Prayer Points by Dr. Darlene

The eyes of YHVH are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. (Psalm 34:15)

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (James 5:16)

If you have suggestions for additions to this prayer list, please post them in the comments section. Thank you for praying!

  1. Fake News.  It is real.  The most recent and blatant was the accusation made by the actor who claimed to have been beaten up by two conservatives when in fact, he paid people to beat him up to cause division.   A news report this week revealed more than a dozen of these type things that have occurred in just the last month.  This is pure propaganda and is designed to cause discord and to deceive people so that they make decisions based on lies.  We must pray for the TRUTH to be revealed in all situations and for people’s eyes to be opened and for them to have discernment.
  2. Many people have already thrown their hats into the US presidential campaign for 2020.  President Trump has already had campaign rallies.  It is time to REALLY pray about this next election which truly will determine whether the US remains free or goes socialist.
  3. Pray for all widows and orphans and especially those of our fallen military and law enforcement public servants.
  4. Pray for Father to reveal to us what He would have us to do to aid someone who needs help.
  5. I am hearing rumblings of ISIS gaining strength again…..pray against this enemy of our Father’s people.
  6. Pray that President Trump will not be halted by members of the US congress in trying to protect our borders.
  7. Pray for those who for some reason feel they cannot go on…that they would reach for help and FIND it so that they do not chose to take their lives in despair.
  8. Pray for unity among the denominations.  Yeshua said that those not against them were for them!   There were and are differences and some are significant, but the heart of the Father would, I believe, wish for us to find SOME common ground…and love each other.
  9. Pray that history would be taught thoroughly and properly to our youth so that the mistakes of the past are not repeated.
  10. Although some depend on pharmaceuticals for their existence for some reason or another, and while lowering the prices of prescription meds is a GOOD thing, pray that people would be healed and not NEED these meds and that they would not be dependent on them.  The whole pharmaceutical industry has become a giant entity that could control everyone who depends on it.
  11. Pray for the homeless, and pray that Father would reveal to each of us, someone who genuinely needs a hand out to help them back up.
  12. Pray for President Trump…for protection and good health for him and his family, for wisdom, knowledge, discernment, self control, courage, strength to lead our nation in spite of the opposition against truth and righteousness.
  13. Pray for the spiritual and political opposition…that their eyes would be open to Truth that they might turn to Father and follow His ways.
  14. Pray for the general population… that Father would pour His conviction out upon all and that we would all turn to Him in confession of sin, repentance, and obedience to Elohim.
  15. Pray that the conservatives of America would have the courage and strength to stand up and be active to the goal of protecting our southern border.
  16. Pray for the people who have so far been unable or unwilling to understand the sanctity of life from conception, so that they would reverse their thinking and remove unrighteous laws from the books that allow the murder of innocent babies.
  17. Pray for the people who honestly NEED asylum in America…that they would be shown proper channels, so that our nation could be a help to those truly in need.
  18. Pray for those in charge of voter registration to accomplish a purge of illegal voters, so that our elections would be AMERICAN elections.
  19. Pray for victims of human trafficking…that they would be found and returned and that this practice would be stopped.
  20. Pray for the leaders of “the church” who are whitewashing the Truth and deceiving their congregants.
  21. Pray that our Father’s will be accomplished in all things and that Yeshua would come soon.
  22. Prayer for Israel/Jerusalem, the land and the people.
  23. Our military and law enforcement for safety, and for strength for them and their families  and especially for families of those lost in the line of duty.
  24. Those suffering with unseasonable cold weather conditions, especially the homeless and the poor.
  25. For those addicted…whether alcohol, drugs (prescription AND street), pornography.

Satanic, God-Hating Secular Humanists Intent on Destroying America

Many Antichrist secular humanists are not content on living and let live. Such individuals hate personal freedom (for others) and hate Elohim. They are rabidly attempting to enforce their brand of mind and thought control through fascistic means by getting the government to remove the liberties and freedom of those with whom they disagree. They want to destroy everything that helped to make this country great. If these God-haters succeed, their hands will be dripping with the “blood” of this nation (along with their infanticidal abortionist comrades whose hands are dripping literal blood). They will  have helped  this nation to commit spiritual, national hari-kari or suicide. Satan is laughing gleefully!


YHVH Elohim, bring confusion into the camp of the enemy. Break their teeth and scatter them. May the fear of Elohim come upon them and a spirit of repentance. May the name of your glorious Son, Yeshua the Messiah, be exalted over this nation, and empower and embolden the righteous to stand up against the evil-doers for the glory of YHVH Elohim and the expansion of your kingdom. Amein.

High court deciding fate of cross-shaped Maryland memorial

2 hours ago
Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association, speaks near the 40′ Maryland Peace Cross dedicated to World War I soldiers on Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2019 in Bladensburg, Md. (AP Photo/Kevin Wolf)

BLADENSBURG, Md. (AP) — Steven C. Lowe says he has always thought that a 40-foot-tall (12-meter-tall) concrete cross that stands on a large, grassy highway median near his home was odd.

