differently than the world does. Are you great by the world’s standards or YHVH’s standards?
  • How does YHVH measure greatness? Love, faith, truth, obedience, servanthood, giving, selflessness, self-sacrifice.
  • Comparatively speaking, how does the world measure greatness? Money, power, fame, possessions, intellect, physical appearance, good sounding words.
  • Which type of greatness will last into eternity?

Never forget this: The Bible reveals that Yeshua the Messiah is the spiritual light of the world (John 8:12) that came from heaven to guide men through the spiritual darkness of this world and lead them to his Father in heaven (John 1:7–9). He is not only the Light, but the Word of Elohim made flesh (John 1:1, 14). In other words, he is the Living Torah Word of Elohim. He was the exemplification and personification of the Written Torah. Only through him living in us through is Set-Apart Spirit can we properly obey YHVH’s Torah commandments (1 Cor 9:21, the saint is “under/in/subject to the Torah-law toward Messiah”). This we will do by his power in us and out of a loving relationship with him (Jer 31:31–33 cp. Heb 8:10; John 14:15; 1 John 2:2–6; 3:24; 5:2–3; Rom 13:8–10). The Testimony of Yeshua makes these truths very clear for those who have eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to comprehend! The rewards and blessings are incomprehensibly awesome for those who walk according to the instructions of Elohim.

“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. (Rev 22:12–14)


Add to or subtract from the word of Elohim at your own risk!

Deuteronomy 4:2, You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor shall you subtract/diminish from it. YHVH warns his people against adding or subtracting from his written word elsewhere as well (Deut 12:32; Rev 22:18–19). Men seem inclined to ignore YHVH’s command in this regard. In fact, whole religions have been founded based on disregarding this prohibition. Some claim to be Bible-based (e.g. Mormonism with their Book of Mormon and rabbinic Judaism with its Talmud), and some have supplanted the entire Bible with their own book (Islam with its Quran). This doesn’t even include the numerous unbiblical traditions and man-made doctrines that many traditional churches and denominations have constructed out of whole cloth and patched into the teachings of the Bible, and which are now followed by millions of people. This cannot be pleasing to Elohim!

Who is the author of and real power behind adding to and subtracting from or twisting YHVH’s Word? It is Satan the serpent. (See Gen 3:1ff and Matt 4:3ff.) Make no mistake, adding or subtracting from the Word of Elohim is to fall for the lie that the devil told the first humans at the tree of knowledge that the Word of Elohim can be molded and formed to fit men’s ways of  thinking instead of Elohim’s.

What did Yeshua warn the religionists of his day against in this regard? He said, “Thus have you made the commandment of Elohim of none effect by your tradition” (Matt 15:6) and, “Howbeit in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Mark 7:7). What are some examples of traditions and theologies in the modern-day Christian and Jewish religions where YHVH’s word has been superseded by man’s traditions? What are some traditions and doctrines of men you have turned away from in order to bring yourself into greater alignment with YHVH’s Word? How is your life better for it? What has been the reaction of those around you in response to your aligning your life more closely with the truth of YHVH?

Finally, the Bible ends with a warning to those who would add to the word of Elohim.

For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, Elohim will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, Elohim shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. (Rev 22:18–19)

When this passage says “this book,” which book is it talking about? The Book of Revelation or the entire Bible? To be on the safe side, it is prudent to assume John is referring to the whole Bible. I personally don’t care to experiences any of Elohim’s curses; life is already difficult enough as it is!


Blog Scripture Readings for 8-11 Through 8-17-19


Parashat Va’etchanan — Deuteronomy 3:23 – 7:11
Haftarah — Isaiah 40:1-26
Prophets — Ezekiel 46:1 – 48:35; Hosea 1:1 – 4:19
Writings — Nehemiah 12:1 – 13:31; 1 Chronicles 1:1 – 4:43
Testimony — Ephesians 6; Philippians 1:1 – 4:23; Colossians 1:1 – 2:23

Most of this week’s blog discussion points will be on these passages. If you have general comments or questions on the weekly Scripture readings not addressed in a blog post, here’s a place for you to post those. Just use the “leave a reply” link below.

