Shabbat Shalom Beloved Fellow Saints!

As I often do early on the Shabbat morning, I strolled around my garden clutching my cup of organic coffee admiring the flowers in my personal Garden of Delight (the Hebrew meaning of Eden). As I talk to Elohim, I thank him for the wondrous beauty of his creation and praise him for his majesty. Remember what Yeshua said about the riches and wealth in this world?

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. (Matt 6:28–29)

Well, by Yeshua’s standards (and they are the true values to judge life by, NOT man’s artificially contrived ones based on pride and lust), I must be an exquisitely wealthy man: I currently have 16 species of flowers blooming in my garden!!! I praise Yah for this. My Eden brings me much joy, pleasure and delight. I carefully tend, protect and nourish my garden just like Elohim commissioned us to do at the beginning, and it blesses me back. Tending and keeping the garden was Elohim third Torah command to Adam and Eve (Gen 2:15).

And the Yehovah Elohim took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. (Gen 2:15)

Think about this for a moment. There’s something really deep, mystical and spiritual about gardening. For starters, it connects us to something beyond ourselves, which has a whole host of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits.… But we’ll save that sermon for another time.

In the meantime, here are some photos I snapped this morning. (Remember the days of  film cameras where you had to wait days or weeks between the taking of and sharing photos with others?)

So turn your eyes away from the sewage dump called the news headlines, take a break and think about the majesty of our great Almighty Elohim and his splendiferous creation for a moment. Please enjoy as you feast your eyes on these.



Some Good News! Pro-Life Student Activism on the Rise (Hopefully)

Kudos to these young people for taking a stand against the murder of babies euphemistically called abortion. May more bold and righteous young people continue to rise up against this evil!

Bet you didn’t hear about this in the mainstream media. At the same time, an anti-god progressive liberal burps or sneezes, and it makes national headlines all over America!

Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? (Ps 94:26)


Pro-Life Students Partake in Walkout for Unborn

Patrina Mosley

By Patrina Mosley | April 12, 2018 | 12:05 PM EDT

Rocklin High School student Brandon Gillespie, who led the organization of #prolifewalkout, scheduled for April 11 at 10AM. (YouTube, CBS 13 Sacramento)

America’s most pro-life generation is at it again. Pro-life students across the country partook in a planned school walkout on Wednesday morning.

After a California high school history teacher was suspendedfor talking with students about whether pro-life students would receive the same support for their human rights concerns as those who engaged in the gun violence walkout, student Brandon Gillespie was inspired to organize a pro-life walkout for his school that has now spread across the country.

With the help of Students for Life of America, the nation’s largest pro-life organization with more than 1,200 groups in all 50 states, Gillespie and other pro-life students meeting on their campuses will receive “resources, legal help, and training for all who want to take a stand for life, to remember those lost to abortion, to call for support for mothers and their pre-born infants, and to demand that Planned Parenthood be defunded,” says Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America.

Also, the Thomas More Society will be there to offer “legal help, free of charge, to students as they prepare to exercise their constitutional rights to stand up for life and to students who encounter a pro-abortion double standard at their schools,” said Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center.

Gillespie says, “I just want to spread awareness about the cruel things that are happening in Planned Parenthood clinics across the country, the cruel murder of these children who have done nothing wrong.”

Gillespie has inspired other students across the country to stand courageously for the dignity and sanctity of life.

Luke Gutierrez, 16, has organized a pro-life walkout for his school simply because he didn’t see anybody else doing it. He said he takes a stand against the one-sided agenda pushed to him and his fellow peers every day because he knows God created every person with a purpose, and that view should be represented as well.

In a promotional video for his pro-life walkout, he points out that 17 people tragically died in the Parkland high school shooting, but roughly 1,700 people die every day because of abortion.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 600,000 abortions were performed in the U.S. in 2014—with Planned Parenthood responsible for more than a third. In 2016, Planned Parenthood claimed to have aborted 881 babies per day—or one every 98 seconds. Since Roe v. Wade, we have lost more than 60 million people to abortion.

Gutierrez admits he is usually a shy guy and does not like to get out of his comfort zone, but he knows “[there are] issues in life you have to stand for and even though I’m a kid … if we don’t stand up for them, who will?”

This generation is showing no fear in the face of liberal bias in the classroom and on university campuses. There are some things that pro-life students are seeing as more important than getting their peers’ and teachers’ approval.

The moral conscience of our nation is rising. The voices of victims of the abortion industry are becoming louder. The wounded are becoming warriors, and abortion is becoming unthinkable.

As a pro-life generation, we hope to one day take our future grandchildren to an abortion clinic-turned-museum to remember a time when the unborn had no voice, and to declare, “No more.”

