The Real State of the US Economy

This is a bit of a technical, if not tedious, read (I had to read it twice to get it), but this piece explains my concerns about the current state of the U.S. economy; although things may look good on the surface, the fundamentals are weak. We are under an illusion of prosperity, but the underlying factors say otherwise. As such, a financial reset has to occur. The question is not if, but when. No one knows the answer to this.

Why is studying economics important? Because it affects everything in your life—what you will and will not be able to do.

Yes, as believers in Yeshua, we have faith that Elohim is bigger than all of this, and he is, and that we will help us in times of trouble. But our faith in him alone without some corresponding action on our part will not carry us through the hard times that are coming on this world prior to Yeshua’s return. We still have to prepare ourselves spiritually (most importantly) and physically, as much as possible. 

Having said this, I hope you will take time to read this article.



The Strange Case Of The Falling Dollar – And What It Means For Gold

Authored by Alt-Market’s Brandon Smith via Birch Gold Group,

Trillions of dollars in uncontrolled central bank stimulus and years of artificially low interest rates have poisoned every aspect of our financial system. Nothing functions as it used to. In fact, many markets actually move in the exact opposite manner as they did before the debt crisis began in 2008. The most obvious example has been stocks, which have enjoyed the most historic bull market ever despite all fundamental data being contrary to a healthy economy.

With a so far endless supply of cheap fiat from the Federal Reserve (among other central banks), as well as near zero interest overnight loans, everyone in the economic world was wondering where all the cash was flowing to. It certainly wasn’t going into the pockets of the average citizen. Instead, we find that the real benefactors of central bank support has been the already mega-rich as the wealth gap widens beyond all reason.  Furthermore, it is clear that central bank stimulus is the primary culprit behind the magical equities rally that SEEMS to be invincible.

To illustrate this correlation, one can compare the rise of the Fed’s balance sheet to the rise of the S&P 500 and see they match up almost exactly. Coincidence? I think not…


Another strangely behaving market factor that has gone mostly unnoticed has been the Dollar index (DXY). Beginning after the global financial crisis in 2008, the dollar’s value in reference to other foreign currencies initially moved in a rather predictable manner; collapsing in the face of unprecedented bailout and stimulus programs by the Fed, which required unlimited fiat creation from thin air. Naturally, commodities responded to fill the void in wealth protection and exploded in price. Oil markets in particular, which are priced only in the US dollar (something that is quickly changing today), nearly quadrupled. Gold witnessed a historic run, edging toward $2,000.

In the past few years, central banks have initiated a coordinated tightening policy, first by tapering QE, then raising interest rates, and now by decreasing their balance sheets. I would note that while oil and many other commodities plummeted in relative value to the dollar after tightening measures, gold has actually maintained a strong market presence, and has remained one of the best performing investments in recent years.

Something rather odd, however, has been happening with the dollar…

Normally, Fed tightening policies should cause an ever-increasing boost to the dollar index. Instead, the dollar is facing a swift plunge not seen since 2003.

What is going on here? Well, there are a number of factors at play.

First, we have a growing international sentiment against US treasury bonds (debt), which may be affecting overall demand for the dollar, and in turn, dollar value.  For example, one can see a relatively steady decline in US treasury holdings by Japan and China over the course of 2016, with China being the most aggressive in its move away from US debt:

We also have a subtle, yet increasing, international appetite for an alternative world reserve currency. The dollar has enjoyed decades of protection from the effects of fiat printing as the world reserve, but numerous countries including Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia are moving to bilateral trade agreements which cut out the US dollar as a mechanism. This will eventually trigger an avalanche of dollars flooding into the US from overseas, as they are no longer needed to execute cross-border trade. And, in turn the dollar will continue to fall in relative value to other currencies.

There is also the issue of coordinated fiscal tightening by central banks around the world, with the ECB and even Japan moving to cut off stimulus measures and QE.  What this means is, other currencies will now be appreciating in terms of Forex market value against the dollar, and in turn, the dollar index will decline further.  Unless the Federal Reserve acts more aggressively in its interest rate hikes, the dollar’s decline will be brutal.

