Updated: How to Celebrate Sukkot and the Eighth Day by Yourself

Don’t you feel like you’re living in a spiritual wilderness? That’s because you are living in a wilderness—not a literal wilderness with cactus, sage brush and jackrabbits, but a “wilderness of the peoples” about which Ezekiel prophesied (Ezek 20:35). Is … Continue reading

Join Hoshana Rabbah in Celebrating Yom Kippur 2020!

Tomorrow (for some people reading this, it is already tomorrow), Monday, September 27, 2020 it is Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. This year both the biblical new moon calendar and the traditional Rabbinic Jewish calendar match up, so … Continue reading

The Book of Revelation and the Olivet Prophecy (Matt 24 and 25) Compared

Not unlike treasure hunters examining a map for clues leading to a buried treasure, or an archeologist carefully scrutinizing ancient artifacts for information about lost civilizations, or an engineer diligently studying blueprints in order to construct a mechanical device or … Continue reading