Check these out: Other free Hoshana Rabbah resources…

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Some of you may not be aware that the articles posted on this blog are but the tip of the iceberg of the free biblical discipleship resources that our ministry offers to you. Here is a list of links to other opportunities to help you connect the message of the gospel to its pro-Torah Hebrew roots.

We have a YouTube channel with 230 some videos on numerous biblical subjects from about a half-dozen Hebrew roots teachers who are part of this ministry’s teaching team:

We have two complete Torah-study guides (one for each week of the year)—one for beginners and one for the more advanced student. The beginning level is called “Torah Explorers.” Both are available at Some are even in Spanish!

We have written dozens of teaching articles on numerous subject relating to understanding and walking out the pro-Torah, gospel lifestyle at

We have monthly calendars in printable form, so that you know when YHVH’s upcoming biblical feast will occur. You’ll these at

Want to read the Bible in a year? Need the help of a Bible reading schedule to help establish this noteworthy discipline in your life? Check out our Bible reading schedule at You can print out the handy, beautifully designed schedule and keep it in your Bible.

Do you need helpful suggestions and guidelines on how to celebrate the biblical festivals? Check this out:

Last but not least, we have a local congregation,which meets on the Sabbath and on all the biblical feast days. To learn about this, please go to

Stay tuned. We’re putting out new stuff all the time to help you in your spiritual walk.




Free Bible Study Resources from Hoshana Rabbah

Understanding the Bible from a Hebraic perspective is at your fingertips!

The following is a list of free biblical study resources that this ministry provides and are available only a click away on your computer!

  • Check out Torah Explorers, which is a downloadable weekly gospel-oriented Torah study guide for pre-teens and teens at
  • Our weekly adult Torah study guide is available at
  • Biblical calendars are available at Click this link for a free, printable monthly calendars listing Friday night sundown times, the weekly Torah parashah reading schedule, the dates for up coming biblical festivals and more.
  • Access Natan’s teaching articles on a number of biblical subjects including the biblical feasts, the Sabbath, salvation, redeemed Israel, biblical prophecy, the end times, Yeshua, the Tabernacle of Moses and much more at
  • Our Read-the-Bible-in-a-Year Scripture Reading Schedule is available at This unique schedule incorporates the Jewish Torah reading schedule into it, but at the same time allows you to read daily from the other three portions of the Bible as well: the Writings (Ketuvim), the Prophets (Neviim), and the Testimony of Yeshua (New Testament). This way, you get balanced spiritual full meal deal. By the end of the year, you will have read the whole Bible. Imagine that!
  • Hoshana Rabbah has its own YouTube television station with 190 teachings to date on dozens of biblical subjects from six different Bible teachers. We call it Waters in the Wilderness where you can get a drink of pure spiritual water from the Word of Elohim. There we connect the gospel message to its pro-Torah Hebrew roots. Check it out at
  • You can keep up with the latest news by following Hoshana Rabbah on Facebook at  or on Google Plus at
  • You can follow Natan on Facebook at
  • Of course, if you’re reading this, you already know about Natan’s interactive Bible study blog.

If you’ve been blessed and fed spiritually by this ministry, please consider supporting it financially. You can do so on the home page of the Hoshana Rabbah website at Thank you!

(By the way, none of the money you give goes into my pocket personally. I receive no financial remuneration from this ministry other than an occasional love offering that comes to me directly. I support myself and my family through my tree care business. The money you give goes right back into supporting the expenses of this ministry and to helping the poor. Natan)


Three New (short) Videos for Your Viewing Pleasure (hopefully)

The Significant Relevance of Circumcision

This is a quick discussion on the spiritual relevance of both physical circumcision and circumcision of the heart and how it relates to the follower of Yeshua the Messiah.

Did the Law of Moses Pre-Exist Moses?

This quick discussion deals with the common misconception among Christians that the law of Moses originated with Moses. In reality, God (YHVH Elohim) gave it (i.e., his Torah) to Moses who gave it to the Israelites at Mount Sinai, even as he had previously given it to Abraham and those before him.

Hoshana Rabbah — Who We Are

Hoshana Rabbah (short for Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Discipleship Resources) is a ministry dedicated to connecting the gospel message with the Hebraic, pro-Torah roots of the Christian faith. In this video, Natan (Nathan) Lawrence (HRBDR’s founder) discusses HRBDR’s mission.