Finally, we also have the issue of nearly a decade of Fed stimulus that has gone without audit (except for the limited TARP audit, which shows tens of trillions in money/debt creation). We truly have no idea how much fiat was actually created by the Fed – but we can guess that it was a massive sum according to the seemingly endless rise in equities from a point of near total breakdown, funded by quantitative easing and stock buybacks. You cannot conjure a market rebound merely with debt. Eventually, that currency creation and the consequences will have to set a foot down somewhere, and it is possible that we are witnessing the results first in the dollar, as well as the Treasury yield curve, which is now flattening faster than it did just before the stock market crash in 2008.

A flat yield curve is generally a portent of economic recession.

I believe that this is just the beginning of troubles for the dollar and for US bonds. Which raises the question, how will the Fed react to a dollar market that is so far completely ignoring their tightening policies?

Here is where things get interesting.

Throughout 2017, I warned that the Fed would continue to raise interest rates (despite many people arguing to the contrary) and would eventually find an excuse to increase rates much faster than previously stated in their dot plots. I based this prediction on the fact that the Fed is clearly moving to pop the enormous fiscal bubble it has engineered since 2008, and that they plan do this while Donald Trump is in office (whether or not Trump is aware of this plan is hard to say). Trump has already taken credit on several occasions for the epic stock rally, and thus, when the plug is pulled on equities life support, who do you think will get the blame? Definitely not the banking elites who inflated the bubble in the first place.

Even the mainstream financial media has admitted at times that Trump will “regret” his campaign demands that the Fed hike rates and stop pumping up stock markets, as he will be inheriting a fiscal punch in the gut.

The Fed, as well as the mainstream, have also planted the notion that the Fed “will be forced” to raise interest rates faster if the Trump Administration pursues its plans for Hoover-style infrastructure development.

But, on top of this, the “problem” of the falling dollar also introduces a whole new rationale for speedy interest rate hikes. I believe that soon after Janet Yellen leaves as Fed chair and Jerome Powell transitions in, the Fed will begin an exponential increase in rates and will speed up their balance sheet reductions. And, they will blame the unusual decline in the dollar index as well as falling Treasury demand as the cause for more extreme action.

Powell has already backed “gradual rate hikes” in 2018, and, a few members of the Fed expressed a need for “faster hikes” in the minutes of the last meeting in December. I predict this sentiment will expand under Powell.

A small number of Wall Street economists are also warning of more rate hikes in 2018, and that this could cause considerable shock to the virtual stock rally in play right now.

That might be the Fed’s plan. The central bankers need a scapegoat for the eventual bursting of the market bubble that they have produced. Why not simply allow that bubble to finally implode in the near term, blaming the Trump administration and, by extension, all the conservatives that supported him? To do this, the Fed needs an excuse to hike rates swiftly; and they now have that excuse with the dollar dropping like a stone (among other reasons).

But how will this affect gold?

So far, gold has actually spiked along with Fed rate increases, which might seem counter intuitive, but so is the dollar falling along with rate increases.

I do think that there will be an initial and marginal drop in gold prices if the Fed increases the frequency of rate hakes. That said, eventually reality will set into stock markets that the party is over, the punch bowl is being taken away, and Trump’s tax reform will not be enough to offset the loss of access to trillions in cheap fiat dollars from the central bank.

Once stocks begin to collapse in the wake of Fed hikes and balance sheet reductions (and they will), and uncertainty in the fate of the dollar swells, gold will bounce back stronger than ever. In the meantime, I would treat any drop in precious metals as a major buying opportunity. Gold is one of the few assets that always does well during times of crisis.


The Roman Catholic Church and Pedophila—Shame and Judgment!

The Roman Catholic Church and pedophila. What do you expect from an apostate religious institution that doesn’t follow the Bible?

Where in the Bible does it say that the ministry of Elohim is to remain celibate? A celibate priesthood is a pagan concept that goes back to the ancient Greek pagan religious system of asceticism. Paul refers to this heathen practice in 1 Tim 4:3 and relates it to the apostasy of the end times, doctrines of demons and lying hypocrisy.

A celibate priesthood is contrary to the Torah, where we  wee that the Levitical priests were married. Moreover, Paul clearly teaches that elder-leaders in the church were to be happily married and to have their families in order (1 Tim 3:2, 11; Tit 1:6).

Not only that, YHVH commanded humans to be fruitful and to multiply in Gen 1:28. This was the first law of the Torah. The Catholic Church has violated these biblical prescriptions on all accounts with regard to their priesthood.