Patrina Mosley is Director of Life, Culture and Women’s Advocacy at Family Research Council.


Indiana Adopts Law That Counts Unborn Children as Persons

Please pray that what has happened in Indiana will spread across this nation! This is a major step in the right direction in the spiritual battle against abortion. May YHVH bless the governor and legislators of Indiana for this bold action.


Veronica Neffinger | Editor, | Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Indiana Adopts Law That Counts Unborn Children as Persons


The state of Indiana has adopted a new law that essentially grants personhood to unborn children.

Relevant Magazine reports that Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb has signed a bill into law that allows suspects to be charged with murder if they harm a pregnant woman who then loses her unborn child.

Pro-life supporters are championing this bill, as it acknowledges the personhood of unborn children. The law, however, does not apply to legally obtained abortions.

The law also brings to mind the Old Testament passage which says:

“Now suppose two men are fighting, and in the process they accidentally strike a pregnant woman so she gives birth prematurely. If no further injury results, the man who struck the woman must pay the amount of compensation the woman’s husband demands and the judges approve. But if there is further injury, the punishment must match the injury: a life for a life” (Exodus 21:22-23).

This law was brought to the attention of the state’s lawmakers by a woman whose 11-months-pregnant daughter was shot and killed. The woman felt it was unjust that the killer could not be tried for the death of the unborn child as well as the death of her daughter.

The law will go into effect in July 2018.



Home Churches—The NT Answer to Terrorism

Church bombings in Egypt, churching burnings in Africa and Asia, churches being shot up in America—what’s the solution? Home churches!

Think about it. Home churches are harder for terrorists to find and enter. They’re easier to protect. In a home church, everyone knows everyone, so terrorist can’t infiltrate as easily. They’re usually more spiritually vibrant, so less likely for the devil and his minions to take out. There are less people congregated in more places making it a more difficult target for the enemy to hit and to take out.

Also, it’s easier to invite family and friends to a home church or Bible study than to a building. That works well for evangelism!

Home churches are also tough on the unbiblical model of institutionalized religious structures, centralized denominations and hireling pastors, since it’s generally harder on the business model of the church system (i.e. controlling people for the purpose of collecting money), but it’s better for the people and their spiritual growth. This is a good thing. Plus home churches follows the NT model. Go read the book of Acts.

Home churches were the apostles answer to church persecution in their day. Again, go read the book of Acts!

From The Christian Post at

36 ISIS Suspects Sentenced to Death for Egypt Church Bombings 

Thirty-six militants accused of being part of Islamic State cells in Egypt have received preliminary death sentences for their alleged involvement in the bombing of three churches.

A military court has referred the cases of 36 defendants to the nation’s Grand Mufti with the recommendation that they be put to death. The defendants were convicted of being involved in four different acts of terror that occurred in 2016 and 2017, including the bombings of two churches on Palm Sunday last year, and an attack on a police checkpoint. They’re also accused of being part of the Islamic State cells in Cairo and Qena.

The cases were originally referred to the military court by Egypt’s Attorney General Nabil Sadek.

Two of the attacks occurred on April 9, 2017, when churches in Tanta and Alexandria were bombed during Palm Sunday attacks that were later claimed by the Islamic State terrorist group. The bombings took the lives of 47 people and injured over 120 others.

Additionally, some were convicted for their involvement in the bombing of the Botroseya Church in Cairo on Dec. 11, 2016, which took the lives of 29 people and injured 47. That attack was also claimed by the Islamic State.

The other attack occurred last January when eight policemen were killed and three were wounded during an attack on a police checkpoint in the New Valley.

The Egyptian news site Al-Ahram reports that the military court has referred the case to the Grand Mufti, Egypt’s highest official of religious law who weighs in with legal opinions and edicts. Earlier this year, the Grand Mufti approved the death sentence of a Muslim man who brutally murdered a Coptic priest in a Cairo street.

The convictions of the 36 suspects are subject to appeal. In addition, prosecutors charged three of the defendants with providing other militants with combat training at training camps and with training other militants to manufacture bombs.

According to Daily News Egypt, the case involves a total of 48 defendants who have all been accused of joining an illegal terror group and were not only involved in the four attacks but were also planning to launch other violent attacks inside Cairo that would have targeted Christians.

Reuters reports that 11 of the 36 are being tried in absentia. An official verdict is expected on May 15.

As Coptic Christians comprise about 10 percent of the Egyptian population, the community has faced numerous attacks from radicals in the past year-plus. In addition to the bombings, a number of Copts have been brutally killed in separate attacks and Christians’ homes have been burned.

Egypt ranks as the 17th-worst nation in the world when it comes to Christian persecution, according to Open Doors USA’s 2018 World Watch List.

