Tzitzits Encounters of the Spiritual Kind

Numbers 15:37–41, Put a blue thread in the tassels of the corners. In this passage of scripture, YHVH instructs the Israelites to wear a tassel of blue thread attached to the four corners of their garments. Why? So that when they would look on these tassels they will remember to do all the commandments of YHVH and to be set-apart (or holy) unto Elohim. They were to wear tzitzit as a sign of being set-apart forever!

The tassels or tzitzits are not unlike the wedding ring one wears as a physical and outwardly visible reminder of one’s marriage vows and commitment to one’s spouse.

Yeshua wore tzitzits (see Matt 9:20; Mark 14:36; the Greek word for hem means “tassel”).

An unintended benefit of wearing tzitzit—other than fulfilling the Torah command to do so—is that when people see you wearing them, they will often ask you what they are. This has given us many opportunities to share the message of the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith with those around us. Though not their primary purpose, tzitzits can, nevertheless, become an evangelism tool. This has happened to me many times.

Please share with the readers of this blog spiritual encounters you have had while wearing your tzitzits.

For more information on the law of the fringes, read my article on the subject at