The Abrahamic Covenant: Foundation for the New Covenant & Concept of Salvation by Grace

Introduction The Apostle Paul makes a very interesting, and often overlooked statement in Ephesians 2:12. For ­context we will quote the surrounding verses: Wherefore remember, that you being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by … Continue reading

Exploring the Concept of Atonement as It Relates to the Tabernacle and Salvation

This is a lengthy article that explores the concept of the blood atonement as it relates to the salvation of the sinner. The idea of atonement for sin is rooted in the Torah and is not simply a New Testament concept. … Continue reading

Salvation — What Is It and Do You Have It?

What is Salvation? The dictionary defines the word salvation as “the deliverance from the power and effects of sin.” In a general sense, salvation is “preservation from harm, ruin or loss.” Relating the first definition, which is biblical in nature, … Continue reading

Three threes: the feasts, man, the tabernacle & the plan of salvation

Exodus 23:14–19, Three times you shall keep a feast. Conventional Jewish wisdom teaches us that during the three pilgrimage festivals all the individuals of the nation are to appear out of all isolations personally in the presence of the one … Continue reading

The Second Passover—A Second Chance for Salvation

Numbers 9:6–11, Defiled by a human corpse. This passage can also be understood allegorically.   The second Passover is a prophetic picture pertaining to the lost and scattered sheep of the house of Israel who, like those individuals in this … Continue reading

New Video: YHVH’s Plan of Salvation in the Seven Biblical Feasts

In this video, learn how the seven biblical feasts as outlined in Leviticus 23 are YHVH’s seven-step plan of salvation (or redemption) for mankind. They are the chronological template of the seven steps each one must take to go from … Continue reading

YHVH’s Plan of Salvation in the Biblical Feasts

The seven biblical feasts are a chronological step-by-step template of YHVH’s plan of redemption or salvation for mankind. This process begins with Passover—a picture of a believer’s initial salvation, and concludes with the Eighth Day—a picture of eternal life for … Continue reading