What will it take?

If barrages of rockets from a devil-possessed enemy continually falling on one’s head won’t wake up a nation spiritually and cause it to turn to Yehovah Elohim, the Mighty One of Israel, then what will?

Like our father in ancient Israel, we are a stiff-necked, proud and rebellious people! YHVH have mercy on us and give us a new heart to love and fear him as he promises to do in the last days (see Ezek 36:16–33).

Elohim bless Israeli Col. Ofer Winter for having the boldness of calling on the divine help in Israel’s battle against the modern-day Philistines. Read about it below.

Please pray for our brothers in Israel. Pray for their safety and protection, and most importantly that they and their leaders will repent and return to YHVH Elohim resulting in spiritual revival and YHVH coming to their defense in a spectacular way. Despite amazing and advanced military Israeli technology, this is a battle that Israel can’t win without the help of YHVH Sabaoth (the God Hosts/Armies).

From the Times of Israel — July 12, 2014

IDF commander seeks God’s help to fight ‘blasphemous’ Gazans

Col. Ofer Winter criticized for letter to Givati Brigade officers, calling for divine aid in fighting ‘foe which curses God’s name’

An IDF infantry brigade commander has come under criticism after composing a letter to his subordinate officers in which he called upon the divine to assist Israel in fighting a “blasphemous” foe in the Gaza Strip

Read more: http://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-commander-calls-on-troops-to-fight-blasphemous-gazans/


Condoms to Sixth Graders? Shame on Gervais, Oregon!

I’m angry!

The story below is proof of the sickness of the public educational system in America, and in my own state of Oregon. Instead of teaching sixth grade students exclusively about sexual abstinence, some schools are now teaching them how to use condoms, and then handing those condoms out to those same students. Come on now! What student won’t interpret this as a carte blanche approval and encouragement to become sexually active?

What kind of mental retardation has overcome our public educators to believe that there is some sort of a moral virtue or positive benefit in distributing condoms to our children and encouraging their use? This is a symptom of liberalism or progressivism (or whatever elitist sounding name you want to call it), which is, instead, repressive and regressive, and it’s a mental disorder to boot!

When one loses one’s moral and spiritual compass, this it what happens. Degeneracy occurs. To the morally derelict and reprobate, good (i.e., teaching the virtue and benefits of sexual abstinence to our students) is evil, and evil (i.e., giving condoms to eleven-year-olds) is good. This is evidence of a society that’s in the process of a steep moral and spiritual decline — a fact that our political and educational leaders seem too stupid to understand. They have become fools because they have rejected the God of the Bibles and his laws of right living. They are now attempting to indoctrinate our children with their own godless values with the hopes that if enough people view their own private amoral cesspool as acceptable, somehow it will make it so.

The perversion of our youth at taxpayers’ expense with the lies of so-called “progressivism” is reprehensible. What’s progressive about men following their animalistic instincts that only lead one down into the dank and stench-filled cellar of man’s baser nature? This isn’t the elevation, but the debasement of man from being a noble creature made in the image of God (YHVH Elohim), and with the potential to become like Jesus (Yeshua), the Son Elohim, to being just another amoral animal that simply follows its instinctive jungle impulses.

What the US and the world need is a spiritual revival of the fear and love of Elohim. It starts with you and me!

By the way, the school district in Oregon where they plan to start handing out condoms to sixth graders is about 20 minutes from my house. I am ashamed for the town of Gervais and for the school leaders there who are acting more like primates instead of humans made in the image of God. Shame on all of them for corrupting our youth. May they repent of their wickedness, and if they don’t, may YHVH’s just judgments come upon them swiftly for the travesty they’re committing against our children. And a double shame upon every  spiritual leader in that community who isn’t standing up to these degenerates in the school district by shaking an accusing finger at them and demanding that they put the kibosh to this idiotic policy!

Now on to the story…

Oregon school district to offer condoms to students starting in 6th grade


PORTLAND Ore. (Reuters) – An Oregon school district plans to offer condoms to students starting in sixth grade as part of an updated sex education policy aimed at decreasing teen pregnancy, sparking debate over whether 11-year-olds are too young for such a program.

