Are Palm Scanners in Florida a Move Toward the Mark of the Beast?

From USA Today newspaper (Nov 25, 2012):

Palm scanners get thumbs up in schools, hospitals

Do biometric devices such as this bother you—especially in light of Revelation 13:15–18 which says,

He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,

and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is six hundred and sixty-six.

Or do you believe that biometric scanners don’t fulfill this end-times prophecy?

If you are concerned about a literal mark of the beast, then at what point do you believe that Bible believers should refuse to cooperate?

Thank you for your thoughtful insights. They are valuable, since they might help to clarify the thinking of others who have  similar concerns as yours.


Four More Years of Obama—Prophesied in the Bible??

Like most Americans, I was glued to the computer monitor (our family doesn’t have a television) watching live coverage of the presidential election returns until the election was called in favor of Barack Obama.

Okay, I’ll be honest. My flesh-man wanted Romney to win, since I felt that he’d be better for the economy and for my personal pocketbook. Conversely, my spirit man knew that this nation had done nothing to deserve a reprieve from the divine judgments that are coming against it for turning its back on YHVH. As a nation, we have largely rejected Elohim and biblical values. Remember the sound bite from the Democratic Convention where the crowd booed and rejected adding to its party platform “the idea of faith and belief in God” ( This nation has not repented of its apostasy. There has been no mass (or even minor) return to YHVH and to his Word as our guiding light and spiritual standard. No major leaders calling for true repentance. And so on. Only divine judgments will bring a nation to repentance. Show me any place in the Scriptures with the possible exception of Nineveh where revival came to a nation without judgments first occurring? To wit, just study the book of Judges! This being the case, I knew that we deserved four more years of a man that YHVH will use to spank America for its spitting in his face.

We must ask ourselves, what will bring America to its knees? Nine-eleven didn’t. Neither did Katrina, nor record droughts and floods, nor fires, nor, most recently, Superstorm Sandy. Only when the golden calf of our prosperity comes down in a major way (even worse than 2008) will proud America fall to its knees—at least as I see it. The economy is that one thing that affects us all. Terrorist events, storms, droughts and fires only affect some of us. It’s always the other guy. With the economy, it’s all of us equally (more or less). Obama is the man for the job! He’s all about destroying our economy: carbon sequestration and credits, increased taxation, socialized healthcare, destroying attempts to develop our vast energy reserves, deficit spending and so on. All these things, along with natural disasters and terrorist attacks and the like will help to lower the standard of living of this nation by destroying our economy and bringing an end to the easy life as we know it, which will cause us all great woe and cause—at least some of us—to cry out to our Creator for reason of our sufferings. A pessimistic outlook, you say? Yes, but this could actually be a good thing if it leads to spiritual revival, which is optimistic!

It is my opinion that Obama and his crew will be the ones to help bring YHVH’s judgments upon this nation. And, to be sure, we, as a nation, deserve a sound thrashing at the hands of the Holy One of Israel for soundly rejecting him and his rule over us!

When Obama was running for president against Hillary back in 2006 and 2007, it seemed certain that Hillary would win the Democratic Party’s nomination. After all, who was this Barack Obama, who had ever heard of him, and what were his credentials and what had he ever done to qualify to be the president? However, in 2007 at Sukkot Northwest in Gold Beach, Oregon before a crowd of about 100 people, I predicted that Obama would win, since it fit the biblical pattern for YHVH’s judgment against America. At that time, I was teaching on Edom, and showing how YHVH historically had used Edom and its friends to punish the Israelites to bring them back to him. In Jewish thought to this day, Edom is a metaphor for any nation that YHVH will use to punish the Israelite people for their apostasy. Well, Edom is another way of saying Islam. Need I say any more about the connections between Obama and Islam? (For more on this subject, read my article entitled, “Is America in End-Times Bible Prophecy” which I published in 2007 (

And now for the clincher that pretty well convinced me that Obama would be re-elected this time around.

Remember the famous Gog and Magog prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and 39? Many of us believe that this is an end-times Bible prophecy that is yet to be fulfilled, and which will occur just prior to the second coming. (For those astute prophecy students, another completely different Gog-Magog event occurs at the end of the Millennium, see Rev 20:7–10.) Well guess what? (drum role) In Ezekiel 38:2, the name Obama is spelled in Hebrew letters forward every seven letters starting with the Hebrew word n’sey, which ends in the letter aleph, which I assume in this case is silent. (If I am wrong on this, someone please correct me.) This last letter (ie., aleph) is the first letter of Obama’s name spelled in Hebrew (every seven letters) like this: aleph, vav, bet, aleph, mem, heh.

Is this a Bible prophecy that Obama will be president during the Gog-Magog event, which is one of the precursor events to the return of Yeshua? You tell me!


Are You Still a Democrat?

“Come out of her my people!”

