Taking the Lid Off the Garbage Can

Let me  be honest and transparent with you, dear reader. I hope you would expect nothing less from me.

This morning I posted a picture that, I admitted, was crass. It made light of the perversities of the homosexual lifestyle. A couple of people were kind enough to register their surprise over my post. Because of this, I took the post down. In retrospect, I crossed over the line, and I apologize for offending anyone.


This blog is primarily a Bible study blog, but from time to time I deal with social issues, which are of moral or spiritual concern. The biblical prophets of old did this. John the Baptist lost his head for doing the same.

Now let me say this. I am well beyond frustrated and to the point of righteous anger over those in our society who are aggressively pushing their perverse, anti-biblical and Antichrist agendas upon us. I either want to leave and flee to an island in the South Pacific, or, if I have no option but to stay, I feel compelled to oppose the evil vigorously!

As I mentioned earlier, the purveyors of perversity are using Gestapo-like tactics to marginalize, vilify, destroy, bully, put out of business, defame, imprison and sometimes kill their opponants — namely Bible followers. This is getting to be more than I can take!!!

Let’s be honest. I believe in spiritual warfare and prayer. I do it all the time. But Continue reading


Islam and the Modern “Progressive” Movement

The so-called “progressive” liberal philosophical (called Progressivism) movement in the U.S. and other Western nations, broadly speaking, has one thing in common with Islam: they both hate YHVH Elohim — the God of the Bible — and those who follow and teach His word, the Bible. Many “progressives” and Koran-adherent Islamists or Moslems are currently waging an all-out war against Elohim’s people all over the world. Though they are two different ideological groups and are not formally united, they’re united in that they have a common enemy. The spiritual force driving both of them is Satan the devil, the god of this world, who is behind the spirit of Antichrist, which both “progressives” and Koran-adherent Moslems, by their actions and philosophies, advocate and are aggressively promoting globally.

Devil 32200902

Presently in Africa, the Middle East and Near East, Koran-adherent Moslems are persecuting, enslaving, raping, exiling, stealing property from and genocidally exterminating Christians and Jews as per the instructions of the Koran. Concurrently, the “progressives” in America and the West are doing the same thing, but in a different way. “Progressives” are using the political parties, judicial systems, educational systems, the media and the entertainments industries they control to exile or exterminate Christians from the marketplace, political arena, the media, educational systems and the entertainment industry. “Progressives” are murdering Bible-followers verbally through every media and electronic mouthpiece available to them. Like their Muslim counterparts, they are using a corrupt court system, a wicked political establishment and any other means available to them to deprive Christians of liberty, property, and to “rape” them economically by depriving them of the freedom to run their own commercial enterprises as their biblically-ordered conscience dictates and to openly and freely practice their religion in the public square and even, at times, to freely preach or communicate Bible truth.

Although most so-called “progressives” won’t come out openly in favor of Islam, they nonetheless share the same hatred of Christians as do Koran-adherent Moslems, and “progressives” are doing everything possible to promote the Islamization of our government, schools and other social institutions at the expense of our traditional Judeo-Christians biblical values.

With regard to the agenda that “progressives” and Moslems share, the oft-heard adage, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” comes to mind. In this case, both groups hate YHVH Elohim, His Bible and His followers. This then unites them, de facto, as allies, which goes a long way to explaining the “progressives’” aggressive promotion of Islam in America and other Western nations, and their turning a blind eye toward the atrocities Moslems are committing against Christians and Jews worldwide. It’s not that the “progressives” love Islam; it’s that they hate the Bible so much that they’re willing to form an uneasy, philosophical alliance of sorts with Islam to help them rid the planet of the Bible and its followers.

Make no mistake about it, Satan the devil, YHVH Elohim’s archenemy, is behind it all, and he is the ultimate enemy of Bible followers. Thankfully, the devil has already been defeated by Yeshua’s victory over sin, death and the grave (1 Cor 15:55–58), and he’s simply living on borrowed time until Yeshua returns to finalize his victory over him and banish him for good (Rev 20:1–3; 7–10). Until then, the lovers of biblical truth and freedom must stand firm and united against Satan and his earthy minions (Eph 6:10–18; 2 Cor 10:4–6) in the name of Yeshua and through His blood (Rev 12:11; Luke 10:19; Rom 16:20).

