Rules, rules and more rules…a good or bad thing?

Deuteronomy 21–25 This portion of the Torah (Deut 21:10–25:19) contains 72 commandments, which is more than in any other Torah portion. In this passage there are rules pertaining to all aspects of human relations showing that the “Torah deals with the … Continue reading

What Does the Phrase “Under the Law” Mean?

Is Paul Affirming or Abolishing the Torah-Law of Moses? What is the meaning of the phrase “under the law” as used by Paul in some of his epistles? There is much confusion in the church on this subject. Like a … Continue reading

“Common and Unclean” Explained

Romans 14:14, Nothing is unclean in itself. In this verse, is the Apostle Paul declaring that there is no longer a distinction between clean and unclean foods, therefore making void the biblical dietary laws? Let’s analyze the contextual and linguistic … Continue reading

Is YOUR belly your god, or is Elohim your God?

Leviticus 11:1–47, Let’s briefly discuss the subject of clean and unclean meats. The focal point of biblical dietary laws are holiness and separation. There are other issues here that need to be explored as well. How serious are you about … Continue reading

Did Yeshua Advocate Eating Pork and Other Unclean Meats?

Matthew 15:11, see Mark 7:19, Thus He declared all foods clean. This phrase is excluded from the KJV, but is included in the NAS, NIV and some other modern translations. Some Bible teachers see this phrase as Yeshua’s endorsement for … Continue reading

How the Church Divorced Itself From Its Jewish Roots

From A.D. 70 to A.D. 135—How the Church Became Divorced From Its Hebraic Roots What is called Christianity today in many ways is very dissimilar, and in many respects, outright antagonistic to the religion of the first-century, Book of Acts … Continue reading

What’s the Big Deal with the Contamination of Sin?

Leviticus 12–13 Some Hebrew Terms Relating to This Passage: tzaraas: a skin disease (improperly translated as “leprosy” in some Bibles). This Hebrew word means “to be struck with leprosy (BDB)” or “to smite heavily, to strike, or scourged of Elohim” … Continue reading