The persecution comes as President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi has extended an olive branch to the Coptic community and has tried to foster peace and protection for the persecuted Christians.

In 2015, Sisi gave a speech before Muslim leaders at Egypt’s 1,000-year-old Al-Azhar University where he called for the Muslim leaders to lead a “religious revolution” that embraces peace rather than violence.

Sisi has also attended masses during Christian holidays to show his solidarity with the Coptic community. After he came to power in 2014, Sisi personally ordered the rebuilding of dozens of churches that were destroyed by Muslim Brotherhood extremists.

“When a law passed by parliament to protect churches was trapped in a maze of bureaucracy and indifference, [Sisi] intervened, ordering it all to be sped up,” American religious freedom advocate and informal advisor to the Trump administration Johnnie Moore wrote in an op-ed this week. “Under President el-Sisi, Egypt’s religious establishment has also signaled moderation.”


The Garbage Can Called American Politics Stinks to High Heaven!

Politics is a dirty, nasty and ruthless business. It’s largely about money, fame and power. Some people go into politics for altruistic reasons, but most are soon corrupted by the system and the requirements it imposes on them if they are to survive in its game.
Meanwhile, the political establishment is in an all out witch hunt war to destroy President Trump as demonstrated by the most recent actions of Mueller, the partisan politician hack, establishment goon and party “apparatchik.” Righteousness and the truth be damned, all these types care about is promoting the ruling elite’s narratives and agendas.
In your lifetime, have you every seen any president or politician treated like this before? The aggressors, like mad dogs, are rabidly on a search and destroy mission to find any dirt they can dig up on Trump or anyone near him in an effort to discredit and then drive him from office.
This nation has turned against itself and is trying to commit suicide!
Yes Donald Trump is no angel and he’s disturbingly rough around the edges. We all know this. Many of us held our noses and voted for him anyway. The alternatives were even worse. But at least you know what he thinks and where he stands, and, so far, he has done an amazing number of good things for this country.
The truth, however, is that the “progressive” pro-establishment, deep state, NWO crowd are no saints either, even though they’re now acting like a bunch of virginal choirboy saints.
Their duplicitous, hypocritical arrogance is repugnant to any righteous and Elohim-loving person. These politicians know that they can get away with it, since the mainstream media is complicity on their side and will cover for and defend them no matter what. This has further emboldened them to act even more vicious and hypocritical in their attacks on President Trump and all that he represents (which is more than half the Americans who voted for him)!
While doggedly attacking Trump like a pack of crazed wolves, they’re conveniently overlooking the criminality of Hillary, Obama, the Awan brothers, some in the FBI and CIA, and the list goes on. Moreover, how conveniently they’ve overlooked the sexual dalliances of other presidents like Clinton, JFK and FDR who, unlike Trump, actually did it while in the White House.
In the mean time, YHVH is revealing to the American people (and the world) the unrighteousness and filth in the garbage can called American politics. Let’s pray that enough people become so disgusted with the hidden things that YHVH is revealing for all to see that, in frustrated and desperate reaction to all this bad news, many people will return to the beauty of Yeshua and his word and the good news and purity of the gospel message!!!

Christian Privilege: The Only Road to Salvation and Utopia

In our current American culture of educational system, mainstream media and establishment entertainment induced political correct group-think indoctrination, minority groups of every stripe and color are clamoring for special rights and privileges.

Due to the superior priority our culture is now placing on feelings over intellect, many special-rights groups are feeling marginalized and persecuted, whether based on reality or not. This persecution complex is leading to feelings of offense among many often resulting in expressions of anger and bitterness against those who hold to a traditional and majority viewpoint in the society.

This angst among the supposed offended is manifesting itself in “justifiable” verbal hate speech and, at time, even in criminal violence against the police, schools, churches, gun owners, whites in general and white men in particular, religious and social conservatives, Christians, Jews, various racial and religious minorities and the list goes on and on with more people groups being added to this hate list nearly every day. The list of those who are offended include some people of “color,” many women, some Moslems, illegal aliens, non-Christians, the LGBTQXYZ… folks, socialists, Marxists, etc., etc.

From those who feel disenfranchised and disadvantaged by the so-called majority who, it is boisterously asserted, maintain all the positions of power, wealth, authority, and influence, we hear such pejoratively employed terms as white privilege, male privilege, and, again, the list goes on—you fill in the blank. The finger pointing, blame game goes on and on until, it seems, that our society will become so fragmented into tiny special rights groups of offended people that every man’s hand will be on the throat of every one else.

The latest group to hate is Christians, and the latest term to hate term to emerge from the gunk on the bottom of the special rights, woe-is-me, swamp of vicitmization is “Christians privilege.”