Here is a brief video by Bishop E. W. Jackson about the spiritual and moral dangers of being involved in the Democrat Party. Who is this man? According to Wikipedia,

Earl Walker Jackson Sr. (born January 13, 1952) is an American pastor, businessman speaker, author, and political activist. He was a Republican Party primary candidate for the United States Senate in Virginia in the 2012 election. He is the founder and current president of S.T.A.N.D. (Staying True To America’s National Destiny), a conservativenon-profit organization dedicated to restoring America’s “Judeo-Christian” ethics. He is head pastor at Exodus Faith Ministries, located in Chesapeake, VA. Jackson has appeared as a commentator on national news networks such as C-SPANFox News and MSNBC.

Earl Walker Jackson Sr. was born on January 13, 1952 in Chester, Pennsylvania. He eventually joined the United States Marine Corps where he served for three years. Following the Marines, he entered the University of Massachusetts Boston and graduated in 1975. In 1978, he graduated from Harvard Law School and continued to practice law in the Boston area for 15 years.[1] While in Boston, he appeared on several radio shows on WHDH Boston, as well as having a nationally syndicated talk show, “Earl Jackson Across America.”[2] In 1996, he joined with the Christian Coalition to head “The Samaritan Project,” an outreach program that distributed $500,000 to churches that were victims of arson. In 1998, he was consecrated a bishop and went on to establish Exodus Faith Ministries. Currently, Jackson is involved in Hampton Roads politics, serving as a member of the Chesapeake Police Advisory Board, a Trustee of the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, and a Trustee for Lead Hampton Roads. He has made media appearances on ABC’s Good Morning AmericaPolitically IncorrectHardball with Chris Matthews, C-SPAN’s Washington Journal, ABC Radio Network, and NPR.[3] (

May YHVH Elohim raise up more spiritual leaders like this man! Now, here’s the video.



Edom in the White House?

Very interesting!



…And of course, you’ve probably already seen this one by now (along with 8.5 million other people):

Obama Admits He Is A Muslim


Back from Sukkot—More Photos

Yesterday our family traveled across the high desert wilderness, and down from the mountains of Central Oregon where we had celebrated Sukkot NW 2012. We arrived back at our home last evening, which is in a valley that is slightly higher than sea-level. Kind of a prophetic journey, if you will, like descending from mountains of Jerusalem to the Valley of the Dead Sea.

Please allow me to share with you some more photos from our Sukkot celebration. This time, I’m not sitting in my truck in the parking lot of the Best Western trying to upload this blog post. Rather, I’m back in the comforts of my converted chicken house office.

Perhaps we’ll have the honor of spending Sukkot with you next year in Oregon???

Enjoy the photos!

Our praise and worship team.

Some of our kids having fun in YHVH’s outdoors. May our children become like the tree of a righteous man who is planted by YHVH Yeshua, who is our River of Life and is the Written and Living Torah-Word of Elohim (Ps 2 and John 1:1,14).

My youngest son Jared next to Oregon’s largest ponderosa pine tree.

Heidi rejoicing at Sukkot during the “season of our joy.”

Bill and Luzvim renew their wedding vows in the wedding chupah.

Twelve-year-old Caleb from Washington State worshipping in the Sukkah.


Wish You Were Here!

Greetings from Sukkot Northwest 2012  in La Pine Oregon!

The blog has been quiet for the last week or so, since my family and I have been in Central Oregon where we, along with our congregation, host a regional Sukkot celebration. This is our tenth anniversary of hosting Sukkot NW.

Internet reception is spotty in this intermountain region, and I am presently sitting in the parking lot of the local Best Western hotel and hooking into their wi-fi to upload these photos of our Sukkot celebration that I took on my I-Phone.












Welcome in through the wedding chupah to our Sukkot celebration, which pictures the wedding supper of the Lamb during the Millennium.







The Sukkah—a place of prayer, worship and the anointing.







The praise and worship team.







Dancing for joy.









Tammi from Texas fulfilling the Torah command to wave lulavim during Sukkot.









Tambourine Heidi from Oregon worshipping YHVH.









Preacher Dr. Joe teaching the Word of Elohim.









Brother Bill calling redeemed Israel to worship her king—Messiah Yeshua.







Welcoming in the Shabbat during erev Shabbat dinner.

May all that we do be as sweet-smelling incense to our Father in heaven!


Spanking Illegal in Delaware??


State adopts definition that ‘pain’ is ‘physical injury’

More and more, our society is setting itself in opposition to the Word of Elohim. Pray that YHVH will protect us from the godless rebels who rule over us, and that He will spare his saints from the severe judgments that will come against those societies which eschew his instructions in righteousness.

Proverbs 22:15,

Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him.

Proverbs 23:13–14,

Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die. Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death.

Proverbs 29:15,

The rod of correction imparts wisdom, but a child left to himself disgraces his mother.