Hillsong worship leader Marty Sampson announces he’s ‘losing’ his faith

I don’t know who this person is, and I’ve never heard of him before, but the reasons he gives for denying his faith are sad and pathetic. If this person really knew his Bible from cover to cover—the whole counsel of YHVH Elohim’s word, he wouldn’t be making these statements. Frankly, he’s revealing his ignorance of the Scriptures.

This brings me to my next point. Just because a person is famous and is on a church stage doesn’t mean a thing. First, they may not even know their Bible. Second, they might not even be saved (converted spiritually from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light). Third, they might simply be a very good actor. Fourth, they might actually be a tare, or worse, a plant of the devil. I have no idea about this fellow. I’m just making general statements based on my deep knowledge of Scripture, on human nature, on the current harlot church system, and my having been in ministry for 30 years 18 of which I head pastored my own congregation.

So what’s the bottom line? We must know those who labor among us (1 Thess 5:12). We must make sure that those that are up front in our churches are solid and mature spiritually—that they know the word of Elohim and that they have the fruits of a Yeshua and Spirit-led and submitted life. Just because they sing well, play a musical instrument well, have the gift of gab and can preach up a storm, or because they look good, are famous, have written a book or two, have done this or that doesn’t in and of itself qualify them for anything ministrywise in Elohim’s spiritual economy.

Right now, YHVH Elohim is judging the sick American and Western churches and the Babylonian system that largely empowers and validates them. YHVH Elohim is taking the lid off the spiritual garbage can called the harlot church system and exposing the pedophiles, sexual perverts, charlatans, phonies, false coverts, money grubbers, hypocrites, tares, actors, gospel peddlers, and demons posing as angels of light. Make no mistake: this is only the beginning. The faith of many will be shaken because of the failures of humans and religious institutions. Why? Because their faith is in men, NOT in YHVH Elohim and his Word (which most of them don’t know very well, if at all.)

So what can you do? Be strong and keep your eyes on Yeshua the Messiah, while standing on the solid and immovable rock of his word. Amein. — Natan

From https://www.christiantoday.com/article/hillsong-worship-leader-marty-sampson-losing-faith/133017.htm

Hillsong worship leader Marty Sampson announces he’s ‘losing’ his faith

Staff writer  Mon 12 Aug 2019 15:44 BST

Marty Sampson
Marty Sampson

Hillsong worship leader has reportedly walked away from the Christian faith after posting a – since removed – Instagram update in which he said he was “not in anymore”.

The post was removed but not before being captured by Patheos blogger Captain Cassidy and revealed Sampson’s apparent struggles with science and “contradictions in the Bible.  

“Time for some real talk… I’m genuinely losing my faith.. and it doesn’t bother me… like, what bothers me now is nothing… I am so happy now, so at peace with the world.. it’s crazy / this is a soapbox moment so here I go xx how many preachers fall? Many. No one talks about it.

“How many miracles happen. Not many. No one talks about it. Why is the Bible full of contradictions? No one talks about it. How can God be love yet send 4 billion people to a place, all coz they don’t believe? No one talks about it.

“Christians can be the most judgemental people on the planet – they can also be some of the most beautiful and loving people… but it’s not for me. I am not in any more.” 

The post continues with Sampson saying that he wants to know only the truth and that Christianity had become “like another religion at this point”. 

“I want genuine truth. Not the ‘I just believe it’ kind of truth. Science keeps piercing the truth of every religion,” he writes.

“Lots of things help people change their lives, not just one version of God. Got so much more to say, but for me, I keeping it real.

“Unfollow if you want, I’ve never been about living my life for others. All I know is what’s true to me right now, and Christianity just seems to me like another religion at this point.”

Hillsong could not be reached for comment on Sampson’s announcement.

Countless Christians have worshipped God to songs penned or co-authored by Sampson, who first joined Hillsong’s worship scene in the 90s. 

Popular songs in his discography include “Carry Me”, “Better Than Life”, “King of Majesty”, “For Who You Are”, “Take it All”, “Came to My Rescue”, and more recently “One Thing” and “O Praise the Name (Anástasis)”. 

The news has saddened many in the Christian scene who were still getting over a similar announcement made a few weeks ago by Joshua Harris, author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye

Within the space of a week, he announced that he was separating from his wife and that he had fallen away from the Christian faith. 


