Shabbat Shalom from Oregon!

Shabbat shalom to all the many brothers and sisters in Yeshua scattered across this earth who read this blog in about 120 nations each month! May your Sabbath be filled with the love, joy and peace of Yeshua the Messiah through the Comforter that surpasses all understanding!

No matter how tough things are going for you, take a moment to count your blessings and give a prayer of thanks to the Almighty Creator who made you in his image, and loved you so much that he sent Yeshua to die for your sins that you might have eternal life with him forever. Find the blessing in everything that happens no matter how difficult or trying the circumstances. Through Yeshua, you have the victory now and forever. Never forget that.

Here are a few photos I took last Shabbat on the Oregon coast at a place called Cape Kiwanda at Pacific City. We were having an elders weekend retreat, and in between our meetings, the rain stopped and Dr. Joseph Dombek, my associate pastor, and I went for little walk along the beach.

I wonder why Oregon has been the number one state in the U.S. that people are moving to for the last three years?

Enjoy the photos:








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