Deuteronomy 14–16 on a Peculiar, Kosher, Generous, Feast-loving people

Deuteronomy 14 Deuteronomy 14:2, A peculiar people.The saints are called to be the kadosh (set apart) and peculiar or treasured people of YHVH. What we eat (verse 3ff) is a key factor in being set-apart unto YHVH. After all, if … Continue reading

Isaiah Chapters 1 to 20—Selections from Natan’s Commentary Notes

The Spiritual State of America and Other Formerly Christian Nations Isaiah 1:3, The ox knows its owner. The “Beasts of the Field Explained.” Apostasy and spiritual degradation leads to one place: a complete loss of one’s spiritual identity. When one … Continue reading

Exodus Chapters 33 to 34—Natan’s Commentary Notes

Exodus 33 Exodus 33:1–2, YHVH…my Angel/Messenger.Who is YHVH and who is the Angel? If YHVH is the preincarnate Yeshua, then who is this Angel? Exodus 33:7, Moses took his tent.There comes a time when the anointed servant of the Most … Continue reading