For years, he says, he didn’t know that the cross in Bladensburg, Maryland, is a war memorial. A plaque on the cross’ base lists the names of 49 area residents who died in World War I, but it isn’t easily read from the road and getting to the monument requires dashing across traffic. Lowe said he felt the cross implied that the city where it stands favored Christians over others.

“It certainly made me raise my eyebrows,” said Lowe, 68, who is retired from the telecommunications industry.

In 2014, Lowe, two other area residents and the District of Columbia-based American Humanist Association, a group that includes atheists and agnostics, sued to challenge the cross. They argue that the cross’ location on public land violates the First Amendment’s establishment clause, which prohibits the government from favoring one religion over others. The group lost the first round in court, but in 2017 an appeals court ruled the cross unconstitutional. Now, the cross’ supporters are asking the Supreme Court to overturn that ruling in a case the justices will hear Wednesday.

The memorial’s supporters would seem to have a good shot based on the court’s decision to take the case and the court’s more conservative makeup, seen as more likely to uphold such displays. Plus, even liberal Justice Stephen Breyer voted in a 2005 case to uphold a Ten Commandments display on public property.

Backers of the nearly 100-year-old cross, also called the “Peace Cross,” say if the justices rule against them it could threaten hundreds of monuments nationwide. Opponents, for their part, say few memorials are truly similar. They argue the cross should be moved to private property or modified into a nonreligious monument such as a slab or obelisk, a suggestion backers say would be desecration.

Arguing for the cross at the high court are The American Legion, which raised money for the cross and completed it in 1925, and officials with the state of Maryland, which took over managing the site in 1960. They have the support of the Trump administration and 30 states.

Supporters say the cross is a fixture of Bladensburg, Maryland, just about 5 miles from the Supreme Court. Traffic reporters use it as a reference point in radio reports. Residents give directions that refer to it.

Maryland officials argue that the cross doesn’t violate the Constitution because it has a secular purpose and meaning, honoring veterans, in an area where several other memorials to veterans stand. On the other side, the American Humanist Association says that using a cross as a war memorial doesn’t make the cross secular; it makes the war memorial Christian.

Similar monuments have met with a mixed fate at the high court. On the same day in 2005, for example, the court upheld a Ten Commandments monument on the grounds of the Texas state capitol while striking down Ten Commandments displays in Kentucky courthouses. Justice Breyer, whose vote made the difference in the outcome in both cases, said the history of the courthouse displays demonstrated a government effort to promote religion while the Texas display had a primarily nonreligious purpose.

The American Legion, represented by lawyers with the Texas-based First Liberty Institute, says that a test the court announced in 1971 for use in such cases, which asks whether the government’s action has a secular purpose, advances or inhibits religion or fosters “an excessive government entanglement with religion,” has proved unworkable. They say that question the justices should be asking is whether the government’s action is coercive, which they say the cross is not. The court doesn’t have to rule that broadly, however, to side with the monument’s supporters.

The monument’s backers say they just want the cross left alone. Speaking recently at an American Legion post near the cross, member Stan Shaw said modifying the cross would be “a slap in a veteran’s face.” As for the suggestion the monument should be moved, Mike Moore, another member, said he’s “not sure how one could do it.” Add that to the fact that the monument is cracking and repair work has been on hold.

Relatives of the men whose names are on the cross have also asked the court to let it stand where it is. Mary Ann LaQuay, whose uncle Thomas Fenwick’s name is on the cross, says it’s a way for her to remember her uncle, who caught pneumonia and died while fighting in France. His grave is in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, but LaQuay, 80, says she feels “like the cross represents his memorial.”

Those challenging the cross say they want to make clear that they aren’t against veterans or veterans memorials. Fred Edwords, a longtime official with the American Humanist Association, says they just don’t think it’s right to leave the impression that only Christian soldiers are being celebrated.

Lowe, who lives near the cross in the District of Columbia, said some people have asked him: Why not just leave the cross alone?

“I think it was a violation of the Constitution when it was built,” he said. “The fact that it is old doesn’t make it right. It’s an old wrong.”


Is the US Shifting in the Right Direction?

For a long time, I’ve been praying for spiritual revival in the US and around the world. Only Yeshua and biblical values can cure the problems that face this nation—and the whole world, for that matter. That’s why I was excited to read this article. Make of it what you will, but it’s some good news, and seems to be a step in  the right direction, at least.

We’re all constantly being inundated and bombarded with a never-ending tidal wave of boisterous, shrill and fascistic leftist (so-called “progressive”) lies and propaganda coming at us from every direction high and low against the traditional Judeo-Christian, biblical values that bring life, liberty, blessing, prosperity, righteousness and moral and spiritual structure and order to society. In light of this leftist putch to overthrow and transform our society, my constant prayer has been that Elohim will take the proverbial lid off of the leftist garbage can to reveal to the common people really what’s inside.

Under this gilded leftist lid is a stinking and putrid mess that destroys everything good that it touches. Leftism brings tyranny, loss of personal freedom, fascistic government control the many be an elite few, religious persecution, poverty, and oft times torture and death. The nations of the world are full of examples of how leftism has brought ruination and destruction.  (Think the French Revolution, Marxism, the Soviet Union, Red China, North Korea, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Cuba, many African nations, Venezuela, etc., etc. and to a lesser degree the so-called social democracies of western Europe).