16 thoughts on “Hillsong worship leader Marty Sampson announces he’s ‘losing’ his faith

  1. We cannot under estimate the power of the devil to deceive, distort and distract in these times. He goes after prominent people because through their fall those who are new or weak in the faith are hurt by their example. I agree that we must have a close walk with the Lord based in the scriptures. If not, look out. The scripture twister is seeking whom he can devour.

    • Agreed. It almost goes without saying that there are countless reasons why people fall away from the faith. For men, sexual temptations is a huge reason, if not the main one. Other reasons include the love of money, placing one’s faith in human leaders who then let us down, growing weary in well-doing, discouragement, listening to the lies of the enemy, failure of institutions to line up with the word of Elohim and then losing faith in these institutions and transmitting that loss of faith over to Elohim and his word, false conversions, not knowing the truth of the Bible deeply enough and then having your faith challenged and not knowing how to respond, not being properly discipled before being placed in leadership roles (the Bible refers to this as being “uncircumcised fruit”), persecution, the cares of this life, not really loving Yeshua or losing one’s first love because of all of the above and many more reasons. All this is to say that we have to keep our faith alive and strong through an on-going relationship with Elohim through Yeshua by his Spirit and the constant washing and renewing of our mind through his Word. Hopefully this Bible study blog contributes in some small way to to helping keep people’s faith alive and strong.

      • Thank you so much for your steadfast faith in Yehovah Yeshua and His Words to us. He is the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE, and if we give up on that at any point, we are on a slippery, slippery slope. It is so encouraging to see a saint holding the fort with the banner raised for Yehovah and His Words to us and for such a wonderful article to help keep us on the right path. May Elohim keep you forever strong in the faith. He has blessed my soul through you today for sure! Hallelu Yah!!

  2. Sadly, I’m sure we will see much more of this….Hillsong makes some beautiful music, call me a skeptic, I thought they were pretty worldly, but on a more joyful note, this means He’s getting closer to returning, no?

  3. This is disturbing. I don’t know this guy either, but I know enough to be aware that many people looked to him for “spirituality” just as they look to pastors, teachers, whatever….because they don’t know how to find the Father on their own… they want a fun way, a comfortable way to try to have a relationship with the God they seek but perhaps can’t find. Nobody is teaching these folks to read the WHOLE of Scripture from cover to cover over and over again. They are looking to these folks in the pulpit or on the stage, when those folks….haven’t read it all from cover to cover either…and bothered to figure it out based on relationship with Father rather than relying on people to teach them, when all they’re going to get…is whatever the opinion was of the teachers in the seminaries or even worse…within the man made denomination. Sure…you’re going to see contradictions if you don’t read the WHOLE thing and reconcile it based on context and translation and the culture of the day when the words were written. This disturbs me because these two pretty prominent folks who presented themselves as those who “know” will now give permission so-to-speak, for hoards of others to also leave the faith and they will have never given the Truth a chance…only the peddled words of those who didn’t have a clue what the truth is. NOTHING substitutes for the foundation built from reading the Word of God on your own over and over…ALL of it… prayerfully. Professionals in the pulpit and on the stage…. we are seeing now they have no foundation….they have been in church their whole lives listening to a 30 min sermon based on a single verse taken out of context, or read a daily devotional doing the same thing. I think the “church business model” has created this mess. It is so very sad. A couple of related questions for Natan or anyone: I heard and forgot the number(%) of believers who claim to have read the whole Bible from cover to cover…I recall it was SUPER low. Anyone know? Also…Natan…the seeming contradictions…here again I’ve heard the numbers but don’t recall…have you ever done an article listing the seeming contradictions and answered them? I know it would be a Herculean task as I recall there were many…

    • Well said. You addressed a lot of issues——problems in the church, each of which needs further discussion. Hopefully what you said will get some folks thinking. Thank you.

      BTW, I have to add one more thing. What is it that compels people to go on social media and to spill their guts to the world about all of their personal problems? Is it narcissism? A plea for help? A need for attention? Wanting people to feel sorry for them? Or hoping to find other people who are as confused, mixed up and or as mentally, emotionally and spiritually sick as they are who will agree with them to make them feel better in and who will justify them in their sick courses of action? Hmm…something to think about.

