‘Shocking’ New Poll: Only 37 Percent of U.S. Pastors Hold a Biblical Worldview

Little comment is needed here. The article says it all. Is it any wonder why America is as sick spiritually as it is? When the head is sick, the whole body is sick. Or to put it another way, as goes the church house, so goes the state house, the courthouse and all the way up to the White House. Judgment begins first at the house of Elohim, as Scripture tells us.

From https://www.christianheadlines.com/contributors/michael-foust/shocking-new-poll-only-37-percent-of-us-pastors-hold-a-biblical-worldview.html

Michael Foust | ChristianHeadlines.com Contributor | Friday, May 13, 2022

Pastor holding a Bible in a pew

A majority of Christian pastors in the United States do not hold a biblical worldview, according to surprising new research from pollster George Barna, who says the data shows a spiritual awakening is “needed just as desperately in our pulpits as in the pews.”

The survey, released Thursday by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, shows that only 37 percent of pastors in the U.S. hold a biblical worldview.

Among senior/lead pastors, 41 percent possess a biblical worldview – the highest percentage within the sub-groups of pastors. Less than one-third of associate/assistant pastors (28 percent), teaching pastors (13 percent) and children’s/youth pastors (12 percent) hold a biblical worldview, the data found.

An accompanying report labeled the findings “shocking.”

“This is another strong piece of evidence that the culture is influencing the American church more than Christian churches are influencing the culture,” said Barna, director of research at the university’s Cultural Research Center.

The survey’s findings were based on 54 questions in eight categories related to a biblical worldview. Within those eight categories, the only one where a majority of pastors affirm a biblical worldview is related to the purpose and calling of life (57 percent). A minority of pastors hold a biblical worldview in the other seven categories: family and the value of life (47 percent); God, creation and history (44 percent); personal faith practices (43 percent); sin, salvation and one’s relationship to God (43 percent); human character and human nature (40 percent); lifestyle, personal behavior and relationships (40 percent); and beliefs and behaviors related to the Bible, truth and morality.

The data on children’s pastors and youth pastors, Barna said, is particularly discouraging.

“Keep in mind,” Barna said, “a person’s worldview primarily develops before the age of 13, then goes through a period of refinement during their teens and twenties. From a worldview perspective, a church’s most important ministers are the children’s pastor and the youth pastor. Discovering that seven out of every eight of those pastors lack a biblical worldview helps to explain why so few people in the nation’s youngest generations are developing a heart and mind for biblical principles and ways of life, and why our society seems to have run wild over the last decade, in particular.”

Despite the gloomy data, Barna offered a glimmer of hope by noting that “you cannot fix something unless you know it’s broken.”

“God is in the transformation business,” he said. “Pastors who are willing to allow Him to transform their thinking and behavior can emerge from that process as a powerful example of what can happen when one’s heart, mind and soul are surrendered to God. It certainly seems that if America is going to experience a spiritual revival, that awakening is needed just as desperately in our pulpits as in the pews.”


The Great Reset Proven and Explained

This is an excellent short video talking explaining the world’s leaders’ concept of the Great (Global) Reset where, by 2030, they envision that the people of the world will own nothing and be happy for it. This all ties in to the biblical prophecies concerning Babylon the Great—something we have been discussing a lot recently on this blog. Thank you Charity for bringing this video to our attention.


Combat the Religion of Antichrist Called Wokeness—Celebrate Passover!

Make no mistake. The political correctness of Wokeism is a religion for those who either hate or cavalierly dismiss Elohim, Yeshua the Messiah and the Bible—the Word of Elohim. This religion, which is that of the Babylon the Great New World Order, is sweeping across the planet and devouring all those who have little or no faith in Yeshua the Messiah. It will gobble you up also if you don’t stay strong in your faith. This will happen little-by-little without your even knowing it if you aren’t locked and loaded for Yeshua the Messiah and strongly know and adhere to biblical capital T truth. This video is a practical guide on how to stay strong in your faith and not fall to the lies of Satan the devil as embodied by the latest permutation of his religion of rebellion against YHVH Elohim called (leftist) Wokeism.


