Frauds in the Messianic, Hebrew Roots Movement Exposed

WARNING! THIS IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART OR RELIGIOUS GAME-PLAYERS. IT IS FOR THOSE WHO ARE SERIOUS ABOUT THEIR SPIRITUAL WALK. In this video, Nathan Lawrence calls out fakers, frauds, talkers and white-washed sepulcher hypocrites who are part of the so-called Messianic or Hebrew roots movement. This is a call to repentance and for everyone everywhere to get right with YHVH-Yeshua in preparation for his second coming and to stop playing nefarious games with His Torah-Word.


YHVH’s Torah-Law: Yeshua and the Apostles Versus the Church

What the Mainstream Christian Church Teaches

If you have spent anytime in the mainstream Christians church, you have heard taught that the law of Moses (YHVH Elohim’s Torah-law) was “done away with” or words to that effect. Is this what Yeshua the Messiah and his apostles really taught? How do those who teach that the law of Elohim has been annulled, replaced by the New Covenant and is thus, to a large degree, no longer applicable to Christians reconcile this view with the plethora of Scriptures that say otherwise? They cannot. 

No! The false teachers in the Christian church who teach that the law or commandments of Elohim have been done away with have spread before the people of Elohim a table full of vomit and are encouraging, no brainwashing, the people to eat of their fare. 

These doctrines and teachings of the mainstream church are nothing more than the traditions of men by which the clear, unchangeable and indisputable Word of Elohim has been made of none effect, which is something for which Yeshua castigated the religious leaders of his day (Mark 7:8–13; Matt 15:3–9), which is a stern warning to every so called follower of Yeshua today. 

Yes, as Paul astutely wrote and is as true now as when he  penned these words, “the carnal mind is enmity against Elohim; for it is not subject to the law of Elohim, nor indeed can be,” (Rom 8:7). The prophet Jeremiah had something similar to say about the carnal, rebellious and sinful nature of man as well especially when it comes to obeying the Creator’s commandments: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” (Jer 17:9). 

Yes, sadly, a long time ago, the leaders of the mainstream church chose to follow the inclinations of their evil hearts and contrived cunningly devised and pernicious justifications, philosophies and unbiblical doctrines of men to circumvent many if not most of the commandments of Elohim. These doctrines of men by which the Word of Elohim has been made of none effect were then codified into theologies, institutionalized into catechisms and doctrinal statements, and then taught in their institutions of education to be passed onto successive generations of deceived people. How sad and vile! 

This has been a vast calumny against the  clear Word of Elohim orchestrated by Satan the devil himself, who was the first one to question the Word of Elohim at the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, thus deceiving the first humans to believe the lie that YHVH did not mean what he said when he gave them commandments to obey. This lying deception led to the first sin and man being cut off from Elohim. 

The so-called early fathers starting in the second century A.D. fell for the same Satanic deception and bought into the same lie as Adam and Eve. These lies were largely institutionalized in A.D. 325 at the famous Council of Nicea as led and orchestrated by the pagan Roman Emperor Constantine. This was the nascence of the Roman Catholic Church, which has subsequently passed this false teaching on to all of her harlot daughters and to the spawn that has flowed therefrom. 

So why can’t more people see the fact that the mainstream church is incongruent with the biblical Truth they claim to follow? Especially, why can’t the religious leaders with their vast amount of education and advanced degrees including knowledge of biblical linguistics see this? As the saying goes, this is not rocket science! There are many answers to the question why so many Christian leaders are blind to one of the most obvious aspects of biblical Truth. We have already answered this question in part above. Additionally, for many, if not most, its the love of money, or power, or fame, prestige, and the social acceptance that comes from not questioning the status quo. But there is another reason to consider why the erudite have failed to comprehend obvious biblical Truth. It is this: YHVH declared that he would use the foolish and base things of this world (like your author) to confound the wise. Why? That no flesh may glory, and that all the glory should go to Elohim. As we read,

Because the foolishness of Elohim is wiser than men; and the weakness of Elohim is stronger than men. For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: but Elohim hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and Elohim hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;  and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath Elohim chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: that no flesh should glory in his presence. (1 Cor 1:25–29)

Moreover, those people who are Truth seekers and who go against the prevailing current of the mainstream Christian church and begin to study YHVH’s Torah-law, guess what? According to David, the study of the Torah makes one wiser than one’s enemies and teachers. This includes all of the doctors and professors in all of the Christian seminaries who teach that the law was done away with! Says David of those who study YHVH’s Torah,

Oh, how I love Your Torah-law! It is my meditation all the day. You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies; for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers, for Your testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than the ancients, because I keep Your precepts. (Ps 119:97–100)

The psalmist’s prediction was realized when the non-formally educated disciples of Yeshua were arrested and hauled before the Jewish religious elite of their day. In the Book of Acts it is recorded,

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Yeshua. (Acts 4:13)

What were the apostles’ only credentials? They had sat at the feet of the Yeshua the Messiah­—a Torah teacher.

