18 Reasons Why I Don’t Celebrate Halloween

From http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/18-reasons-why-i-dont-celebrate-halloween

By Michael Snyder, on October 28th, 2015

Halloween Fire - Public DomainThis year, 64 percent of all Americans will celebrate Halloween, but I will not be one of them.  For me, it is a wretched, horrible holiday that celebrates the darkest side of humanity, and it is deeply rooted in ancient pagan traditions that would get people thrown in prison if they attempted to duplicate them today.  With each passing year, the sexually suggestive costumes being marketed to our young girls become even skankier, the horror movies become darker and even more demonic, and the number of Americans that participate in occult ceremonies just continues to grow.  In fact, it has been estimated that the number of self-identified witches in the United States is doubling every 30 months.  Those that are deeply into the occult take this holiday very seriously, and the dark forces that they are dealing with are very real.  So no, I don’t want anything to do with this festival of death.  In no particular order, the following are 18 reasons why I don’t celebrate Halloween…

#1 I don’t want anyone in my family to observe a holiday that celebrates death, witchcraft and the occult.  This year, millions of Americans will participate in activities that could potentially open up a door for demonic activity.

#2 The average American spends $74.34 on the holiday.  I would rather save the money.

#3 Millions of women use Halloween as an excuse to dress like street walkers, and millions of men use Halloween as an excuse to act like sexual predators.

#4 Even little girls as young as three years old are being dressed up in sexually provocative costumes.  What kind of message does this send to them?

#5 Dressing up little children as ghosts, demons and vampires is not healthy for them.  In recent years, there has been a trend to make costumes for children as hellish as possible.

#6 Originally, costumes were worn on October 31st “to change the personality of the wearer to allow for communication with the spirit world“.  For 11 years in a row, dressing up as a witch has been the number one costume choice for adults in the United States.

#7 In ancient Britain, the festival known as Samhain was celebrated on October 31st.  It was supposedly a day when dead souls would revisit their old homes.  Personally, I don’t want anything to do with contacting the souls of the dead.

#8 According to the History Channel, Samhain was also the day when the Druids “gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities”.

#9 As I have written about previously, the fastest growing religion in America still practices a holiday known as “Samhain” to this very day.

#10 According to Wiccans, Halloween is the time when the veil between the living and the dead is considered to be the thinnest.  They believe that on this day their god “dies” and is reborn every year on the Winter Solstice.  This year the winter solstice falls on December 22nd.

#11 In ancient times, the resurrection of the sun god required human and animal sacrifice.  The following is what occult expert Bill Schnoebelen says that the Druids would do at this time of the year…

Druids worshiped the sun god, called by names like Bel (Ba’al?) or Chrom. On October 31, they believed that he died and went into the kingdom of the dead, Anwynn. The purpose of Samhain was to insure his return. Even witches admit this involved human sacrifice.

Both animal and human blood were believed to be needed to resurrect Bel on Samhain. Human blood was believed to open the gates of Anwynn and released the spirits for a night. Thus, October 31 came to be associated with ghosts. This is not just history. Samhain is still celebrated by Pagans and is the most solemn ceremony on their “religious calendar”.

#12 To this day, animal torture and sacrifice is still practiced on Halloween by occultists.  Many animal shelters will not adopt out black cats during the month of October for this very reason.

#13 In the early seventh century, a Catholic Pope known as Gregory the First decided that the best approach to ensure the continued spread of Catholicism was to “christianize” existing pagan holidays and practices

As a result of their efforts to wipe out “pagan” holidays, such as Samhain, the Christians succeeded in effecting major transformations in it. In 601 A.D. Pope Gregory the First issued a now famous edict to his missionaries concerning the native beliefs and customs of the peoples he hoped to convert. Rather than try to obliterate native peoples’ customs and beliefs, the pope instructed his missionaries to use them: if a group of people worshipped a tree, rather than cut it down, he advised them to consecrate it to Christ and allow its continued worship.

#14 The tradition of “trick-or-treating” was one of the existing pagan traditions that was later “Christianized”

The idea of trick-or-treating is further related to the ghosts of the dead in pagan, and even Catholic, history. For example, among the ancient Druids, “The ghosts that were thought to throng about the houses of the living were greeted with a banquet-laden table. At the end of the feast, masked and costumed villagers representing the souls of the dead paraded to the outskirts of town leading the ghosts away.”

As already noted, Halloween was thought to be a night when mischievous and evil spirits roamed freely. As in modern poltergeist lore, mischievous spirits could play tricks on the living—so it was advantageous to “hide” from them by wearing costumes. Masks and costumes were worn to either scare away the ghosts or to keep from being recognized by them

#15 The tradition of carving out a “Jack-O-Lantern” also comes from paganism.  The following comes from wicca.com

Turnips were hollowed out and carved to look like protective spirits, for this was a night of magic and chaos. The Wee Folke became very active, pulling pranks on unsuspecting humans. Traveling after dark was not advised.

