Hebrews 5–7 on the Melchizedek Priesthood, the “Once Saved Always Saved” Doctrine and the Torah Upheld

Hebrews 5 Hebrews 5:2, Ignorant and going astray. Or ignorantly erring. Hebrews 5:6, Order of Melchizedek. Or King of Righteousness. This is the original priesthood that YHVH established to represent him on the earth and to teach humans his ways. … Continue reading

Colossians 2—What was wiped out and nailed to the cross?

The mainstream church has lied to you about Colossians chapter two. How is this, you ask? Read on for the answer… Colossians 2:14, Having wiped out. Here Paul mentions that Yeshua blotted out the handwritings of legal decrees that were … Continue reading

Galatians 3—What is “the curse of the law”, what was “added” and who are what is “school master”?

Do these Galatians Scripture passages nullify the YHVH’s Torah-law as the mainstream church teaches, or do they validate the Torah as the church does not teach? Read and find out… Galatians 3:13, Curse of the law. The curse of the … Continue reading

Are YOU part of the end-times Elijah Generation preparing the way for the Messiah?

Isaiah 40:1–26, Isaiah the prophet ministered in Judah for about 40 years from 740 to 697 B.C., approximately 100 years before the southern kingdom of Judah fell to the Babylonians in 586 B.C. Judah’s captivity in Babylon would last for … Continue reading

The De-Judaizing of the Early Church Fathers Paves the Way for Anti-Semitism

After the death of the last apostle, and as time went one, the early church fathers took on a more strident tone against the Jews and their beliefs including the law of Moses. Here are several examples of this: Ignatius, … Continue reading