How sad it is that humans are unable to follow even the most elementary commands of Elohim and, instead, rebelliously, choose to devise anti-biblical religious systems and traditions of men that make of none effect the clear commands and word of Elohim in favor of their own senseless manmade and destructive doctrines (Mark 7:9)!

The Catholic Church should herewith abolish the unbiblical practice of a celibate priesthood. This would go a long way to demonstrating their desire to do the right thing.

If the Catholic Church had followed Elohim’s first command in the Bible and allowed their priests to marry, this pedophile issue would probably never have existed. Think of the thousands of young lives this demonic tradition of man has ruined. This false system has resulted in priest burning with lust sexually abuse countless children placed under their care. This is rotten fruit!

May YHVH Elohim bring judgment on this miserable Babylonian system and have mercy on all the lives it has destroyed in the process! 



But the press will only go so far. Then the curtain drops.

 We are seeing some exposure of sexual predators. But there are very large cases already out in the open.
And the press carries out its prime directive: cover the issue BUT don’t follow up, don’t reveal the stunning implications.Here are just three examples of many—

LA Times, 10/27/11: “The addresses for more than 1,000 state-licensed care facilities for vulnerable people in California matched addresses on the state sex offender registry, according to a newly released audit.”

What?? How were 1000 registered sex offenders allowed to attach themselves to care facilities, or even worse, organize the facilities? And are we supposed to believe these 1000 occurrences were independent of each other? Or were they the result of an overall plan? No press follow-up.

“State Auditor Elaine M. Howle said the California Department of Social Services failed to check the sex offender registry even after her office advised it to do so in 2008.”

“The facilities matching the registry of sex offenders included foster homes, group homes and day-care facilities for children, as well as facilities for adults with special needs and the elderly.”

“Investigations are now complete and the state said eight licenses have been revoked or suspended and regulators issued 31 orders barring individuals from licensed facilities.”

What?? A thousand registered sex offenders are connected to care-facilities, but only 39 actions have been taken? Again, no press follow-up.

CBS News, May 5, 2014: “The Vatican revealed Tuesday that over the past decade, it has defrocked 848 priests who raped or molested children and sanctioned another 2,572 with lesser penalties, providing the first ever breakdown of how it handled the more than 3,400 cases of abuse reported to the Holy See since 2004.”

“The Vatican’s U.N. ambassador in Geneva, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, released the figures during a second day of grilling by a U.N. committee monitoring implementation of the U.N. treaty against torture.”

“Only in 2010 did the Vatican explicitly tell bishops and superiors to also report credible cases to police where local reporting laws require them to.”

What?? “Where reporting laws REQUIRE THEM to”? In other words, as far as the Vatican is concerned, if there is no explicit law, HIDE THE CRIMES. This in itself is not a major press story? Where is the deep follow-up?

“The figures, however, only cover cases handled directly by the Holy See, not those handled by local diocesan tribunals, meaning the total number of sanctioned priests is likely far higher.”

“The latest spike began in 2010, when 464 cases were reported, more than twice the amount in 2009. Starting in that same year, the Vatican began resorting more and more to the lesser penalty of sentencing accused priests to a lifetime of penance and prayer rather than defrocking them. The Vatican often metes out such sentences for elderly or infirm priests, since defrocking them would essentially render them destitute in their final years.”

What?? As more cases were reported, the Vatican took LIGHTER ACTIONS against the sex-criminal priests. That’s another major press investigation that never happened.

France 24, Dec. 15, 2017: “The [Australian] government ordered the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in 2012 after a decade of pressure to investigate widespread allegations across the country.”

“The commission was contacted by more than 15,000 survivors who detailed claims of child abuse involving churches, orphanages, sporting clubs, youth groups and schools, often dating back decades.”

“It heard horrific stories during often confronting and emotionally exhausting public and private hearings.”

“In total, more than 4,000 institutions were accused of abuse, with many of them Catholic-managed facilities.”

“’Tens of thousands of children have been sexually abused in many Australian institutions. We will never know the true number,’ the final report said, making hundreds of recommendations to improve children’s safety and make it harder for paedophiles to operate unpunished.”

“’Whatever the number, it is a national tragedy, perpetrated over generations within many of our most trusted institutions’.”