The plan by the rural Gervais School District comes after a 2013 survey by nursing students found that 7 percent of district high school girls had experienced pregnancy and 42 percent of students reported “never” or “sometimes” using protection.

“Over the past few decades, teen pregnancy in our community has remained somewhat constant, but higher than the board felt comfortable with,” Superintendent Rick Hensel said in a blog post dated Monday.    Click here to read the rest of this story: http://news.yahoo.com/oregon-school-district-offer-condoms-students-starting-6th-002710449.html


Our nation needs a spiritual revival!

This Is What Happens When Young Men Are Taught That Scoring With Women Is The Ultimate Goal In Life

Elliot RodgerElliot Rodger is a horrifying example of how badly we have failed young men in America.  You see, the truth is that his obsession with sex and losing his virginity did not come out of nowhere.  Rather, it was the result of being constantly immersed in a sex-obsessed culture for the past 22 years.  In America today, our young men are constantly being bombarded with sexual messages in advertising, in television shows, in video games, in movies and on the Internet.  They are literally being trained to believe that scoring with women is the ultimate goal in life.  So we should not be surprised when their behavior reflects this underlying philosophy.  Of course very few of our young men become mass murderers like Elliot Rodger, but the crisis that we are facing is much broader than that.  The obsession with illicit sex that our young men have is destroying millions upon millions of lives, it is spreading sexually transmitted diseases like wildfire, and it is a huge factor in the decline of the American family. To continue reading go here: http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/this-is-what-happens-when-young-men-are-taught-that-scoring-with-women-is-the-ultimate-goal-in-life


Are You An Eloi or a Morlock?

I hope you find this article thought provoking.


By David Hodges
April 30, 2014 –

Are you an Eloi or a Morlock? Are you the hunter or the hunted? Are awake, or brainwashed? This article will identify the dichotomy that the citizens of this country exist under.

As Americans, we live in an unparalleled and an unprecedented time in American history. The historical American character has been one of resisting tyranny and meeting force with force. This is best exemplified by the fact that our Founding Fathers rebelled, in part, over a mere 2% tax on tea. Our Founding Fathers also rebelled against the Quartering Act, unreasonable search and seizure, violation of due process rights and the denial of the right to trial by a jury of one’s peers. Unfortunately, today, It feels like America simply accepts this kind of abusive treatment from their government as the cost of living in the system which we have had imposed upon us.

To continue reading, go here: http://thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/04/30/are-you-an-eloi-or-a-morlock/


Why Your Pastor May Not Be Your Friend

April 23, 2014 – Dave Hodges

The Common Sense Show

April 23, 2014

The times we live in are perilous. Our way of life is under direct attack and Armageddon could be thrust upon us at any time. There, I do not have the time mince words and I will be clear, there is an overwhelming chance that your pastor is not your friend.

Pastor Greg Tucker

I recently condemned pastors who support and lead churches who “enjoy” the 501-C-3 tax exempt status offered by the IRS. This prompted Pastor Greg Tucker to publicly criticize my stance on this issue and he demanded to know what pastors I was attacking. This article will make it clear who I am attacking and why the vast majority of you who are reading this words need to leave your church if you truly value the salvation of your soul.

Pastor Tucker has seen fit to take me to task for my comments regarding my advice for all Christian believers should leave their church if that church is a tax-exempt 501-C-3.  Pastor Tucker said “…Not sure which pastors you are implicating, but I would suggest not including ALL pastors in your expression as you have in this article”.  Pastor Tucker, let’s be clear. I am implicating all pastors of 501-C-3 churches. Are you such a pastor who is endangering the salvation of your flock? 

From Pastor Tucker:

“Point of emphasis…Not sure which pastors you are implicating, but I would suggest not including ALL pastors in your expression as you have in this article. This is a wrongheaded assumption. This pastor for one has spent the last two years bringing my leaders  congregation along in developing a watchful eye of what I see coming; occupying (words of Jesus) our space; time in the way He leads us to do so. So to lump me as a pastor in wrong headed assumptions like you have here is a big mistake. For me it invalidates your message. Makes me raise the question, “What other wrong headed assumptions are you building your argument on?” And I’ve been an avid reader of your posts for some time now–but will reconsider this, maybe I was the one making a wrong-headed assumption myself about you; your message. Disheartening to say the least–not all pastors; churches fit the picture you paint of us; you should acknowledge such. Tactics like these are nothing but fear peddling for the sake of instilling fear as opposed to standing your ground in the strength, power; might in Christ Jesus.”

