When is Passover?

When to celebrate the upcoming biblical feast of Passover is currently the big question on the minds of biblically astute, Hebraically-minded followers of Yeshua. We keep his commandments because we love and want to know him, right? Right! What follows … Continue reading

Psalms 81 and 82 on New Moons and Small e Gods

Psalm 81  Psalm 81:3, Blow the trumpet [Heb. shofar] at the time of the New Moon [Heb. chodesh], at the full moon [Heb. keseh meaning full moon or concealed, covered — scholars disagree as to its meaning and the origin … Continue reading

Natan’s Commentary on Psalms 38 to 45

Psalm 38 Psalm 38:1–40, Trials because of sin, resulting in divine judgment and followed by true repentance. This chapter discusses the nacham or sorrowing, grieving or anguishing side of repentance or teshuvah. Bible teachers seldom discuss this aspect of repentance. … Continue reading

Commentary on Joshua Chapters 1 to 7

Joshua 1 Joshua 1:21–18, A New Leader; A New Beginning The children of Israel have come to the end of their forty year wilderness journey. Now YHVH’s people must go forward in possessing the land and the inheritance that he … Continue reading

Revelation 13–17 Commentary Notes

Revelation 13 Revelation 13:1–14, On the rise of Luciferian, antichrist New World Order technocratic system and the mark of the beasts. See notes on Isa 25:7. Revelation 13:1, The beast…the sea. Two possible end time scenarios may explain the setting … Continue reading

What was bad about the Old Covenant—what is passing away and being transferred?

2 Corinthians 3:11, Passing away. This is not a reference to the Torah-law itself, but to the old or former covenant (i.e. the agreement or contract YHVH and Israel made with each other) as it phases into the new or … Continue reading