I leave you with this exhortative question from the Book of Psalms —

Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? (Psalm 94:16


Strong Words to Sissified Christians from a Football Coach

From News With View (http://www.newswithviews.comhttp://www.newswithviews.com/Daubenmire/dave413.htm


By Coach Dave Daubenmire
March 26, 2015

I loved my career as a football coach. Is it ok to say that? Does it make me seem worldly to say that? Forgive me Lord, but I loved it. I loved the smell of the battle. I loved the mud. I loved the blood. I loved the human drama of competition. I loved how competition strengthened a man.

Fight or flight was the choice that the frightened young men were forced to face. Will they face their fear and storm the castle, or will they roll up in a cocoon and yield ground to the enemy? Courage is created in the heat of the battle. Facing one’s fear is a necessity for victory in life.

“Kill the will, boys,” I often told them after the halftime break. “They are going to be fired up after the pep talk that their coach just gave them, and we are going to have to go out there and kill the will. We are going to keep the pressure on until they wilt. Victory is earned. You have to take it. Before you can do that, you have to take away their heart.”

“Kill the will boys…there is no other path to victory.”

I can feel it right now. Some of you reading this will find your heart beating a little faster. I feel you, my friend…I feel you. Whatever happened to the fighting spirit inside the Christian man?

They killed the will. Somewhere along the way the enemy killed the will. Passive, sit on your butt, whiney Christianity has turned the average American male into a compliant pile of play dough. The constant attack of the god-haters has pushed men inside the four walls of the church where they cower in fear over what some flaming homosexual might say about them.

There is no exhortation from their pastor to stand up and fight. There is no leader in the huddle motivating them to pound the ball over the goal line. There is no plan for victory over an exceedingly inferior opponent.

‘Churchianity’ makes me want to puke.

Those of you who enjoy football know that there is an old saying that “offense wins games but defense wins championships.” That may be true to a point, but the truth remains that a team that only plays defense will never win a game. The best they can hope for is a 0-0 tie. At some point, in order to win the game, someone is going to have to pick up the football and ram it across the goal line.

Playing a game to a tie is like kissing your sister. In looks good, but there ain’t much of a thrill to it. Sadly, most Christians today are playing for a tie…hoping to just hang on until Daddy comes to rescue them.

No wonder men have quit going to church. Who wants to play on a team that has no intention of winning? Who wants to engage in a fight where you aren’t able to punch back?

I know, I know…we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood. I get it. Maybe someone should explain that to the god-haters who are mopping the field with us and rubbing our values and our faces into the mud.

I was a little different than the average coach. I focused on the offensive side of the ball. I loved making big plays and scoring touchdowns on the opponent. The way I saw it, playing defense was something you had to do when the other team had the ball. The fans loved to watch the points go up on the board, and I sure loved putting them up there.

Offense wins games. That was my approach. Defense merely prevented losses. I’d much rather play trying to win, than hang on to my rear end trying not to lose.

For the most part, modern Christians have no intention of trying to win. They don’t even know what a touchdown looks like. They think winning is watching one of their friends “suffer for Christ” rather being a “champion for Christ.”

After David slew Goliath, he ran up and sliced of his head. David wasn’t interested in a tie. David wasn’t interested in playing defense. David was interested in “killing the will.” When David sliced that dude up, all of Goliath’s home-boys headed for the hills.

I recall spending many nights preparing for the upcoming opponent with our coaching staff. We’d break down the films, find their tendencies, and prepare a plan of attack. I would look at the game plan and turn to our coaches and say “First one to 30 wins, boys. If they plan on beating us, they’d better be ready to score some points.”

What’s my point? It is that the church has sat around for far too long now playing defense and hoping to somehow stop the opponents from scoring on our team. We compromise, roll over, yield our authority, dance to their tune, and play by their rules. The idea of forcing them to play by our terms never enters our minds. We have a defensive mindset. “If only we can hold on, maybe we can end in a tie.”