Combatting the Religious Wokeness Spirit of Antichrist By Celebrating Passover

Dealing With Truth Issue—What Is Capital T Truth?

A cosmic struggle between light and darkness, error and truth has been going on in this earth ever since the snake in the tree made his debut and deceived the first humans into giving up the Truth of Elohim for the lie of the devil. How is this struggle between the forces of light and darkness manifesting itself on planet today, and what can the saints do about it?

Two categories of people exist in this cosmic struggle. Those who adhere to Truth who will pay a high cost—they will lose their lives and gain the world. Then there are those people who reject Truth will pay even a higher cost—they will gain the world and lose their lives, so says Yeshua who lost it all for us.

Capital T Truth is at the epicenter of this struggle. Every human is confronted with a choice with regard to Truth. Will he or she seek and follow that Truth or reject it? To not make a choice is to reject Truth. 

What is that Truth?

Yeshua the Messiah, the Living Torah-Word of Elohim, was the Light of Truth personified who came to pierce the darkness of this world.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim… And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:1, 14)

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John 1:4–5)

That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of Elohim, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of Elohim. (John 1:10–13)

Sadly, nearly everyone around Yeshua totally rejected him including his own disciples and brothers up to his crucifixion. This is because each person has to face their own dark night of the soul: will they adhere to the Truth no matter what, or will they cave in to the extreme pressures of the world, the flesh and the devil that will be exerted against them?

Each person faces their dark night of the soul at different times. It may be the lure of money, the need social acceptance and the need to be recognition, peer pressure (family, friends, job, school), lust for sexual fulfilment and need for “love”, or whatever, the fear of death—of losing something important, of rejection, social ostracization. No one knows when their dark night of the soul will come when they will be forced to stand for Truth. Jacob experienced his when facing with death, and he had to wrestle with himself and Yeshua. Moses spent forty years in the wilderness being tested, then had the burning bush experience, then had to circumcise his sons. His wife left him over this and his ministry calling. He had to make the choice to follow YHVH or his wife. Yeshua faced his dark night in the Garden of Gethsemene (the olive press), and the disciples faced theirs at Yeshua’s arrest. When our time comes, will we stand for Truth, or will we cave or acquiesce to the pressure? 

The events surrounding the crucifixion revealed the metal of each person with regard to Yeshua. Either people flat out opposed Yeshua, the Truth (the Jews and Romans), or abandoned the Truth when forced to make the hard decisions requiring to stand for the Truth (the disciples).

The Jewish mob was opposed to Yeshua and yelled, “Crucify him” , while the Pilate, the Roman, was indifferent. He caved in to the pressure of the mob for political expediency. It was advantageous for him and his position to keep the peace no matter the cost. For him, it was about maintaining power and prestige in the eyes of Rome. The godless mob screaming, “Crucify him!” was the beginning of the modern manifestation of wokeism and its bastard child, cancel culture. Kill the truth that is a is a threat to your own subjective, feeling-based truth.

Yeshua’s disciples, on the other hand, faced their own dark night of the soul. How would they respond to Truth issues? Their initial response, like many Christians in our day, was to grow weary in the face of adversity. The disciples fell asleep in the garden, then they eventually abandoned Yeshua. Peter even denied him.

In our day, Truth is crying aloud in the streets for those who have ears to hear. Most people stop their ears from hearing the Truth because it is to disturbing and life-changing. The mass media, our educational systems, civil government, the societal culture in general is not only stopping its collective ears, but yelling and screaming like petulant children throwing a tantrum trying to drown out the voice of Truth originating from our Father in heaven. The mob is yelling, “Crucify him” or, in reality, “Crucify Truth!”

Questioning Truth

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When is Passover?

When to celebrate the upcoming biblical feast of Passover is currently the big question on the minds of biblically astute, Hebraically-minded followers of Yeshua. We keep his commandments because we love and want to know him, right? Right!

What follows will be a simple step-by-step guide on how to determine the date of Passover. It’s as simple as one, two, three or A-B-C, if you prefer. Once you have done this, you can figure out the times of the other biblical feasts for the rest of the year.