  4. Many contradictions are the biggest cop out and the false use of so called “science” (Knowledge) clearly observable in YAH’s creation. Rom. 1:20 I do know of this person and Hillsong who just put out a song clearly promoting evolution not creation. And it is sung in many churches and on Christian radio. Absolutely right Natan, when a person doesn’t know YHVH Word, they follow what is right in their own eyes. We must understand that many will be offended in these last days. Yeshua offended many because He is Truth He is the Word of YHVH. Just because we can’t understand or explain certain passages in YAH’s Word does not mean contradictions. We are not God, we can’t understand all things but we will remain faithful. As Yeshua asked His disciples after speaking a hard message, “Will you also go away?” for many walked with Him no more. John 6:66-67. Blessings upon you Natan thanks for all the scriptural teachings.

    • Seth, please tell me the title of that song. I had no idea, but having a big part in the music ministry in our fellowship, it would be good to know. Sometimes we sing these contemporary songs and don’t really think about the whole meaning of the verses…just enjoying the favorite phrases. Thanks so much.

  5. Very interesting Post:This am as I was getting ready my husband drew my attention to a big artilcle on the BBC ( under US & Canada.) news this am,The title: was Hillsong: A Church with rock concerts and 2 million followers.By Holly Honderick .BBC news Washington.many pictures & very long article.It reads a CGI Jesus Christ is projected during Hillsong’s performance
    It reads is Hillsong bucking the trend; a triumph of marketing ?? or Faith.!-As other churches face a downward decline in attendants.

    Everyone has their hands up & everyone is swaying.The opening bars of every song are met with a roar of frenzied recognition. The collective style of 10 members on stage is mirrored by their audience: skinny jeans oversized T – Shirts & tattoos.Celebrity following-
    pictures of Kevin Duran, .Hailey Baldwin & Chris Pratt.

    2 million followers on instagram .3.5 million listeners on spotify, 155 million Spotify plays of
    the bands hit single.Pictures of Hillsong at Washington’s waterfront venue.Also Hillsong’s church Los Angeles location- pictures also..

    these venues and just the whole way it is all presented- packaged does not look like anything that we as True believers would recognize as the early ecclesia, assembly of believers..eg as recorded in Book of Acts and the gospels; or anything like where Apostle Paul & others would have ministered let alone Yeshua himself..

    to me they just look like any other rock concert with a big stage & expensive lighting & sound equipment & all the Top Players out the front; to me it looks like celebrity status. No different to the world & their music venues

    I cannot personally see Yeshua ( Ruach Ha Kodesh.) in any of this modern garb/package/deal. Picture of Joel Houston receiving an award on stage during the 2016 Dove awards in Nashville.a christian?? music awards show. ( please!.. it looks too much like entertainment & awards ; marketing of so called christian music. in a candy coated package.( mans programs & walking in the flesh.)

    One Pastor here in Australia..at a well known local congregation not far from where we live.. recorded on his blog site only 1 week ago a Warning Dream from Elohim re the mega churches both here in Australia but probably all of them..his opening statement read..

    warning to mega churches – genuine or fake? !!- based on 2-3 dreams/visions Pastor received during the early morning hrs.he was taken back to the 1950’s in the dream where everyone was shopping at the small corner store.. then he saw the big multi national supermarkets but the packaged food in them was not as fresh & healthy as the small corner store in the 50.s he related this like the spiritual food of the Mega churches as opposed to the Spirit filled churches in the 50’s who would wait on the Ruach for 2-3 hrs in their services..there would be many repenting & genuine transformations of souls for the Kingdom by the power of the Holy Spirit ( Ruach – plus healing & deliverance.)

    The Ruach warned him- multitudes multitudes & multitudes are being led astray- false gospel by wolves in sheeps clothing My son’s & daughters have walked away from My-Elohims covering & They are a part of the mega church syndrome.Repent repent & turn back to me & my true word.A recent survey said more are leaving the churches than coming into the Kingdom but many being led astray into the mega churches- 45 min. services with fake anointing, mirror balls and smoke machines. mega church has packed it’s product to suit the world.seeker/ user friendly. Something has gone really wrong somewhere. ( i would say a big giant spiritual battle.-stronghold ) only won on our knees -with fasting & repenting. for the Lukewarm . & deceived.) sorry long…! but this was so appropriate when I read Natan’s post. . .

  6. One of his statements above is:
    “I have never been about living my life for others.” That indicates to me that he never saw himself as a servant of Adonai or His people. Rather, he used the church as a steppingstone into fame.

  7. This person has also some good reasons to leave Christianity. But should not leave his faith in God, only what Christianity had done to the Word. He should start reading the Bible from page 1 and ask God for wisdom. If he at all ever was a Believer.

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