Three New (short) Videos for Your Viewing Pleasure (hopefully)

The Significant Relevance of Circumcision

This is a quick discussion on the spiritual relevance of both physical circumcision and circumcision of the heart and how it relates to the follower of Yeshua the Messiah.

Did the Law of Moses Pre-Exist Moses?

This quick discussion deals with the common misconception among Christians that the law of Moses originated with Moses. In reality, God (YHVH Elohim) gave it (i.e., his Torah) to Moses who gave it to the Israelites at Mount Sinai, even as he had previously given it to Abraham and those before him.

Hoshana Rabbah — Who We Are

Hoshana Rabbah (short for Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Discipleship Resources) is a ministry dedicated to connecting the gospel message with the Hebraic, pro-Torah roots of the Christian faith. In this video, Natan (Nathan) Lawrence (HRBDR’s founder) discusses HRBDR’s mission.


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