What does this mean for the saints of Elohim in our day?

It is now time for the true saints of YHVH Elohim and the disciples of Yeshua to wake up to the hard cold fact, as hard to believe and as unpopular as such a realization may be, that they have been deceived and have inherited lies from the church system, and that they need to come out of the harlot system of the whore of Babylon (Rev 18:1–4). It is high time to get back to the Bible in preparation for the coming of our Lord, Yeshua the Messiah, who will judge us all on the basis of the whole counsel of his Word including his Torah-law (Matt 5:19).

The following is a list of phrases that the teachers in the mainstream church continually vomit forth to supposedly justify why YHVH’s Torah-law is no longer relevant to the New Testament saint. Read through this list, and then go on and see what Yeshua and his apostles taught on this subject. Then ask yourself this question: Who is right: the church or the Bible? Then go and do the right thing.

  • We are not under law anymore; we are now under grace.
  • The law was nailed to the cross; it was done away with.
  • Christ fulfilled the law for us so that we don’t have to do it.
  • Christ is the end of the law.
  • One is either under law or under grace; law and grace are mutually exclusive terms; when it comes to law and grace it is “either or,” “not both and.”
  • We have been freed from the works of the law.
  • We are saved by grace, not by the works of the law; therefore, we do not need the law anymore.
  • The law was against us.
  • We are obligated to keep the moral aspects of the law, not the ceremonial aspects of the law.
  • It is a curse to keep the law.
  • The Epistle to the Galatians offers a convincing argument against the law.
  • Love is the fulfilling of the law. All we have to do know is to walk in love.
  • The curse of the law.
  • We’re dead to the law.
  • If we keep the law, we have fallen from grace.
  • The law was for the Jews, not the Gentiles.
  • Since we are not justified by the works of the law, we don’t have to keep the law.

What Yeshua Taught About the Torah-Law

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Church Lies—The Torah-Law IS Done Away With

What does the Bible really say? Was the law of God (YHVH Elohim) given from his lips to man really done away with, nailed to the cross, a curse, anti-grace, terminated, etc., etc. Did YHVH lie, change his mind, change his standards of righteousness for New Testament Christians, or has the church lied to you about this? What does the Bible really say? We give chapter and verse proof of the real Truth of the matter.


Mishaptim—Love Is the Fulfilling of WHAT Law?

Exodus chapters 21–23 (Parashah/Torah Portion Mishpatim) contain many laws of right conduct between people that YHVH gave to Moses and the children or Israel. These commandments teach us how to love our neighbor as ourself (i.e., Yeshua’s famous golden rule concept) and how to have peace and justice in a society. These same laws are what Paul refers to as showing love by fulfilling the law (Rom 13:8–10). Many of these same laws are those that mainstream Christianity tells its sheeple were “done away with.” So who is right? The mainstream church, or YHVH, Moses, Yeshua and Paul, that is, the Bible the Word of Elohim? This video contains the answers to these questions and much more.


Rebellion (Torahlessness) is as the sin of witchcraft!

1 Samuel 15

1 Samuel 15:3, Utterly destroy.Here YHVH was instructing Israel to commit genocide against Amalek—an action that does not set well with our modern Western mindset. Because of things like this found in the first three-fifths of Scripture, some Christians have even gone so far as to label the so-called “God of the Old Testament” as being cruel, vindictive, harsh and judgmental, while the “God of the New Testament” is, antithetically, loving, gracious and forgiving. First, such a characterization is a false one, since the God of both sections of Scripture are the same Being, for as both the Old Testament or Tanakh as well as the New Testament or Testimony of Yeshua tell us, YHVH does not change and is the same yesterday, today and forever. Therefore, if he is gracious and loving now, then he was then as well. Any characterization to the contrary is not only a misreading of Scripture, but a blasphemous accusation against the Creator on the part of those who make it. 

Second, when YHVH tells a person to kill someone, it is neither murder nor genocide, for it is merely exercising divine will on the part of the Just Judge and Creator of all things to execute his righteous judgments upon whomsoever he chooses. He gives life and it is his right to take it away. 