I’m sick of it. I’m sick of sissified, passive Christianity. I’m sick of the girlie mommy’s boys currently populating our pulpits with a “just be nice” strategy. We will never win if our only goal is to not appear mean as they rape our cheerleaders and molest our water-boys

We need a change in strategy. Playing ‘not to lose’ ain’t working.

I remember the great football coach Woody Hayes once commented, “I never saw a football player make a tackle with a smile on his face.”

Let’s go on the offensive. Let’s throw a few deep passes. Let’s pound the god-haters by running off tackle. Let’s use some razzle dazzle and see if they can handle it. Let’s pull out all the stops. Let’s run the no-huddle offense and wear ‘em down. Let’s act like we are champions led by the greatest Coach in the world.

Let’s follow David’s example. Let’s follow Gideon’s example. Let’s follow Jesus’ example. Kill the will, boys. Get off of your butts and go on the attack. Anybody with me?

The first one to 30 wins.

Dave Daubenmire is a veteran 35 year high school football coach who was spurred to action when attacked and sued by the ACLU in the late 1990s for praying with his high school football team. After a two year battle for his 1st amendment rights, the ACLU relented and offered coach an out of court settlement. 



Happy Biblical New Year!

 And YHVH spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, “This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.” (Exodus 12:1–2)


Abib barley has been found in the land of Israel. Today the new moon was sited from the land of Israel. This marks the beginning of the biblical new year — the first day of the month of the Abib (or Nisan).

Fourteen days from today (Saturday, March 4) will be Passover. Fifteen days from today (Sunday, March 5) will be the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

To learn more about the biblical calendar and the seven biblical feasts including Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, go to http://www.hoshanarabbah.org/teaching.html#feast.

To download a printable copy of the biblical calendar, so you know when the spring feasts are, go to http://www.hoshanarabbah.org/calendars.html.


Fishers of Fish…

Today instead of fishing for men, I was fishing for fish — steelhead fishing — on the Clackamas River an hour from my home with my partner and expert mentor Bob. Today we got skunked and left a bunch of tackle on the bottom of the river, but there’s always tomorrow.

I’m not new to fishing, but new to the big game sport of salmon and steelhead fishing. These fish can be anywhere in length from two to nearly four feet in length.

It was a great day on the river. Got there at 7 AM as the sun was rising and the river mist was wisping away. Had the place to ourselves, and though we caught nothing, the time away from the city was healing to the soul.

When Bob or I catch one, I’ll post a photo here of it. So stay tuned.

Thank you YHVH and Bob!



Good bye cruel world…Hello to a little bit of heaven on earth!

Sometimes you just have to get away!

Friday (yesterday) was one of those days for me. I went to work as usual, and after I got done with my first job, I was finished for the day. I was done! I couldn’t go back to work. (This is one of the benefits of being self-employed — you don’t have to work when you don’t want to!) It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the flowers blooming and I had to get out of the city and away from it all. If I stayed there any longer, I think I would have been physically sick…literally. The wilderness of Yehovah’s creation was calling me!

Thankfully, within in an hour’s drive (or a little longer sometimes) of my town, I can be in some of the most scenic spots on planet earth whether it’s the coast of the Pacific Ocean, the Cascade Mountains with their glaciated volcanic peaks or the mighty Columbia River Gorge.

Yesterday, I grabbed my day pack, my Bible and jumped into my truck and headed out. I wasn’t sure where I was going, but Yehovah led me to Eagle Creek in the Columbia River Gorge just east of Portland, Oregon.  I hiked up a little over two miles and came to the famous Punch Bowl falls in the photos below. I hope you enjoy them.  Continue reading


Oy vey … NO Way! Karl Marx for President

People actually want Karl Marx for President of the U.S.


You gotta see this short video. Talk about low information and brainwashed voters!

In light of these facts, this emphasizes the fact why we Torah-loving and Yeshua following saints must all the more endeavor to be salt and light in the societal darkness around us. Be strong and carry on! And now the video:
