The Blood of All the Martyred Saints on the Jewish Leaders?

Luke 11:49–51, I will send them…the blood of all the prophets. How can Yeshua logically lay at the feet of the spiritual teachers of his day the blood of all the prophets and apostles from the time of Abel to Zechariah?

Blood stains

Simply this. In all that the prophets of old did and preached, they pointed the way to Yeshua the Messiah.

For example, Abel preached Yeshua when he brought a lamb offering to Elohim. By the fact that Yeshua’s generation of religious leaders would reject him and condemn him to be crucified, they represented a false, demonic and murderous antichrist religious system that had been responsible for the deaths of all of YHVH’s servants to that time. Instead of repenting of their sins and accepting Yeshua as the promised Messiah to which all the prophets of old had pointed, they joined their voices and forces with the chorus of antichrist rebels and dissenters including with Satan himself—the arch instigator of that rebellion—in rejecting the Messiah.

By rejecting Yeshua, they tacitly approved of the deaths of all those who had gone before him pointing the way to him, and were therefore just as responsible for the deaths of the ancient prophets as if they themselves had been the ones who had actually killed them.


Who is a fool?

Luke 11:40, You fools. Here Yeshua calls the Pharisees fools (Gr. aphron) or “senseless, stupid, without reason, acting rashly, without reflection or intelligence.”  (Cp. Matt 5:22.)

How does this compare with Yeshua’s forbidding his disciples from calling a brother a fool in Matthew 5:22? Let’s see.


Matthew 5:22, Brother…raca…fool. Raca is an Aramaic word meaning “empty, i.e., a senseless, an empty headed man, vain, worthless, shallow brains” and was a term of reproach used among the Jews. Fool (Gr. moros) can also be translated as “empty, i.e. a senseless, empty headed man.” In Luke 11:40, Yeshua called the hypocritical Pharisees fools (Gr. aphron) or “without reason, senseless, foolish, stupid, without reflection or intelligence, acting rashly.” In Yeshua’s mind, it seems that calling an unbelieving religious hypocrite a fool is one thing, but calling one’s spiritual brother a fool (without a cause) is quite a different matter. Therefore, it would seem that to Yeshua, there is a time and place even to call a brother a fool as long as one is justified (presumably on solid Torah-based, scriptural ground) for doing so.

The LXX translators replace the Hebrew word nabal and the Greek word moros. According the TDNT, nabal not only means “want of understanding,” but also refers to one who “is missing the true understanding of Elohim, acknowledgement or confession of Elohim. Someone who’s heart is hardened and whose spiritual eyes are blind and ears are deaf. The folly condemned here is apostasy from Elohim. Yeshua uses the moros in describing the five virgins who were unprepared for the bridegroom in his Matthew 25 parable. Apparently, they were in a far worse state spiritually than one might suppose from a casual reading of this parable.

The bottom line is this: We must be careful who we call a fool. The Creator made man was made in his image, and is thus a dignified, honorable and noble being. In Hebraic thought, anything that demotes a person’s honor not only is a serious offense, but is a slap in the face of Elohim, the Creator. One must be very careful and be certain that one has solid scriptural backing before applying such epithets to another person — especially one’s spiritual brother.


Who is the One who killed the firstborn of Egypt?

Exodus 12:23, 27 cp. 6:6 (also Deut 5:15; 7:19), The destroyer…who passed over…he smote the Egyptians cp. Will redeem you with an outstretched arm. Who is the outstretched arm or YHVH? It is Yeshua (Isa 53:1 cp. Isa 52:10; 40:10; Ezek 20:34–35) who is at the right hand of Elohim (e.g., Rom 8:34; Col 3:1; etc.). We know that the preincarnate Yeshua, the Malak (mistranslated in most Bibles as Angel) or Messenger of YHVH led Israel through the wilderness. Likely, the preincarate Yeshua was the arm of YHVH’s judgment against Egypt’s firstborn, even as he will be the hand of Elohim’s judgment against the wicked in last days and at his second coming (Rev 19:15, 21).


Beware of Blind Leaders Leading Many Astray

Luke 6:40, Perfectly/fully trained. Those disciples of Yeshua the Master-Teacher who are properly trained, fit out, prepared or equipped can become like Yeshua the Master-Teacher. Those who aren’t properly equipped or trained to teach are like the blind leading the blind and will cause others to fall into a spiritual ditch (Luke 6:39). Those who aren’t properly trained not only will be like a blind man, but will also be hypocritical in his judgments and assessments of things. This is because he lacks the experience, wisdom and skills to be able to point out the faults of others because he still inexperienced and has too many blind spots and is still like the blind leading the blind (Luke 6:41–42).