Third, in this case, he was not only judging the Amalekites for the murderous sin they had committed against Israel during the exodus, but also because they, as a people group, like all the other Canaanites, had given themselves over completely to Satanism with all of its demonic and wretched practices including child sacrifice. As a people group, they were demon possessed and totally reprobate. Similarly, at the end of this age, when Yeshua returns to this earth, he will similarly judge and destroy those who hate him along with the world’s Antichrist system that they created.  

Fourth, the reason YHVH was justified in genocidally killing the Amalakites along with the other Canaanites is that he had given them hundreds of years to repent and turn to him,which they had failed to do (Gen 15:16).

1 Samuel 15:11, Not performed my commandments.Not to obey any command of Elohim that applies to us, no matter how small or large a command it may seem, is to turn away from Elohim, which is the biblical definition of sin (1 John 3:4).

1 Samuel 15:12, Set up a monument to himself.Elsewhere, Scripture declares that pride goes before a fall (Prov 16:18). King Saul was on the verge of a hard fall. In our day, there are too many Christians leaders that establish monuments to themselves. They name ministries, colleges and universities and buildings after themselves. The construct vast building projects and churches, which they claim are for “the work of the Lord”. In reality, most of these are monuments to their ego and glory. The sad reality is that many if not most of these edifices sit vacant ninety percent of the time and are not even being used for the purposes claimed. A wise use of the people’s tithes and offerings to be sure! In the end times, YHVH is going to judge and bring down the religious system that the book of Revelation calls Mystery Babylon the Great and likens to a whore along with all of these arrogant ministers. When this system euphemistically reffered to as churchianity comes down, it will be hard fall, even as Saul’s fall and destruction was hard. The reign and life of King Saul is prototypical of this end times confused Babylonian religious Christian system, which is a mixture of both good and evil. As with Saul, Scripture declares that eventually the patience of YHVH Elohim will run out and his wrath will be poured out on his so-called servants who serve Elohim, to one degree or another, as well as themselves and mammon.

1 Samuel 15:23, Rebellion. Heb. meree meaning “stubborn refusal to obey or comply with authority, especially a court order or summons.” This is how Scripture views those who refuse to obey the commandments of Elohim.

Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft/divination. (See notes at Rev 9:21.) Witchcraft involves taking or usurping authority that does not belong to you and then using it illegally to control others for personal advantage. It can also involve taking something holy and exploiting it for personal advantage. This is what Samuel accused Saul of doing when he kept the cattle he was supposed to kill, so that he could at a later time offer up an illicit sacrifices without going through the proper Levitical protocols (as well as probably keeping some of the loot for his own personal enrichment). Samuel equated this act of rebellion with witchcraft (1 Sam 15:23). 

Saul had the proclivity to not fully follow YHVH’s instructions and to take matters into his own hands, for he had offered up a witchcraft sacrifice once before (1 Sam 13:9–13). Samuel rebuked him for it, yet Saul willing and knowingly repeated the same mistake again, which was strictly forbidden. Taking that which YHVH has ordained to be used legally one way and defiantly using it another way for one’s own selfish purposes is usurping the divine will or authority of Elohim, violating divine law and, as such, is an act of rebellion and witchcraft. 

In a general sense, all sin (i.e. the violation of YHVH’s Torah-Word or his instructions as delineated in the Scriptures) is a form or witchcraft in its broadest sense.

From this brief analysis of witchcraft as it relates to rebellion and sin, it is not difficult to ascertain that the entire world lies in a state of witchcraft. In fact, there are only two spiritual domains in human existence: the domain of obedience to YHVH Elohim’s instructions or commandments as spelled out in the Bible, and the domain of witchcraft or Satan, the god and ruler of this world. At the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, the first humans were confronted with a choice: follow Elohim’s path of righteousness or follow the path of witchcraft as led by Satan. We all know which path they chose, which is why the world in its present mess.

Saul was like many typical “Christians”. Like Adam and Eve, he chose a path of both good and evil. When it suited him, he chose the good path of obedience to YHVH; however, when it did not suit him, and he wanted a path that would cater to his carnal lusts, he chose the path of sin and rebellion, which is witchcraft. 

Similarly and as regards many modern “Christians”, the tendency is to choose the commandments that appeal to them, and declare the others to have been “done away with.” This is tantamount to ripping pages out of the Word of Elohim, spitting in the Creator’s face and telling him to go pound rocks. Hard words? No! This is the hard truth. Just because pastors, Bible teachers, churches, denominations and whole sects declare something is acceptable does not necessarily guarantee that it will past muster with the Creator, Supreme Lawgiver and Just Judge of the universe. It is still rebellion and witchcraft no matter the quaint labels and shiny, or shellacked veneer humans attach to it. Moreover, the majority consensus is irrelevant if it does not line up with the Word of Elohim.


