The Destruction of Society Through Drugs …Prophesied!

The book of Revelation says of the end-times Babylon the Great worldwide antichrist system,

…for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. (Rev 18:23)

The Greek word for sorceries is pharmakeia from which we get the English word pharmacy and pharmaceuticals. This verse in Revelation is foretelling the emergence of pharmaceutical drug companies and drug cartels that would control the behaviors and mental status of many people on the earth in the last day.


Below is an article I just read today on this subject that I want to share. My prayer is that YHVH’s people will find physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing through the power of the Word, Spirit and Blood of Yeshua to be set free from manmade drugs of all kind. It is my firm belief that if one has a vibrant faith in and relationship with Yeshua the Messiah as elucidated by the gospel message, and that if one loves him by observing his Torah-commands, this will keep one in YHVH’s spiritual river of life, so that we won’t need drugs of any kind (except for those rare emergencies) to keep us healthy.

Now here’s the eye-opening article:

19 Statistics About The Drugging Of America That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

 By Michael Snyder, on February 10th, 2014

The American people are the most drugged people in the history of the planet.  Illegal drugs get most of the headlines, but the truth is that the number of Americans that are addicted to legal drugs is far greater than the number of Americans that are addicted to illegal drugs.  As you will see below, close to 70 percent of all Americans are currently on at least one prescription drug.  In addition, there are 60 million Americans that “abuse alcohol” and 22 million Americans that use illegal drugs.  What that means is that almost everyone that you meet is going to be on something.  That sounds absolutely crazy but it is true.  We are literally being drugged out of our minds.  In fact, as you will read about below, there are 70 million Americans that are taking “mind-altering drugs” right now.  If it seems like most people cannot think clearly these days, it is because they can’t.  We love Continue reading


The hand of God in Super Bowl 48? Hmm…


Divine hand seen spanking Denver while honoring Tim Tebow

With more than 112.2 million viewers, Super Bowl XLVIII was the most watched television event in history, and perhaps God wanted it that way for a spectacular demonstration.

A new theory is being proffered by a South Carolina football fan suggesting the Almighty directly injected Himself in Sunday’s event to even the score, so to speak, after the Denver Broncos booted quarterback Tim Tebow, an outspoken Christian who is no longer playing in the NFL.

“God’s hand was all over this Super Bowl,” says David Campbell, a WND reader from Myrtle Beach, S.C., who explained his view of the divine intervention in a letter to the editor.

(To read the rest of the article, go to


How low can we go before we wake up (spiritually)?

Decadence: Seahawks Fans Run Riot After Super Bowl Victory

Americans only get excited over sports and Black Friday sales

Paul Joseph Watson
February 3, 2014

In another shameful reminder of how Americans care more about sports than the future of their own country, Seattle Seahawks fans reacted to their team’s Super Bowl victory by behaving like animals – lighting fires, damaging historic buildings and ripping down street signs during raucous scenes last night.…

While their entire country is being bankrupted, hollowed out, and flooded with illegal immigrants as Obama announces that he will ignore Congress and pursue his agenda via dictatorial executive fiat, Americans remain unmoved.

The only things that get them in the least bit animated are Black Friday sales and NFL football games. When a civilization reaches this point of decadence, a Roman Empire-style collapse is soon to follow.

To read the rest of the story and to see the video, go to



Reverse discrimination & homosexual tyranny — who’s next?

Please pray for those Christians business owners who, for biblical reasons, politely refuse to serve homosexual couples. This includes such businesses as bakeries, photographers, print shops and the like.
We have all read about such incidents in the news. At present, I am specifically thinking of the bakery in Gresham, OR that refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. The state of Oregon has now found them guilty of violating state anti-discrimination laws and will likely level fines against the Sweet Cakes bakery and Melissa and Aaron Klein, the owners.

15707138What we are seeing is the rise of reverse discrimination under the veil of “human rights.” It is all out war against the Bible and its adherents by rebellious god-haters and secular humanists who are scared spitless of the thought of accountability for their perverse and immoral practices. If they can can get the state to agree with them, somehow  this justifies and legitimizes their position as if this moves, much less impresses, the Creator and Just Judge of the Universe. This is pure wickedness on the part of the homo-fascists (by definition, fascism is a governmental system that promotes and enforces authoritarian, or intolerant views or practices) who are trying to cram their abominable (to quote the Bible, Lev 18:22) practices down the throats of peace-loving, but objecting Bible believers, and think nothing of destroying a business or the finances of a family in the process.  What about the rights of the Bible believers? Can’t the homosexuals rise to the level of liberality and civility by agreeing to disagree, walking away and finding a pro-homosexual business who will bake their cake?

Sadly, in our society, classic liberalism (where there is freedom to have different opinions without fear of retribution) is giving way to fascism where you have to believe the party line or be punished. The homosexual fascists with their government cronies, in a sense, have launched an inquisition against Bible-believing Christians and are attempting to purge society of all who disagree with them even as the Catholics attempted to do in the Middle Ages against the Jews and non-Catholics.

So please pray for the Kleins. Who knows who will be next. It could be you or me.

State says ‘Sweet Cakes’ discriminated against same-sex couple


Are Things Really Getting Worse?

What you believe determines what think. What you think determines what you do. What you do determines your destiny.

There seems to be a couple schools of thought out there among YHVH’s people. One group says that things in society are getting worse, and that this is a sign of the end times before the second coming. Another group says that things aren’t any better or worse than they’ve ever been. Things have always been bad and men have always been as evil as they are today. The only difference is that men’s evil deeds are simply more reported about today thanks to the immediacy of telecommunications and the internet.

What do you think? Here’s some data from a recent poll in the U.S. that’s cause for concern.


 NEW YORK, Dec. 22 (UPI) — 
Three-quarters of U.S. adults say they believe in God, down from 82 percent in 2005, 2007 and 2009, a Harris Poll indicates.

The Harris Poll found 57 percent of U.S. adult say they believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, down from 60 percent in 2005, and 72 percent … (read the rest of the story at


For those who think that everything is the same as it always has been, may I remind you of the passage in 2 Peter 3:2–14. Especially note verses 3 and 4. Hopefully these words will stir us up spiritually to “be found by [Yeshua] in peace, without spot and blameless” (verse11).

The bottom line is this: non one knows when their time on earth is up, or when Yeshua will return. So always be ready to meet him.



As in the Days of Noah (and Sodom)

You better duck because it’s all out war against Bible believers! You know it, see it all around you and read about it every day in the news.


As Duck Dynasty’s star Phil Robertson learned yesterday, you can say anything in our society no matter how crass and vile it is and be guaranteed  freedom of speech — unless of course you quote the Bible, or share your Bible-backed opinions. It’s then that the pervs, libs, hedonists, self-worshipping moral relativist humanists, and God-hating fascists in the media and entertainment industry and even some activist judges and politicians crawl out from under their rocks and exit their closets in unison (as if on cue from the devil himself) to crucify you.

Though I’ve never watched the immensely popular Duck Dynasty television show (I got rid of my television years ago), anyone who stands up for biblical values has my prayers and support.

You can read about this attack on fee speech and biblical values at and As you read these accounts of Robertson’s comments, notice how the Hollywood pervs mischaracterize Christians, Yeshua and the Continue reading


Addressing the “Gay” Rights Agenda

The “Gay” rights agenda is pushing itself into all aspects of society and is on a collision course with Bible believers everywhere. What should be our biblical response? How do we help those with gender identity issues and same sex attractions? What should be a biblical and loving response? This video explorers these controversial issues from a loving, biblical, but firm perspective.