The Parable of Lazarus and Rich Man Understood Hebraically

Luke 16:19–31, The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man. This, and the other parables of Yeshua, are known as aggadah (also haggadah)—a very popular literary style during the second temple period whereby Jewish sages taught moralistic principles to their … Continue reading

How to Conduct a Baptism for the Remission of Sins Ritual

In 1 Peter 3:18–22, we learn that the story of Noah is also a picture of salvation and water baptism. Noah is a prophetic type of Yeshua. Let’s talk a little about baptism for the remission of sins.  The Scriptures … Continue reading

Reflections on Yom Kippur 2014

Some things to think about on Yom Kippur (with love from Natan) … Yom haKippurim (literally, the Day of Atonements, plural) is not a one-time thing. The redeemed believer is covered by the blood of Yeshua at the time of … Continue reading

Yom Teruah begins tonight. Learn more…

Happy Yom Teruah! The fourth biblical holiday (the first one of the fall season) begins tonight according the ancient biblical calendar (as opposed to the modern, rabbinic, Constantine calendar used by most religious Jews and many Messianics). In the Bible, … Continue reading

The Transition Between the Old and New Covenants

Hebrews 8:13, Ready to vanish away.  Many who read this verse assume that the writer is saying that the Torah-law was ready to vanish away ergo the law has been done away. This belief is orthodox Christianity! But is this … Continue reading

Hosea: The Story of YHVH’s Unfailing Love for His People

The prophet Hosea, a native of the northern kingdom of Israel, ministered to that nation (called Ephraim or the house of Israel, as opposed to the southern kingdom, called Judah or the house of Judah) for about 38 years during … Continue reading