Well, I for one happily embrace the term “Christian privilege.” This is because there IS an advantage to being a Bible believing follower of Yeshua the Messiah (aka Jesus Christ). This privilege includes forgiveness of sin, becoming the recipient of the Creator’s grace, a better life in this world and immortality in the next world, and the list goes on and on. Just read the Bible for a full understanding.

The wonderful thing is that this privilege is open to anyone free of charge regardless of gender, ethnic origin, socio-economic status, past religious affiliation, and past sinfulness. Anyone can get onboard this ship. All you have to do is choose it.

For all those who only want to complain and whine about everything and everyone that makes them feel uncomfortable and challenges you to grow up, I say this: GET OVER IT. Become an adult, stop blaming others for your poor decisions and take personal responsibility. Put down your teddy bears, coloring books, and turn off Mister Roger’s Neighborhood. If you can’t get over it, then too bad for you. It’s your problem, not mine. I guess the school of reality and hard knocks will have to awaken you from your feelings-based state of comatose lethargy sometime somehow.  

The article that follows explains how literally anyone can become a recipient of “Christian privilege” and experience both the supreme temporal and eternal benefits therefrom. — Natan Lawrence


I have a story to tell. It’s a beautiful story. It’s about you and me, and our Creator who loves us more than we can know.

First, let me confess something personal. My greatest desire in life next to spending eternity with YHVH-Yeshua my Messiah is to help to be a catalyst for spiritual revival on this earth. That is, to see the light of YHVH’s truth transformationally pierce the darkness of men’s lives causing a mighty river of life from heaven to flow on this earth bringing with it love, joy, peace and the abundant spiritual life that knowing Yeshua the Messiah and loving him by keeping his commandments. This passion burns like an unquenchable fire deep within my personal spirit and soul. I believe this a resonation of the heart of our Father in heaven. 

My next greatest life ambition is to see as many lukewarm modern-day Laodiceans disciples of Yeshua awake from their spiritual slumber and to fall in love with Yeshua the Messiah and to love and serve him for the rest of their lives. Spiritual revival and awakening begins at home—deep in your heart and mind, and it spreads from there outward to touch a dark, sick and dying world. 

My prayer is that the message that follows, by YHVH’s grace, will help to bring spiritual revival and awakening in someone’s life this day.

Made in Elohim’s Image to Experience Pleasure in a Paradise

The Bible reveals that humans were made in the image of Elohim—both male and female. He put the first humans in a garden to walk and to commune with him in a sin-free paradise called Eden. Few know what the word eden actually means. It is a Hebrew word that literally means “pleasure, delight, luxury, dainty and finery.” The seventh day Sabbath is a weekly memorial of this paradise lost, and both the Sabbath and the annual biblical festival called the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot are both prophetic pictures of the Eden that is to come at the end this age called the New Jerusalem, which will be a heaven-like paradise on earth.

In the mean time, the human desire for pleasure, delight, luxury and for communion with Elohim that Eden afforded is an indigenous and integral part of our spiritual DNA. Think about it. What human doesn’t desire this greatly and works hard to achieve this state of existence? Many humans work nearly a lifetime, so they can retire to their “golden years” and live off their investments and whatever pension they’ve managed to acquire. To many, it is considered heaven on earth to spend their retirement years on earth playing golf, traveling the world, partying with friends, working in their garden or just waking up late and Continue reading


Aviv Barley Found in Israel


“This month shall be the beginning of months for you; it is to be the first month of the year to you.” (Exodus 12:2)
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March 18, 2018The Aviv Search Team has spent the past few days inspected the barley crop in the Land of Israel to determine whether this year needs to be intercalated with a 13th month. We concentrated our search in the Northern Negev, Judean Hills, and the Jordan Valley, as barley ripens first in these regions.

The barley in the Judean Hills and Jordan Valley was quite immature this year, while the barley in the Northern Negev was more mature. The most developed location we looked at in the Northern Negev had a good amount of patches of aviv barley. We also found some individual stalks at other fields.  It is the unanimous conclusion of the participants, that we found enough aviv barley to begin the year with the upcoming new moon sighting.

Photo by: Harold Tarter
Photo by: Yoel Halevi

We praise Yehovah for the protection He provided us on our excursions. I also wish to thank each of the participants of this year’s Aviv Search for contributing your unique skills and perspectives, and coming together as a team to make this year’s search another great success. And a very special thank you to all of you who have chosen to be a part of restoring the Biblical Calendar by supporting our efforts, we really can’t thank you enough for your support.

2018 Aviv Search Participants: Devorah Gordon, Yoel Halevi, Harold Tarter, Willie Ondricek (Northern Negev only), Cari Tarter (Judean Hills/Jordan Valley only).

I’m off to look for the new moon!

Devorah Gordon
Jerusalem, Israel