Hosea: An Ancient Prophecy That Involves Us

Hosea 2:1–22, Hosea: The Story of YHVH’s Unfailing Love for His People The prophet Hosea, a native of the northern kingdom of Israel, ministered to that nation (called Ephraim or the house of Israel, as opposed to the southern kingdom, … Continue reading

The Second Passover—A Second Chance for Salvation

Numbers 9:6–11, Defiled by a human corpse. This passage can also be understood allegorically.   The second Passover is a prophetic picture pertaining to the lost and scattered sheep of the house of Israel who, like those individuals in this … Continue reading

Did Yeshua Allow His Disciples to Eat Anything?

Luke 10:8, Eat such things.  Does this passage give believers the freedom or even enjoin them to eat whatever is placed before them if, for example, they are in someone else’s home even if the food is non-kosher? Understanding context … Continue reading

Prophetic Shadows in Joseph’s Life (pt 4)

This final post in this series on the life of Joseph is a little longer than the others, but stay with it to the end.  It’ll be worth the time to read it in that your understanding of end-times prophecy … Continue reading

Prophetic Types and Shadows in the Life of Joseph (pt 2)

Joseph Resembles an Egyptian (Gentile) Joseph lived in Egypt, became Egyptian, resembled an Egyptian in appearance and even married an Egyptian. When his brothers saw him, they didn’t suspect that he was their Hebrew brother. Prophetically, Joseph’s physical descendants (the … Continue reading

Prophetic Implications of the Five Loaves and Two Fishes

Get ready for some surprising prophetic understandings from one of the most well-known stories about Yeshua—the feeding of the 5000 with five loaves and two fishes. The corollary passage to Mark 8:1–10 is Matthew 14:13–21, which we will explore below. … Continue reading