Blind Businessman

This is why Paul very carefully lays out the qualifications for those in spiritual leadership in the local congregation. A spiritual leaders was not to be an inexperienced individual, a new convert or a novice (1 Tim 3:6), but well-discipled in YHVH’s truth before hand (Tit 1:9). Paul says that it is good thing for a man to desire to be a spiritual leader (1 Tim 3:1), but it isn’t a good thing if he doesn’t meet the criteria or qualifications, which Paul then lays out (1 Tim 3:2–13).

The problem is that in our day, there are many individuals who desire to be leaders and teachers, who are self-appointed, and who have not been perfectly or fully trained. Since the advent of the internet, such people now have an easily accessible pulpit-platform from which to influence others. Sadly, they are like the blind hypocrite in Yeshua’s parable leading many astray and causing many to stumble and fall into spiritual ditches. Just because someone has a website, a YouTube channel, has published a book, spoken at a conference, has academic credentials or been on radio and television doesn’t mean they have been perfectly equipped or fully trained for such a vocation. We may not always know what a person’s background or qualifications are, but the spiritual fruit they produce, whether good or bad, can be an excellent indicator as to what type of spiritual tree they are, as Yeshua goes on to say in the next verses (Luke 6:43–45).


Yeshua Gave the Torah-Law to the Children of Israel

Who was the God of the Old Testament? The Bible proves that Yeshua (Jesus) is the one who led the children of Israel in the pillar of fire and gave them the Torah-law, not Father God as you will learn in this video.



Was Yeshua Born in a Manger or Sukkah?

Luke 2:7, Manger.

Manger. (Gr. phatne) The Greek word phatne literally means “feeding trough” and according to the word’s etymology and lexicology as stated in The TDNT, there is no indication that this manger is anything but a standard feeding trough or manger. Nevertheless, this manger may have been a sukkah or tabernacle, which is the flimsy little hut that Israelites build during the biblical Feast of Tabernacles (Heb. Chag Sukkot) as commanded in the Torah (Lev 23:33–43). Here’s why.

Christmas nativity scene

We see the connection between a manger and a sukkah in Genesis 33:17 where Jacob built booths (or tabernacles; Heb. succot or sukkot is the plural form of sukkah) for his livestock showing us that the Hebrew word sukkah (pl. sukkot) can also mean “livestock barn or manger” as well as a temporary habitation where Israelites dwell during the biblically commanded festival of Sukkot.

This raises the possibility that Yeshua was born in a festival sukkah during the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot and not just in an animal barn as Christian folklore would have us believe. The LXX Greek word for sukkah in Gen 33:17 is skenas meaning “habitation, dwelling or tabernacle” and is the same word used in John 1:14 and Rev 21:1–3 in reference to Yeshua tabernacling with his people.

Putting all the pieces together, Yeshua may have been born in a sukkah-manger prior to or during the Feast of Tabernacles with a human sukkah (or body, of which the physical sukkah during Sukkot is a metaphorical picture) in order to redeem man from sin, so that Yeshua might tabernacle with redeemed men forever in the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:3).


Peace on Earth; Good Will Toward Men(?)

Luke 2:14, Peace on earth. (See William Mounce’s Basics of Biblical Greek textbook, p. 43 for further explanation on this.) This often quoted phrase can also be translated as “on earth, peace toward men of good will.” This phrasing makes more sense, since the biblical concept of peace or shalom is a blessing only to men who have good will, make good choices or who are benevolent or of kindly intent, which is the definition of the Greek word eudokia.

green planet with the word peace

The shalom or total well-being, which is a gift from YHVH, doesn’t come to men who are of ill-intent or ill-will.

For example, when Yeshua was teaching his disciples how to preach the gospel, when going from town to town, he instructed them to lodge in homes that were worthy to hear the message. Upon them, the disciples were to leave their peace. Those homes who didn’t receive the gospel message were to considered unworthy and their peace was not to be left with them (Matt 10:11–14).

This teaches us that peace is something that is befitting of those who are worthy or of good will, and not to those who are unworthy or of ill-will.