We’re killing ourselves…

Garbage in garbage out. We get out of something what we put into it. Why should we expect good results out of bad actions? It’s illogical to do so.


Yet quite often I have to pray for healing over sick people who are putting garbage into their bodies in the junk food and chemical pharmaceuticals they consume, and the carcinogenic poisons they smear onto their bodies in the cosmetics, soaps and creams they use. Now they are unhealthy and their bodies are riddled with diseases and they wonder why, and they want YHVH to heal them, even though they refuse to change their lifestyles.

Quite frankly, I struggle praying for such people. My healing faith for them is small.

Why should Yah heal them when they profane the body he has given them and refuse to repent their deleterious ways? Answer that question!

In our modern, self-indulgent culture, I see this going on all the time. It grieves me greatly, yet many people are so lacking in self discipline and they stiffen their necks at the thought of changing their errant ways, and you can’t tell them otherwise. How sad!

We’re killing ourselves and we wonder why…


Please pray for Brandon…

This email was posted on this  blog today. Please pray for Brandon.



I don’t know if you remember me. I contacted you a few months ago and asked you some questions, commented on your youtube a few times.

Im asking you for prayer. I wish I had the money to eat kosher, but Im constantly facing poverty and homelessness. I have been homeless a few times. I had a job for 2 years but recently tried to take a step up in life and fell down. Now I am wondering what to do, I might move into a homeless shelter in the city.

But anyway Im asking you pray for me sir. I remember most Churches I have ever been too I was homeless going through a rough time and they just looked at me and didn’t really care or even bother to put me in a warm bed for a night, and when I was dressed in rags they really didn’t care. I slept out in the cold, under bridges, clothes torn and worn, attending their Church and they treated me like a leper. People wouldn’t even approach me. I was a burden to them.

I was not too impressed with these “brothers and sisters”. I believe in Isaiah, thats where God talks about clothing the needy feeding the homeless. Hes all about helping people and the Apostle Paul said he was “eager to remember the poor”.

However most “Christians” I meet are so far from him. I don’t know of any Torah observant ministries around here to disciple me, and there aren’t many jobs where I am out in the country. I don’t have a car and Im on the verge of going homeless again.

So I might move into the city and be homeless again. Maybe I will meet more Christlike and Apostle type Christians and maybe they will help me. Please pray for me I dislike sleeping outside on the ground. I will if I have to but its not my favorite thing to do.

Just make a special prayer request for me ok? By the way, keep using those goofy glasses!

Your distant friend,



From Messy Antics to The Dance of Lovers

Alone in a Dark, Strange House

Have you ever found yourself groping and stumbling around in a totally dark, strange house without a light? Many people who have left the Christian church with some vague notion of returning to the Hebrew roots of their faith find themselves in such a house. Welcome to the house of the Messianic /Hebrew Roots Movement!

Many of us have been there asking ourselves questions like: Where are we? Where are we going? What’s next? Who’s out there? Am I alone?

Shifting from a Christian paradigm and lifestyle to that of the Hebrew/Jewish roots of the Christian faith as modelled by the early believers in the Book of Acts and Apostolic Epistles isn’t an easy one. Perhaps knowing the transition zones or spiritual growth stages we all go through might be like someone handing you a flashlight in that dark house.

Even a little light on the subject might save your toe and keep you from doing a nose plant on the floor! Not only that, knowing the stages most inevitably go through when making the transition from a traditional Sunday Christian to a Torah-conscious and Yeshua-loving Hebrew might just…

  • help us to stay on course so that we won’t get stuck in one stage of spiritual development and fail to move to the next stage.
  • help leaders to see where people are at in their path to spiritual maturity, and help them to the next level.
  • help those who have advanced through these stages to be gracious and helpful to those who have not yet done so.

Here are the stages, as I see them. Personal experiences may vary, but I think that most of us have more or less gone through these steps ourselves. Read and see what you think. Continue reading


New Video: Hanukkah—The Deeper Meaning

Though Hanukkah is a non-commanded man-made biblical holiday, it is still rich in spiritual meaning for the redeemed follower of Yeshua. Though it falls during the Christmas season, it, in many ways is the opposite of Christmas, yet shares a common theme with Christmas. Learn about these and more in this video.


Confronting the Homosexualization of Our Society

Culture Wars Series — The Battle for the Soul of America

Today I looked at the headlines of a number of major Internet news sources (as I do every day). These included both conservative and liberal news outlets as well the major mainstream media outlets along with some smaller, yet respectable news networks. I was amazed at how many headlined stories relating to “gay” issues I found. Some news sites actually had several stories on their front pages on the subject. This phenomenon is no longer a unique occurrence.

The fact is that even though homosexuals make up a tiny minority of the population, they get a disproportionate amount of news coverage. Whether the “gay” agenda is being pushed on the majority of Americans who are heterosexual or not by a vocal and powerful minority isn’t the issue. Rather, it’s that “gay rights” is a front and center issue in America’s culture war pitting the clash of traditional Christian values with the post-Christian, more morally loose, modern generation.

It’s obvious to see that government at all levels along with the public educational system, the major media and the entertainment industry are actively forcing homosexuality as a normative and acceptable behavior on the American people. Those trumpeting the homosexual cause have as their weapons punitive so-called antidiscriminatory laws, the threat of lawsuits as well as boycotts and other means of exerting social pressure. In their cross hairs are any who oppose them including organizations, businesses, churches, schools, or individuals who dare oppose them. Already, the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts have caved in to the pressure. The traditional family is being redefined by homosexual activists, as well as the concepts of “male” and “female.” Restrooms and locker rooms are now the new battlefield for those wanting to erase the lines between the sexes.  Regardless of one’s stand on homosexuality, we have to deal with it. Ignoring this issue isn’t an option!

With the current lay of the cultural landscape in mind, I would now like to express my views on the subject of homosexuality from a loving, yet solid biblical position. Continue reading


New Video: Tighten Up Spiritually — Self Discipline Is Key to Being an End-Times Overcomer

Maintaining a tighter walk spiritually characterized by self-discipline is crucial to not only surviving the hard times before the second coming, but being a victorious overcomer. Natan encourages the saints to established a more disciplined daily spiritual walk.