The full “Read Through The Scriptures In A Year” schedule, broken down by each day, can be found on the right sidebar under “Helpful Links.” There are 4 sections of scripture to read each day: one each from the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, and from the Testimony of Yeshua. Each week, the Torah and haftarah readings will follow the traditional one-year reading cycle.

Weekly Blog Scripture Readings for 8/11/19 through 8/17/19.


The Five-Fold Ministry Explained

Did the so-called fivefold ministry offices cease after the New Testament era, or do they continue function in the body of Yeshua to this day? In our day, most people agree that the ministries of the evangelist, teacher and pastor are still in operation today, but many say that the offices of apostles and prophet have ceased to operate. Yet in verse 13, we read that these offices would operate “till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of Elohim, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Messiah…,” which hasn’t happened yet. Therefore, it would stand to reason, that all these ministry offices are still needed today.

He. It must be kept in mind that Yeshua is the epitome of and over all (authoritatively) ministry offices that follow in this verse. When we ascended to heaven, he spread his own abilities out, as it were, among those he called to be leaders over his spiritual flock below (see Eph 4:8). Collectively, these ministry offices should be doing the work that Yeshua himself would be doing were he here on this earth presently.

Apostles. In addition to the twelve original apostles (including Matthias who replaced Judas Iscariot, Acts 1:26), here is a list of the other apostles, which might be called Yeshua’s ascension-gift apostles (Eph 4:8):

  • James, the half brother of Jesus and leader of the Jerusalem church (Gal 1:19)
  • Barnabas (Acts 14:14)
  • Paul (e.g. Acts 14:14)
  • Apollos (1 Cor 4:6–9)
  • Timothy and Silvanus (1 Thess 1:1 and 2:6)
  • Epaphroditus (Phil 2:25)
  • Titus, and other un-named apostles—at least two (2 Cor 8:23)
  • Andronicus and Junia (Rom 16:7)
  • Yeshua is the Apostle and High Priest of our confession (Heb 3:1)
  • Including Judas Iscariot, this makes a total of at least 26 apostles who are mentioned in the Testimony of Yeshua. 

With this list in mind, it now becomes logical to divide the apostles into at least three categories or level. Yeshua is the Chief Apostle. The original 12 that Yeshua appointed (minus Judas Iscariot) and possibly Paul would be the next tier. They are the foundational apostles. Yeshua mentions that the 12 apostles will rule over the 12 tribes of Israel and that the 12 foundations of the New Jerusalem are named after the 12 apostles (Rev 21:14). It seems that Yeshua commissioned these foundational apostles in direct, face-to-face encounters. After this come the lowest tier or ascension-gift apostles (Eph 4:8), which are all the other apostles.

Apostle Defined

Apostolos means “a delegate, messenger, one sent forth with orders.” According to the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, apostolos originally was a military or naval term relating to an expeditionary force that was sent out or dispatched. It came to be applied to a band of soldiers, or colonists and their settlement as well as to the commander of the expedition or an admiral. A common feature of all the definitions of the word was its passive character. In none of the definitions is there any suggestion of initiative on the part of the apostle. The word denotes the quality of being sent. In the New Testament, apostolos always denotes a man who is sent with full authority and is synonymous with the Hebrew word shaliach as is evidenced in John 13:16. Here is a legal term relating to one who is lawfully charged to represent the person and cause of another. This meaning is confirmed by the juxtaposition in this verse of the Greek words doulos/kurios and apostolos/pemptsas. Here the servant (doulos) stands under full jurisdiction of his master (kurios) and derives from him all that he is. Apostolos also denotes the “commissioned representative of a congregation” (Acts 13:2ff). Finally, the term signifies the “bearers or proclaimers of the NT message.” The latter meaning applied to not only the original twelve apostles that Yeshua commissioned and sent out, but to the first Christian missionaries or their most prominent representatives (Acts 14:4, 14). According to Paul, the apostles (1 Cor 12:28f) aren’t officials of the congregation, nor the chief of such officials, but are officers of Yeshua by whom the church is built (ibid. vol 1, p. 407ff). 

Attributes of an Apostolic Ministry 

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