Deuteronomy 31—Will YOU be faithful to YHVH’s commandments?

Deuteronomy 31

Deuteronomy 31:3, YHVH your Elohim … will go over before, and he will destroy these nations. YHVH promised to destroy Israel’s enemies before them. Who or what are your enemies? Do you believe YHVH’s promises here? Some of the enemies we have are a result of our own sinning and our repentance will bring our deliverance from them. But what about attacks that come against us through no fault of our own? What do you do about them? Do you realize who you are in Yeshua, and are you aware of the spiritual power you have as a victorious overcomer by the name and through the blood of Yeshua? (Read Ps 91; Luke 9:1; 10:19; Rom 8:37; Eph 6:10-18; Jas 4:7–10; 1 Pet 5:6–10; 1 John 4:4; Rev 12:11.)

Deuteronomy 31:10–13, You shall read this Torah before all Israel. Verses like this tend to expose the theological confusion that occurs in the minds of many Christian Bible teachers. For example, about this verse, Christian commentator Matthew Henry writes about the need to read the Word of Elohim and that doing so will “help us to keep his commandments.” Yet elsewhere in the same commentary he says that the commandments or laws of YHVH “are done away with.” 

Statements like these are representative of a split and incongruous, “double-speak” thinking on the part of many Christians when it comes to the commandments or laws of Elohim. Some laws, they say, we are to keep (e.g. thou shalt not murder, lie, commit adultery, which they refer to as “the moral law”—a non-biblical term), but other laws we can disobey (e.g. the Sabbath, dietary laws, and biblical feasts, which they refer to as “the ceremonial law”—another non-biblical term). 

Is it possible to have it both ways: to believe that we need to keep the Creator’s commandments, yet, at the same time, teach they are done away with? If so, then what is the meaning of such biblical phrases pertaining to YHVH’s Torah or Word as “forever,” “for a thousand generations,” “the same yesterday today and forever,” “till heaven and earth pass away,” “I change not,” and “think not that I came to destroy the Torah-law?” Is ­YHVH’s Word inconsistent and contradictory, or is this, instead, the case with the thinking of men? Is YHVH’s immutable character flawed with regard to keeping his Word, promises and standards or is man the one at fault?

In reality, we need to ask ourselves an important question: Do we have a high enough view of YHVH Elohim and fear him and tremble at his Word (Isa 66:2), or have we, in reality, demoted the veracity of his Word by contorting YHVH and his Word to fit the mindset of changeable and inconsistent man (which the Scriptures define as idolatry)? 

Moreover, have we, by denying the validity of some aspects of YHVH’s Word, bought into the lie that the serpent proffered at the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden when he told the man and the woman that YHVH really did not mean what he said and that humans can take the “have it your own way” and “pick and choose” approach when it comes to obeying the Word of YHVH (a philosophy that forms the basis for the religious movement called secular humanism, which is at the heart of all the religions of the world—including much of Christianity—except the true religion of the Bible)?

In reality, how many aspects of Christian theology are no more than a thinly veiled version of the religion of humanism in disguise? 

These are tough questions that the saints who are citizens of the nation of Israel (Eph 2:11–19) need to ponder seriously. At the same time, let’s not forget the words of Yeshua in John 14:15, “If you love me, keep my [Torah] commandments” and the words of the apostle in 1 John 2:5–5, “He that says, ‘I know him,’ and does not keep his [Torah] commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him. But whosoever keeps his Word in him truly is the love of Elohim perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.”

Let’s be honest with ourselves. The bottom line reason why man has a hard time submitting to all of YHVH’s commandments is nowhere stated more concisely in the Bible than in Romans 8:7,

[T]he carnal mind is enmity against Elohim: for it is not subject to the law of Elohim, neither indeed can be.

Deuteronomy 31:12, Gather together the people. … and the small children. A fundamental aspect of Hebrew culture is the teaching of the children. This is the primary responsibility of the parents as stated in the Shema (Deut 6:7) and secondarily that of the community of faith. Many parents have all but handed their YHVH-ordained charge in this area over to others: the church and the government educational system, day care, the baby sitter, etc. Additionally, often the children take the backseat in the education in many churches and Messianic congregations. Often pastors struggle to find volunteers to help in the children’s ministry. Is this right? Is this the heart of the Father? It certainly is not the heart of Yeshua who went out of his way to minister to the little children (Mark 10:13–16; see also Matt 18:1–5 and Mark 9:33–37).

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