“During its hearings, the commission heard that seven percent of Catholic priests were accused of abuse in Australia between 1950 and 2010, but the allegations were never investigated, with children ignored and even punished when they came forward.”

“There were more than 1,800 alleged perpetrators, with the average age of the victims at the time 10 for girls and 11 for boys. The St John of God Brothers religious order was the worst, with just over 40 percent of members accused.”

“The inquiry embroiled Australia’s most senior Catholic cleric George Pell, now the Vatican’s finance chief, who was questioned over his dealings with paedophile priests in Victoria state in the 1970s.”

“Pell is currently accused of multiple historical sexual offences, with a committal hearing in March due to decide if there is enough evidence from the prosecution for the case against him to go to trial.”

Priests would certainly share victims—which means pedophile networks. This is not being explored by the press, and I see no evidence that law-enforcement is pursuing the obvious implication, either. Exposing the truth would indict the Vatican in far more than a series of scandals:

Instead—a centuries-old organized sex-crime operation that protects its members and uses a religious cover story to hide itself.

In the three cases I cite in this article, the press has failed to follow up in several huge ways. Realize that editors and publishers have actually hamstrung their reporters—“don’t go further.” This is no accident. The crimes below the crimes must not see the light of day.

This straitjacket is applied to reporters on an ongoing basis.

The press outlets—despite their denials—have the time, money, and resources to do deep investigations. (Such probes would actually pay off in larger audiences and increased ad rates.)

The reason to curtail investigations is political.

Major media owners and major crime figures share memberships in the same “clubs.” When their interests collide, the media will only go so far.

Then STOP signs appear.

This blocking strategy, deployed for decades, has a deleterious effect on the public. Readers and viewers think, during hundreds of news reports, “Why didn’t that reporter ask the next obvious question?” But eventually, the consumer of mainstream news decides, “It must be me. I’m the one who doesn’t understand. Those reporters aren’t pursuing leads for good reasons, whatever those reasons are.”

So the IQ of the public keeps dropping.


Shame on Netflix! How is this edifying anyone?

Come on Netflix, can’t you come up with a better idea for a movie than one that promotes murder, violence, moral filth, rebellion, hatred and the dark and, even at times, the satanic side of human nature? 

In your view, are people so starved for new forms of entertainment that you have to descend to the very bottom of your moral septic tank and scrape some sewage up and make a movie out of it?

What? Are you kidding me? Do you really think that we’re buying the idea that you’re trying to resonate with the rebellious teenager in all of us though this trashy film? Give me a break! How many teenagers, even in our day, consider punching out their parents, stealing the family car and then running off with their pretend girlfriend, so they can knife her to death? You morally disgusting perverts and haters of all that is decent even portray this as being normal in choosing average looking actors to play the part. This is morally repugnant!

And what about all the broken and hurting kids out there that do have legitimate mental health problem because of their broken families, the bizarre mores they’re being force fed from their schools and society, and as a result of all the pre-scribed and non-prescribed drugs they’re taking? Instead of reaching out to help these kids, you (i.e. Netflix) are giving them yet another reason to act out their lower nature aggressions and angst, and then excusing your actions by calling it “entertainment.” Shame on you! We’re not fooled. We know that you hate God, the Bible and family. You are of your father the devil, who, as Yeshua/Jesus said, 

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. (John 8:44)

Instead, let’s follow the advice of Paul, the apostle,

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8).

At the same time, let’s

[H]ave no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprovethem. (Ephesians 5:11)

I leave you, dear reader, with this question:

Who will rise up for me [i.e. Elohim] against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? (Psalm 94:16)

It’s time to vote with our feet and pocketbooks and to cancel our Netflix subscriptions!


Teen TV Genre Takes Adolescent Angst to a Darker Place

Two 17-year-olds go from odd couple to runaways to fugitives in ‘The End of the F***ing World’

In ‘The End of the F***ing World,’ James (Alex Lawther) considers himself a serial killer in the making.
In ‘The End of the F***ing World,’ James (Alex Lawther) considers himself a serial killer in the making. PHOTO: NETFLIX
The next romantic teen comedy with hit potential has a modified F-bomb in its title and two unconventional 17-year-old characters at its heart. He’s a self-diagnosed psychopath looking for his first murder victim. She’s his unwitting target with a destructive agenda of her own.