Step one: Determine when the barley in the land of Israel is abib (or ripe).

Step two: Once there is enough barley that is ripe, sight the new moon in the land of Israel. The next new moon that falls after the barley is ripe, will be the first day of the new biblical year.

Step three: Once you know the first day of the new year, then count forward 14 days to Passover, which is on the fourteenth day of the new year.

It’s that simple.

Once you know Passover, you can calculate the rest of the biblical feasts.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread is on the fifteenth day of the first month or the next day after Passover day. The Feast of Weeks or Pentecost is on the fiftieth day after First Fruits Day (always on a Sunday). In other words, between First Fruits Day and Pentecost there are 49 days or seven full weeks with Pentecost falling on the fiftieth day—always on a Sunday.

Once you know when the first day of the first month is for the biblical year, it is also easy to calculate when the fall biblical feasts are.

The Day of Trumpets falls on the first day of the seventh month.

The Day of Atonement occurs on the tenth day of the seventh month.

The Feast of Tabernacles falls on the fifteenth day of the seventh month and lasts for seven days. The seventh day of this feast is called, by ancient Jewish tradition, the Last Great Day or Hoshana Rabbah.

The Eighth Day falls on the twenty-second day of the seventh month immediately after the seventh day of the Feast of Tabernacles.

Important: The biblical new month always begins when the first crescent new moon is visible to the naked eye from the land of Israel. Sometimes is it impossible to predetermine on which day Passover or Day of Trumpets will fall, since this is contingent upon seeing the new moon. A biblical month can have 29 or 30 days. So if one doesn’t see the new moon at the end of the 29th day, then that means that the new month will begin at the end of the 30th day. This marks the first day of the new month. Therefore, it is impossible to know ahead of time the exact day of Passover or Trumpets. You have to wait until you see the new moon or don’t see it, depending on the situation.

Not knowing the exact day for Passover and Trumpets ahead time frustrates and irritates many people, since they can’t plan ahead of time when to take time off from work, or plan to rent a building when planning for a large gathering. For this reason, many people choose to follow the calculated traditional or rabbinic Jewish calendar (aka the Hillel 2 calendar). The problem is that this calendar was not the original calendar used by the Jews of Yeshua’s time, but was invented by the Jews of the dispersion and approved by the Emperor Constantine in the fourth century A.D. It is no longer an accurate calendar in that it usually does not fall on the days that the Torah tells us to keep YHVH’s biblical feasts. That’s why we reject this calendar as being biblically inaccurate.

We reject other calendars as well. These include the spring equinox calendar which is another unbiblical calendar. Neither the Bible nor the ancient Jews uses/used the the spring equinox to determine the biblical feasts. In fact, the Bible never even mentions the spring equinox.

Then there are other calendars such as the Noah calendar, the Enoch calendar, several Qumran calendars from the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the list goes on and on. People who, for whatever reason, do not want to follow the simple truth of the Bible keep coming up with new calendars to make themselves feel special as if they have discovered some hidden, esoteric knowledge that no one else has. The problem is that all of these calendars are all man-made and unbiblical, so we reject them as well.

Having said all of this, this year, Passover, based on the abib barley and the new moon in the land of Israel, will begin the evening of April 16 with Passover day being on Sunday April 17. The first high day the Feast of Unleavened Bread will fall on Monday, April 18.

If you are part of a Hebraic community that follows the traditional Orthodox Jewish calendar and will be celebrating Passover on a different day, we advise you not to cause division and strife over this issue. Celebrate with your community, but then follow Torah by keeping Passover quietly yourself on the exact day Scripture commands. This way, you are part of your community, but not violating the Word of Elohim.

If you want to know exactly when the biblical new month begins and when the barley is abib in the land of Israel, we cordially direct you to two of the reliable sources in the land of Israel that we use to obtain this information. They are:



If you are still confused about the biblical calendar, I invite you to read my articles on the subject at: https://www.hoshanarabbah.org/teaching.html#feast or watch some of my videos on the subject at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5EzE5DQnrHfWWbczzkRo6IOnglxhbRfM.