 I could wax eloquent on this point, but I’d likely be preaching to the choir—at least to those who know their history and understand the history of political economical experimentation, and who have a biblical worldview baseline against which to critically analyze everything.

Anyway, my prayer has been that enough people will see the true evils of leftism and being aghast at the sight of it will begin to return to traditional, Judeo-Christian values. I don’t know if this poll is a reflections of a trend in this direction or not—only time will tell, but it’s seems to be a small step in the right direction (double entendre intended). HalleluYah!

As I see it, there are only two directions: right (right) and left (wrong)! — Natan

From World Net Daily at


Liberals outnumber conservatives in only six states, according to the latest Gallup survey.

That’s a drop of 30 percent from the previous survey, which found nine states where liberals have the edge, the Washington Examiner reported.

The six states are Massachusetts, Hawaii, Vermont, Washington, New York and New Hampshire.

Additionally, in California conservatives and liberals split 29 percent to 29 percent.

Nationwide, Gallup said, those who identify themselves conservative hold a nine-point lead.

Gallup noted, however, conservatives previously had a 21 point lead, and some state figures fall within the margin of error.

Gallup said that in 25 states, the conservative advantage is significantly greater than the national average.

And in 19 “highly conservative” states, conservatives outnumber liberals by at least 20 percentage points.




Blog Scripture Readings for 2-24 Through 3-2-19



Parashat Vayakhel — Exodus 35:1 – 38:20
Haftarah — 1 Kings 7:40-50 | 2 Kings 12:1-17; Exodus 30:11-16**
Prophets — 2 Kings 24:1 – 25:30; Isaiah 1:1 – 5:30
Writings — Psalms 131:1 – 137:9
Testimony — John 5:1 – 7:24

Most of this week’s blog discussion points will be on these passages. If you have general comments or questions on the weekly Scripture readings not addressed in a blog post, here’s a place for you to post those. Just use the “leave a reply” link below.

The full “Read Through The Scriptures In A Year” schedule, broken down by each day, can be found on the right sidebar under “Helpful Links.” There are 4 sections of scripture to read each day: one each from the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, and from the Testimony of Yeshua. Each week, the Torah and haftarah readings will follow the traditional one-year reading cycle.

** A different Haftarah is read when it is a special sabbath in Jewish tradition. This week it is Shabbat Shekalim on the traditional calendar. This week’s Haftarah is 2 Kings 12:1-17 with a special reading of Exodus 30:11-16. Otherwise, 1 Kings 7:40-50 would be read.

Weekly Blog Scripture Readings for 2/24/19 through 3/2/19.


Moses and Yeshua and the Saints—Prophetic Antetype and Type

Exodus 34:1–35, Prophetic pictures of Moses’ second ascension of Mount Sinai. Moses’ second ascension of Mount Sinai is a prophetic picture of the saints’ resurrection and glorification at the second coming of Yeshua the Messiah.

According to Jewish tradition, Moses ascended Mount Sinai to receive the second set of stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments on the first day of the sixth month or 30 days before Yom Teruah, which occurs on the first day of the seventh month. Forty days later on Yom Kippur he descended from the mountain carrying with him the second set of tablets as a sign of YHVH’s forgiveness of the children of Israel after the golden calf incident. This signaled YHVH’s renewed relationship with Israel after they had repented of golden calf worship. 

We know that a biblical Israelite bride, while waiting for her betrothed to arrive from his father’s house, would hear a shout and the sound of the shofar in the distance as her Continue reading


The concept of grace comes out of the OT? That’s not what I’ve been taught!

Exodus 33:12–13, Grace. The mainstream church places a great deal of emphasis on the message of grace. The biblical doctrine of grace finds its roots in this chapter in the Torah and not in the apostolic writings as the mainstream church teaches.

The noun grace (Heb. chen) is found six times in chapters 33 and 34. The adjective gracious (Heb. chanan and channuwn) as an attribute YHVH’s character is found three times in chapters 33 and 34. Six is the number of man and three is the number of Elohim. That is to say, the grace of the entire Godhead covers man completely even when his children turn away from him and give into golden calf worship. His grace for his people Continue reading


How does a person receive salvation?


How Are We Saved?

The Christian church has come up with various formulas to “get a person saved” such as altar calls and saying the sinners prayer. There are no examples these kinds of things in the Bible. Instead, the Scriptures give us general guidelines and examples to follow. There are no formulas. What follows is a list of examples from the apostolic writers of how people were saved in early church era.

For example, in Acts 2:14–37 we read that Peter preached the gospel and that the hearers were pricked in their hearts (verse 37). This resulted in a spontaneous, Holy Spirit-led response on the part of the hearers of the gospel or good news message of salvation. After this, the people were baptized for the remission of sins in the name of Yeshua and subsequently received the Holy Spirit (verse 38). All this happened on the same day (verse 41). When directed by the Holy Spirit, spiritual transformations can happen quickly!

A little later in Acts chapter three (verses 11 to 26), Peter preached another short sermon and then invited the people to “repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted Continue reading