“The End of the F***ing World,” a TV series that premiered Friday on Netflix, joins a growing number of shows exploring the fringes of adolescent tumult. Among them: “Riverdale” (The CW), which plunged the gang from Archie Comics into a noir murder mystery; “Runaways” (Hulu), in which a group of high schoolers balance everyday angst with a friend’s death and burgeoning superpowers; and “13 Reasons Why” (Netflix), a teen suicide drama that made waves last year in schools and families.

Even “Stranger Things,” Netflix’s sci-fi series set in the 1980s, tapped into the trend by pitting a group of prepubescent children against a horror from another realm.

Maybe it’s due to an evolution of teen storytelling tropes, a reflection of uncertainty and anxiety in the real world, or an effort by producers to match the mind-set of young viewers who have already seen it all on the internet—but the genre is processing harsher stuff than the high-school crushes and crises that typified “Sixteen Candles” and other hormone-steeped classics of past generations.

“There’s more of an appetite to go to darker places,” says Charlie Covell, who wrote the “End of the F***ing World” TV series. She says teens are grappling with many of the same issues they always have—alienation, confusion, familial discord. Now, though, there’s an “open forum” for exploring them thanks to an explosion of content and a blurring of lines among genres.

James and Alyssa (Jessica Barden) go from odd couple to runaways to fugitives from the police in ‘The End of the F***ing World.’
James and Alyssa (Jessica Barden) go from odd couple to runaways to fugitives from the police in ‘The End of the F***ing World.’ PHOTO: NETFLIX

“The End of the F***ing World” is based on a graphic novel published in 2013 by an American author and artist, Charles Forsman. Executive producer and director Jonathan Entwistle​ developed it as a TV series for Netflix and the U.K. network Channel 4, which aired it last fall. Its eight episodes come in binge-able installments of about 20 minutes each.

The TV series starts in a bland British suburb, where Alyssa (played by Jessica Barden) and James (Alex Lawther) are outsiders who use each other to test the identities they’ve invented for themselves. She acts the part of a promiscuous rebel. He considers himself coldblooded, a serial killer in the making.

The show shifts perspectives between the two characters, using their inner monologues to highlight the disconnect between what they say and what they think. As Alyssa and James go from odd couple to runaways to fugitives from the police, the story turns into a modern Bonnie-and-Clyde tale. Songs by Hank Williams, rockabilly singer Wanda Jackson and others bring echoes of past eras.

If the show’s title doesn’t immediately weed out squeamish viewers, the opening scenes could, as James describes a childhood of numbness and killing animals.

But the tone is more cartoonish than grim, with breezy narration and whimsical montages that seem to reference Wes Anderson films like “Rushmore” and ​“The Royal Tenenbaums.”​

“It’s not a laugh,” Ms. Covell says, “but it’s a wry moment that let’s you say, ‘OK, this is a comedy.’”

Jessica Barden, right, and Christine Bottomley in The End of the F***ing World
Jessica Barden, right, and Christine Bottomley in The End of the F***ing World PHOTO: NETFLIX

It’s not the first black comedy to mix teen emotion with homicidal urges. “Heathers,” a 1989 film starring Winona Ryder and Christian Slater as star-crossed sweethearts who bump off high-school classmates, has been remade as a TV series that will appear on the Paramount Network in March.

Ms. Covell, 33 years old, says it wasn’t difficult to get back into the adolescent mind-set as she wrote.

“As a rule, everybody struggles as a teen, so the inner monologue is fairly indelible,” she says. “It doesn’t take much to tap into those old insecurities and paranoias.”


Is this really necessary in today’s gender confusion climate?

This is just what we need—one more television show to promote gender confusion and to break down the two classifications of humans that the Almighty Creator made: male and female.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Genesis 1:27)

Elohim created male and female, husband and wife as the foundation for accomplishing His divine purposes on this earth. From a marriage between a man and a woman come children. It is the lofty and Elohim-ordained goal of parents to produce children, and to teach them His ways of of life, wisdom and truth, which, hopefully, will result in all of them  being adopted into the divine and eternal family of Elohim.