Pastor Greg Tucker

Is your church a friend or foe? Is your church is a 501-C-3 tax exempt church? Is your church an agent of the government? If your church leadership does not condemn anything controversial, no matter how antithetical to the word of God, you are not worshiping in a Christian church. If your church is a 501-C-3 tax exempt church, your church leadership has already been taught to educate the flock to follow the will of the government, no matter how heinous the actions of these people may be. Does the following sound like your 501-3-C pastor?

Romans 13 Does Not Equate to the Divine Right of Kings

Does your pastor command you to follow the will of the government because it is your Christian duty to do so under Romans 13?

The modern interpretation of Romans 13 is pure blasphemy.

To read the rest of this article, go to http://thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/04/23/why-your-pastor-is-not-your-friend/


Franklin Graham Sticks to His Guns and Calls Sin a Sin

Franklin Graham Defends Comments on Gay Activists and Islam, Compares Himself to Father Speaking Out for MLK

March 27, 2014|12:05 pm

“You talk about controversy – my father (Billy Graham) stood with Martin Luther King in the early 1960s,” Graham told The Charlotte Observer. “My father never worried about polls. I don’t care about them, either. And with the issues we are facing today – if my father were a younger man, he would be addressing and speaking out in the exact same way I’m speaking out on them.”

Late last month, Graham suggested that Putin was “right” on how the Russian government had dealt with its LGBT activists.

“Obviously, he may be wrong about many things, but he has taken a stand to protect his nation’s children from the damaging effects of any gay and lesbian agenda,” he wrote for Decision magazine.

In 2011, the head of the humanitarian organization Samaritan’s Purse suggested that American Muslims do not genuinely practice their faith, because those who do are violent.

To read the rest of the article, go to http://www.christianpost.com/news/franklin-graham-defends-comments-on-gay-activists-and-islam-compares-himself-to-father-speaking-out-for-mlk-116910/


Proof of America’s Slide into Neo-Barbarism

The Bible tells us that a person has a soul, and that the soul has three main subdivision: the mind, the will and the emotions. This is who a man is and what makes him a unique individual. The Bible also teaches us that each man has a conscience, and that within that conscience indigenously is a basic sense of right and wrong. On the day of Elohim’s judgment, those who follow their moral conscience and do what is right will be judged more favorably than those who don’t (Rom 2:13–16).


As a man has a conscience, so does nation, which is comprised of many men. Several words reflect the conscience of a nation. For example, the word mores is “the essential or characteristic customs or fixed morally binding customs or conventions of a community.” Another word would be ethos, which means “the characteristic spirit of a culture, era or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations.” Based on the mores or ethos of a people-group, that group, community or nation will form laws by which it will govern itself. In America, from its founding 240 years ago until recently, the Bible and Christianity influenced the conscience of individuals and the collective conscience of the nation. America’s founding documents — the Constitution and state constitutions — reflected a definite biblical, if not Christian, world-view. This was the ethos of the society.

America, presently, has been described by many as a “post-Christian” nation. It would seem that those who assert that it is still a Christian nation are focusing on America’s past state rather than her present state. That is not to say that there are not still many Bible believers who walk out their faith in America. They are just no longer the majority; a Christian or biblical world-view is no longer the dominant ethos reflecting the core mores of the majority of Americans. The proof of this is to simply look at the spiritual and moral values those individuals our society votes into office to rule over them from the president on down.

Now let’s define another term that is becoming more and more apropos to the times in which we are living. That word is barbarism. Barbarism (derived from the word barbarian), is defined as “the condition to which a society or civilization may be reduced after a societal collapse relative to an earlier period of cultural or technological advancement. This term may also be used pejoratively to describe another society or civilization which is deemed inferior in some way.”

Is America descending into a culture of neo-barbarism or heathenism? Let’s look at some indication that show this is likely the case. Continue reading