Errant Teachings in the Hebrew Roots Movement Pt. 1

This video is an expose and refutation of some false and unbiblical tachings in the Hebrew Roots Movement. These include the lunar “Sabbath”, the boker to boker “Sabbath”, the conjunction new moon, polygamy and rejecting the deity of Yeshua the Messiah.


Protecting Our Children from the Filth of Babylon

Genesis 24:6, 8, Beware that you bring not my son there again. Why was Abraham insistent that Isaac not be exposed to Babylon? What was there to beware of ( Heb. shamar meaning “to guard against, protect from, keep watch and ward, preserve, keep oneself from”)?

Horse manure with flies

The key is verse seven. What does this teach us about protecting our children and loved ones from the corrupting influences of this world? We must be ever vigilant like a soldier on guard duty to preserve and protect our children from those things that could lead to their spiritual ruination.

YHVH had led Abraham out of the spiritual filth of Babylon. In no way did he want Isaac to go back to what he had left behind. If Isaac had seen the prosperity and convenience of a Babylonian lifestyle, he might have been tempted to stay there — especially if he had found a suitable wife there. Abraham insisted that any potential mate leave Babylon and come to Isaac and not vice versa.

Are we investing the necessary time and energy into our children to insure that they do not return to the spiritual Babylon from which we fled prior to our conversion, and that they find spouses who are willing to leave spiritual Babylon behind before marrying our children?


Blog Scripture Readings for 11-1 Through 11-7-15



Parashat Chayei Sarah — Genesis 23:1 – 25:18
Haftarah — I Kings 1:1 – 1:31
Prophets — Judges 5:1 – 10:18
Writings — Psalms 28:1 – 34:22
Testimony — Matthew 18:21 – 21:46

Most of this week’s blog discussion points will be on these passages. If you have general comments or questions on the weekly Scripture readings not addressed in a blog post, here’s a place for you to post those. Just use the “leave a reply” link below.

The full “Read Through The Scriptures In A Year” schedule, broken down by each day, can be found on the right sidebar under “Helpful Links.” There are 4 sections of scripture to read each day. One each from the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, and from the Testimony of Yeshua. Each week, the Torah and haftarah readings will follow the traditional one-year reading cycle.

Weekly Blog Scripture Readings for 11/1 through 11/7/15.


Offense Is the Best Defense…Keeping Your Spiritual Sword Sharp

Judges 3:2, Taught to war. Among other reasons, YHVH allowed some of the Canaanites to remain in the land of Israel not only as a spiritual test to the Israelites to see if they would  remain faithful to YHVH in the face of worldly pressures (Judg 3:4), but so that they wouldn’t forget how to wage warfare.


Once a person or a people have received their inheritance, it’s easy to become soft, lazy and complacent. If they don’t fight to hang on to their inheritance, they will usually end up losing it. This often happens to those who become the beneficiaries of sudden wealth (e.g., through inheritance or the lottery). They have never learned how to appreciate and to manage properly their resources because they never had to work hard to earn it, so they don’t value it as much as someone who started with nothing from scratch.

Each new generation must learn to maintain what has been given to them and then fight to hold on to it.

Likewise, each new disciple of Yeshua must also learn the principles of spiritual warfare and how to resist the enemy, so they don’t lose the precious spiritual gifts YHVH has given them through Yeshua the Messiah. If they take their spiritual inheritance for granted and become complacent, YHVH will allow their enemies to rise up and to test them.

Some disciples who have drifted away from YHVH will pass the test and defeat the enemies and return to YHVH. Others will continue down the slippery slope of drifting away from YHVH and will slowly “intermarry” with the enemy. This is what happened to the majority of Israelites during the time of the judges as we see in verse six of this chapter.


What is the biblical definition of legalism?

Most people in the mainstream church have heard of the term “legalism.” Many think they know what it means. Some even lob this term at others like a verbal missle who they think are heretics. They’re certain they have solid biblical justification for doing so. Yet very few know what the biblical definition of legalism really is. This video reveals the surprising and enlightening answer.


Five Old Testament Scriptures That Specifically Prophesy That Yeshua Is the Messiah

Matthew 16:16, The Son of the living Elohim. One day, Yeshua asked his disciples who they thought he was. Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God. (Matt 16:15–16) How did Peter know this? Were there any hints in the Tanakh (Old Testament) that the Messiah would be the Son of Elohim, since these were the only Scriptures Peter had?

Their are numerous prophecies in the Tanakh about the Messiah. Here is a list of scriptures that prophesy specifically that he would be the Son of Elohim with some brief comments following.

Therefore Adonai himself shall give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel [Heb. God with us]. (Isaiah 7:14)

Many Bible prophecies have double meanings or fulfillments. Such is the case with this prophecy. It was partially fulfilled in Isaiah’s life (Isa 8:3), but not completely. Isaiah’s son was neither deity nor was he known as “God with us.” Yeshua the Messiah was (Matt 1:23).

He shall cry unto me, “You are my father, my El [God], and the rock of my salvation.” Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth. (Psalm 89:26, 27)

Again, this prophecy has a double fulfillment. It was partially fulfilled by David and his sons, but not completely. Only Yeshua, who also was from David’s lineage, fulfilled the superlative aspects of this prophecy. Not only Continue reading


Who are what is the church, and do you really want to be called by that name?

Matthew 16:18, The church. This is the first place the word church is found in the Testimony of Yeshua. This causes us to ask several questions. Did the first-century followers of Yeshua call themselves a church or meet in a church? Emphatically, no! In the Testimony of Yeshua, the Greek word translated in our English Bibles as church is the word ecclesia which means “a gathering of people called out from their homes to either a secular or a religious gathering in a public place.” It does not mean “a building,” but rather “a group of people.” So accordingly, the saints don’t meet in a church or go to church — they are the church!

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In our modern vernacular, the word church not only refers to the building where the saints meet, but to the group of saints that meets in the building. The first definition is biblically incorrect, while the second definition is biblically correct.

But even the modern term church, while referring to a group of people has, by in large, lost its spiritual potency. It now simply means a group of religious people — normally Christians — that have formed a social clique.

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What’s really behind our English word church and is this a term saints should be applying to themselves? The Greek word for church is ecclesia meaning “the called out ones.” Called out from what? The saints are called by Elohim out from the world and a secular or heathen lifestyle. Sadly, most church-goers while failing to understand the true meaning of the word also fail to live up to its stringent definition — to come out spiritually and to be separate themselves from the pagan culture around them and to adopt a biblical congruent world view and lifestyle.

Even the derivation of English word church is antithetical to how the term ecclesia is used in the Testimony of Yeshua. Ironically, according to the dictionary the word church originates from the German word kirche and the Old English word circe. Circe is of Greek origination and is the name of the sorceress and enchantress goddess daughter of Sol or Helios, the pagan sun god. Some historians claim that Circe and Kirche are the same individual who was the Babylonian moon goddess. The word circe is related to the common words circle, circus and circumference. Just as the sun is circular, and the Romans worshipped their sun-god in circular arenas called circuses where horse races and other athletic competitions occurred in honor of the sun god, so today many well-meaning individuals worship today in churches on Sun-day. (Information sources: Encyclopedia Britannica, eleventh edition; The Final Restoration, by C.J. Koster; Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, Random House, 1983.)