And as Bill Schnoebelen has noted, pumpkins eventually replaced turnips, but the meaning remained the same…

Here it’s a pumpkin, but in Europe it was often a turnip, or a skull with a candle in it. This serves two symbols, 1) the lord of the Dead, a “god” just like a Buddha – in short, an idol. 2) The fearsome face represented the god, Samhain, who would drive off less powerful demons that night. The lights in the Jack-o-Lantern symbolize the “faery fires” or “Will’o the Wisps” which were believed to be the lost souls flitting through the night. They also hearken back to the huge Samhain “balefires” which were lit to help conjure back the god from the darkness.

#16 On all Satanic holy days, there are children that get ritually abused.  This has been documented repeatedly, and yet most people (including most Christians) don’t want to hear about it.

#17 For Satanists, Halloween is one of the most important celebrations of the year.  On page 96 of the Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey wrote the following…

“After one’s own birthday, the two major Satanic holidays are Walpurgisnacht (May 1st) and Halloween.”

#18 The Scriptures are very clear about this sort of thing.  Deuteronomy 18:9-13 says the following: “When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults with the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord”.

So what about you?

Will you and your family celebrate Halloween this year?


Our internet is finally repaired!

Was at Sukkot for 11 days and got home and our internet was down. Ughh! The phone company couldn’t come out for more than a week to fix it. Double ughh!

On top of that, my iMovie program kept crashing every time I opened it to work a file. That problem had been going since just before Sukkot.

So the other day, I called Apple Care and we updated some software and now that problem is fixed. And finally, yesterday, the phone company came out and fixed our fiber optics internet by giving us a new OTM and router, so the internet is up and running once again. Yay!

Now I can get active on my blog again including uploading some vids from Atonement and Sukkot.

Stay tuned…


Yeshua’s Response to the Las Vegas Shooting? Repent or Perish!

I don’t want to be so arrogant as to presume exactly what Yeshua would have said in response to the recent tragic Las Vegas shooting. No doubt his heart would have been broken. This we know. All humans were made in the image of the Creator and Yeshua died for everyone (John 3:16) and he loved us while we were yet sinners (Rom 5:8 and Eph 2:4–5).

However, the Gospel of Luke reveals that a similar events happened in Yeshua’s day where there was a huge loss of “innocent” life due to tragic circumstances that no one could have foreseen. When asked what he thought about it, Yeshua didn’t judge or condemn anyone. He simply had a pithy word to those who were still living—an important lesson for us all.

We read his response in Luke 13:1–5.

There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? “I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.”

The point? Repent or perish! Everyone will die eventually one way or another. No one knows the  time or place of their death. Therefore, make the most of your life while you have it and especially repent of sin and turn to YHVH Elohim the Creator while you can.

So Yeshua’s message to America and to everyone is this: REPENT OR  PERISH!

After you have repented, then what? Start reading your Bible. It will tell you what to do from that point on. The Hoshana Rabbah Bible reading schedule will you to that in a systematic, organized and balanced manner. You can down load for free at https://www.hoshanarabbah.org/pdfs/read-bible-in-a-year_2017-18.pdf.


‘God Is Our Refuge and Strength’: President Trump Declares Sunday a ‘National Day of Prayer’

This is good news, and praise Yah for it, but I’m going to be politically incorrect and state that one more component needs to be added to his equation: REPENTANCE!
BTW, after a quick check of the American mainstream media (CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS, AP, etc.) there is no mention of President Trump proclaiming Sunday as a national day of prayer. Only the Christian Broadcasting Network (and World Net Daily who picked up their story) reported this. And some people still believe that the mainstream media has no antiChristian bias????

President Donald Trump has just declared Sunday to be “a National Day of Prayer,” joining with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott who has also called on Texans to pray for recovery efforts from Hurricane Harvey.

“We are deeply grateful for those performing acts of service, and we pray for healing and comfort for those in need,” the president’s proclamation states.

“As response and recovery efforts continue, and as Americans provide much needed relief to the people of Texas and Louisiana, we are reminded of Scripture’s promise that ‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble,'” the proclamation continues.

“I call on all Americans and houses of worship throughout the Nation to join in one voice of prayer, as we seek to uplift one another and assist those suffering from the consequences of this terrible storm,” Trump says.

Meanwhile, the governor of Texas has also called on his fellow Texans and people around the country to pray for Texas on Sunday.

Gov. Greg Abbott issued a proclamation calling for an official day of prayer for Texans “of all faiths and religious traditions and backgrounds.”

The governor is urging people to pray for the safety of first responders, public safety officers and military personnel involved in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

He’s also calling for prayers for the “healing of individuals, rebuilding of communities and the restoration of the entire region struck by this disaster.”

Abbott applauded Texans for helping each other through the ordeal and noted they are grateful for the support and resources they’ve received in days since Harvey struck.

Harvey has caused record flooding in parts of the state and has been blamed for the deaths of more than 30 people.

In 2011, Texas Gov. Rick Perry also called for official prayer but ironically–he called for prayers for rain. At the time, the Lone Star state was in the throes of severe drought and wildfires. Perry called for three official days of prayer, from April 22-24, to pray for rain.