New Video: Out With Leaven For the Feast of Unleavened Bread

What is leaven? Why does YHVH command his people to deleaven their homes for Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread? What are the important spiritual lessons to be learned from this physical exercise? How will this help you in your walk as a follower of Yeshua the Messiah? This video answers these questions and more.


Are you ready for Passover? Here’s some help.

Passover is coming soon. Now is the time to prepare to meet Yeshua at Passover. Here are some points to consider that will help get you ready for Passover.

  • As the children of Israel applied the lamb’s blood to the door posts and lintels of their house, so we must apply the sin-cleansing and Satan-defeating blood of Yeshua afresh to our lives (i.e., to your thoughts as represented by the door lintel and actions and to our hands as represented by the door posts).

Passover 2

  • In ancient Israel, YHVH judged all those who weren’t under the blood of the lamb. Unrepented sin has a death claim on us all. To the degree that one has sin in their life is the degree that the spirit of death as a hold on one’s life. Now is the time to repent of sin by confessing it and seeking Elohim’s forgiveness under the blood of Yeshua.
  • Pass on to the next generation by telling your children the Passover story. Explain how the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt (the world) to Pharaoh (Satan), and how YHVH delivered them from the judgment of the destroyer (YHVH’s judgment against sin) because they put the blood of the lamb on their doorposts (a picture of Yeshua’s sin-atoning death on the cross).
  • Prepare your heart and mind to obey YHVH by keeping his appointed times of Passover and Unleavened Bread. Are we going to obey his commands pertaining to these observances? How much do we love him (John 14:15)? How much do we want to know him (1 John 2:6–7)? Celebrating these feasts help us to love and to know him better. Continue reading

What’s the Big Deal About Abib Barley? It’s in the Bible, so you need to know!

Exodus 9:31, The barley was in the head Barley was cultivated as a grain crop in ancient Egypt, as well as in Israel, and grows wild like a weed throughout the region to this day. Several passages in the Scriptures witness to the fact that the barley was the indicator of which month was to be the first month of the year for the Israelites, so that they could determine when the biblical feasts were to be observed.

Observe the month of Abib, and keep the Passover unto YHVH your Elohim: for in the month of Abib YHVH your Elohim brought thee forth out of Egypt by night. (Deut 16:1, emphasis added)

Barley in Israel  2

Please notice, the definite article the proceeding the phrase “month of Abib.” The state of the barley indicates a specific month in the spring. Months in the biblical Hebrew calendar have always been determined by the first visible sliver of the new moon from antiquity. This specific month is to be the beginning the biblical new year (Exod 12:2). The month of the Abib is not so much the name of a month as it is a description of the month. Below are listed the other three places in the Scriptures where this phrase is found.

This day came you out in the month Abib. (Exod 13:4)

You shall keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread: (you shall eat unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded thee, in the time appointed of the month Abib; for in it you came out from Egypt: and none shall appear before me empty). (Exod 23:15)

The feast of unleavened bread shall you keep. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, in the time of the month Abib: for in the month Abib you came out from Egypt. (Exod 34:18)

What does the word abib in the phrase “the month of the Abib (or Aviv)” mean? Continue reading


New Video: Sukkot Northwest (Feast of Tabernacles) 2013 Highlights

This short video contains highlights from Sukkot Northwest’s 2013 eight-day long Feast of Tabernacles & Shemini Atzeret celebration — a rustic encampment in the intermountain wilderness of Central Oregon, USA. Never been to one? Watch the video, get the flavor, catch the vision and join us next year!


New Video: The Feast of Tabernacles

The fall biblical festival called the Feast of Tabernacles (in Hebrew, Sukkot) is a prophetic picture of the millennium when Yeshua the Messiah, along with the saints, will be reigning over this earth. In this video, Dr. Joseph Dombek explains the past, present and future implication of this festival and how it relates to the redeemed believer.

We invite you to watch this video at:


New Video: The Five-Fold Ministry Explained

In this video, Natan Lawrence explains the ministry offices of Ephesians 4:11 with special emphasis on the ministry of the apostle and prophet. He discusses how these, along with the other ministry offices should function in the local assembly and how the modern church has often missed the true intent of these ministries.


Sukkot Northwest 2013 photos — Wish you were here!

Shalom everyone from the intermountain region of Central Oregon, USA where we are celebrating Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) with other like-minded redeemed Israelites who are returning to the Hebraic, pro-Torah roots of the Christian faith.

Below are a few photos I took with my I-Phone that will give you a small taste of what’s been going on here. More will come later.

We’re at a state campground where there’s no cell phone/wi-fi connections. Right now, I’m sitting in a Starbucks in nearby Bend, Oregon getting ready to upload these photos from my I-Phone.

I’m also in the process of trying to upload a teaching that Dr. Joseph Dombek, my assistant  shepherd at our Congregation Elim (Portland, Oregon) gave  here in La Pine on Sukkot. It’s a basic overview of this biblical feast that I recorded. YouTube is unusually slow at the moment, so I’m not sure if I’ll get Dr. Joe’s great teaching uploaded before we leave this Starbucks’ wi-fi hot spot.

Now here are the photos.

Let Sukkot NW 2013 at in La Pine, Oregon, USA begin.

Let Sukkot NW 2013 at in La Pine, Oregon, USA begin.


The Congregation Elim/Sukkot NW 2013 praise and worship team.

The Congregation Elim/Sukkot NW 2013 praise and worship team.


The Sukkot NW 2013 Sukkah.

The Sukkah NW 2013 Sukkah.


Worshipping YHVH in the dance at Sukkot NW 2013 in the wilderness of Central Oregon.

Worshipping YHVH in the dance at Sukkot NW 2013 in the wilderness of Central Oregon.

Tammy, Abigail and Terry from Texas, praising YHVH with lulavim in hand.Tammy, Abigail and Terry from Texas, praising YHVH with lulavim in hand.

Luzvi praising YHVH with tambourine, Linda with the praise banners, and our Davidic dancers in the background.

Luzvi praising YHVH with tambourine, Linda with the praise banners, and our Davidic dancers in the background.

John from California with tzitzit tied into his biblical beard.

John from California with tzitzit tied into his biblical beard.


Brother bill decked out in Hebraic regalia worshipping YHVH at Sukkot NW 2013.

Brother bill decked out in Hebraic regalia worshipping YHVH at Sukkot NW 2013.