The Origins of Christmas—The Rest of the Story (just the facts, nothing more)

How and When Christmas Came Into the Church Did you ever wonder how the non-biblical holiday called “Christmas” came into the mainstream Christians church? What follows is the backstory to Christmas—the rest of the story. Christmas was not among the … Continue reading

Natan’s Commentary on Psalms 38 to 45

Psalm 38 Psalm 38:1–40, Trials because of sin, resulting in divine judgment and followed by true repentance. This chapter discusses the nacham or sorrowing, grieving or anguishing side of repentance or teshuvah. Bible teachers seldom discuss this aspect of repentance. … Continue reading

Deuteronomy 31—Will YOU be faithful to YHVH’s commandments?

Deuteronomy 31 Deuteronomy 31:3, YHVH your Elohim … will go over before, and he will destroy these nations. YHVH promised to destroy Israel’s enemies before them. Who or what are your enemies? Do you believe YHVH’s promises here? Some of … Continue reading