Success! I trapped the skunk…

Life is full of battles. There are a lot of enemies out there. Some are human, others are non-human and then there are spiritual enemies as well. This blog is devoted, in part, to combatting the enemies of biblical truth whoever or whatever they may be.

Well, recently I’ve been fighting a different kind of enemy for the past few weeks—a skunk that has taken up residence in my yard. I finally got a live trap and baited it with marshmallows (kosher, of course) and peanut butter. Just last night I came out of my backyard office building (a converted chicken house) at about midnight and almost ran into the skunk. We both surprised each other as he scampered off. He’s really cute. Thankfully, he hasn’t sprayed, but he has been tearing up my flowerbeds and lawn in search of grubs and earthworms.

This morning he was in my trap. Yeah! I just came back from releasing him on the other side of the river.

After I shook him out of the trap and backed off quickly, he did spray, but didn’t get me.

Good riddance and have a nice life Mr. or Mrs. Skunk—whatever you are.

There's the trap next to the garbage bag a wrapped it in. Just beyond the trap you can see a black spot disappearing into the grass. That's the skink.

There’s the trap next to the garbage bag a wrapped it in. Just beyond the trap you can see a black spot disappearing into the grass. That’s the skink.


Shabbat Shalom Everyone! Wildflower Pics from Diamond Lake

During our camping  trip to Diamond Lake, Oregon last week, I took pictures of the wildflowers that grew along the shores and meadows around the lake. Wash your minds from the disgusting filth of the world around you with these pics from Yehovah’s lovely and pristine creation. Enjoy! Shabbat shalom.





Fireweed up close

Fireweed up close

A meadow of  fireweed

A meadow of fireweed

Indian paint brush

Indian paint brush





Cow parsnip and fireweed

Cow parsnip and fireweed



Water hemlock—the most poisonous plant in North America!

Water hemlock—the most poisonous plant in North America!

Pearly everlasting

Pearly everlasting



Not sure what this flower is. It's in the sunflower family.

Not sure what this flower is. It’s in the sunflower family.


Pics from Crater Lake National Park in Oregon

Please enjoy these pics from Sandi’s and my recent trip to Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. Crater Lake is the caldera of  ancient mountain volcano that  erupted and then collapsed in on itself and filled up with water. It is the deepest lake in the western hemisphere at 1,949 feet deep and the third deepest lake in the world. The lake is five by six miles across.The crater’s rim averages between 6,000 and 7,000 foot in elevation above sea level. It became a national park in 1902.









I’m back…! No, I didn’t die

Shalom everyone! Sandi and I just got back from a four day trailer camping trip up in the high mountains of south central Oregon that stretched into a five day, then into an eight day trip.

Usually when I’m gone, I pre-schedule blog posts to fit with the scripture for the day according to our Bible reading schedule. However, I decided to give myself and you a break this time.

You see, keeping this blog up requires a lot of time and effort—many hours each week. Sometimes we all need a break. It is my privilege to do serve the body of Yeshua through this blog, and YHVH Elohim commissioned me many years ago to “feed his sheep.” This is a responsibility I take very seriously, and dereliction of duty is not something that pleases him. However, he does allow his servants breaks once in a while, so they can recoup, get energized in him and hopefully come back refreshed and ready to serve him with intensified vigor. This we did when we parked our travel trailer by a 5,100 foot elevation mountain lake for the past week and just chilled. More on all of this later, but in the mean time here are several photos. Enjoy!

The view from our trailer.

The view from our trailer.

The view of the lake from our campfire.

The view of the lake from our campfire.

Sandi poking her head out from our home on wheels.

Sandi poking her head out from our home on wheels.

The ever changing moods of Diamond Lake—a veritable movie screen as viewed from our front door!

The ever changing moods of Diamond Lake—a veritable movie screen as viewed from our front door!

Natan cooking dinner over the campfire.

Natan cooking dinner over the campfire.

We made a quick trip to nearby Crater Lake National Park.

We made a quick trip to nearby Crater Lake National Park.

Diamond Lake early in the morning.

Diamond Lake early in the morning.