Gifts for the One Who Already Has Everything

Numbers 7:12–88, A silver platter…silver bowl…fine flour mixed with oil…one gold pan/ladle…full of incense…one young bull. These items that each tribe brought as a gift to the tabernacle symbolize spiritual aspects of the redeemed believer’s life. Let’s now explore this.

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By offering these gifts to YHVH for the tabernacle service, it’s as if, as Matthew Henry points out in his commentary, that the tribes were preparing a banqueting table for YHVH Elohim, the Great King. He desires to abide and to fellowship with his people (see Exod 25:8).

Each tribe bringing the same gift signifies what? (See Deut 10:17; Acts 10:34 cp. Rom 2:11; Col 3:11.)

We see that YHVH is totally impartial and righteous in his dealings with men. Silver represents what in the Scriptures? (Note Lev 5:15 cp. 1 Pet 1:18.)

The Scriptures liken man to what? (Read Isa 64:8 cp. Acts 9:15; 2 Tim 2:20–21.)

The fine flour mixed with oil to make unleavened bread on the altar of Elohim is a spiritual picture of what? (See John 6:35,48 cp. 1 Cor 5:7.)

Gold in the Scriptures is always a picture of that which is of the highest quality and value. It is a picture of YHVH’s thoughts and character (see Exod 39:1, 30), and the priceless value of his Torah-word (note Ps 119:72, 127). Golden bowls full of incense symbolizes what? (See Rev 5:8; 8:3.)

The animals gifts that the tribes brought pictured what? (Read Heb 9:11–15; 10:12–13.)

As you can see, these gifts were symbolic of spiritual realities in the life of the redeemed believer. (Ponder or discuss this.) What can man possibly give to YHVH that he doesn’t already have? Any gift we give to him is simply a symbolic gesture of our love and devotion to him. It speaks of the condition of our heart vis-à-vis our relationship with our Heavenly Father, and when our hearts our hearts are totally inclined to serve him, this pleases him immensely!