Parashat Vayikra—Study Guide

Leviticus 1:1-5:26 [6:7]  Haftorah Reading Isaiah 43:21–44:23 Testimony of Yeshua On our victory over sin through Messiah: omans 8:1–13 Yeshua’s better sacrifice: ebrews 9:11–28; 10:1–22; 13:10–16 Overview of the Book of Leviticus/Vayikra Key Points of Leviticus Leviticus stands at the center of … Continue reading

Parashat Ki Tisa Exodus 30:11-34:35 Outline & Study

Parashat Ki Tisa (when you take) Exodus 30:11-34:35 Outline & Study Sheet Haftorah Reading 1 Kings 18:1–39 The Testimony of Yeshua On the gifts of the Spirit: 1 Corinthians 12:1–31 On keeping the Sabbath: Hebrews 4:9 On the golden calf and idolatry: Acts … Continue reading

The Hidden Truth Behind Hanukkah and Yeshua’s Incarnation

John 10:22, The Feast of Dedication [or consecration]. To the casual observer, Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that occurs around Christmas-time and has something to do with lighting a menorah-like candelabra, which somehow relates to some important event that occurred … Continue reading

Getting a Christmas Tree? Save Some $ and Read This First!

The use of trees or wooden poles as an object of worship in the ancient world was universal as a fertility or phallic symbol. In many places, the Bible strongly condemns involvement with this pagan custom. Obviously the tree of … Continue reading

Noah and the Flood from a Allegorical and Prophetic Perspective

Genesis 6–8, Noah’s flood provides allegorical insights relating to end-times prophecy. In Matthew 24:37, Yeshua compares the end times to the days of Noah. The story of Noah has allegorical implications that give hints about end-times prophecy. In 1 Peter … Continue reading

Yom Kippur—The Historical Roots of Our Faith, Present Relevance for believers & Prophetic End Time Implications

Introduction Yom Kippur is a day of contradictions and contrasts: Joy and sorrow. Rewards for the righteous and judgments for the wicked rebels. Joy for the righteous when Satan and his demons, death and Babylon are destroyed by the King … Continue reading