From healthy, Elohim-oriented marriages and families come strong, vibrant, morally and spiritually solid societies. The biblical record and secular history show this to be a true pattern. It also demonstrates that with the breakdown of the family, including genders, comes confusion, licentiousness, moral breakdown, lawlessness and criminality, depravity, rebellion, anarchy and, eventually, the collapse of the society. Those who fail to learn the lessons of history will be condemned to repeat the mistakes of history and to suffer the consequences thereof.

So why is Hellywood producing television shows that promote gender confusion? Give me a massive break! Aren’t there a million other things that television producers can depict a young boy doing other than crossdressing? It’s because behind most of the entertainment industry is a bunch of Satanic God- and Bible-hating, morally depraved hedonists. Make no mistake. For them it’s all out war against anything that’s good and decent and promotes biblical values.

Turn this garbage off and resist this moral rot every way you can. That’s why I got rid of my television years ago.

After boycotting the filth, let’s resolve to be a force for good. Parents, let’s help our children to embrace and even celebrate their Elohim-given gender, and help them to express who they are as His unique creation without encouraging them to color outside the lines of their particular gender. 

No matter how politically incorrect it may be, those of us who hold to the divinely revealed and transcendent standards of the Bible must work hard to instill these values in the next generation, and give them good reasons to resist the tsunami of moral depravity that is trying to overtake and drown us.


ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Does Mark see himself as a girl?  
SARA GILBERT: He doesn’t. That’s something that got out in the press that’s not true. He’s not a transgender character. He’s a little boy. He’s based on a few kids in my life that are boys who dress in more traditionally feminine clothing. He’s too young to be gay and he doesn’t identify as transgender, but he just likes wearing that kind of clothing and that’s where he is at this point in his life.


How much do you address his desire to wear girl’s clothing?
There is an episode that addresses it. He dresses that way throughout the show, but there’s one episode that focuses on it more heavily. We did a lot of research because we wanted to make sure and do it properly. This character is not transgender.

What made you want to create this character?
It represents the world. This is a show that’s always been able to represent the world and talk about it without being so issue-heavy. We can do it through the dynamics of the family. I know kids like that and it seemed like a great character. One kid in particular that I know is so sweet, funny, charming, and great. In a way the character— that’s one element of the character that he dresses that way, but he’s also based on this kid I know in a lot of other ways. I don’t want to pigeonhole him and say just because he dresses this way that’s the only thing about him. He happens to dress that way but he’s an amazing, creative, brilliant kid, which you will see, and so is the kid, Ames, who plays him.


Mr. President, please give the glory to the Almighty Creator Who deserves it!

Despite all odds, Donald Trump became the president of the United States. Many Christians view it as a miracle—the hand of Elohim. For better or for worse, I tend to agree.

In my opinion, although President Trump is just a man—a very imperfect one, like all of us—he has done many good things that have helped the cause truth and righteous, even though his methods may be somewhat unconventional and even distasteful so some.

Regardless, the Bible, the Word of Elohim, is very clear about those who boast of their accomplishments and neglect to give the Creator the glory. Please be careful, Mr. President, about boasting and self-exaltation. The Bible has some powerful admonitions in this regard.

Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD. (Jer 9:23–24)

Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. (1 For 10:12)

Blessed are the poor [contrite, borken] in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matt 5:3)

For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. (Rom 12:3)

Whether Elohim the Creator was instrumental in President Trump’s victory or not is not the issue. The fact is that each of us owes our very existence and every breath of life we take to our Heavenly Creator. He is the one who has given us not only the gift of life, but everything else that makes our life possible. As such, it’s wise that we give him the credit and glory that he deserves, for we are only one breath, one heartbeat, one bullet away from cessation of life.

Please earnestly pray for President Donald Trump that Elohim will give him divine wisdom, guidance and protection for him and his family, and that he will do will of the Almighty and give Him the glory that He deserves!  Amein.


Trump: I’m ‘Like, Really Smart,’ a ‘Very Stable Genius’

Image: Trump: I'm 'Like, Really Smart,' a 'Very Stable Genius'

By Sandy Fitzgerald    |   Saturday, 06 Jan 2018 08:10 AM

President Donald Trump early Saturday morning railed against questions concerning his mental stability following the publication of a controversial book about his tenure in the White House, describing himself as being “like, really smart,” and saying that he is a “very stable genius.”

“Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart,” Trump said in his early morning Twitter messages.  “I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star … to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius….and a very stable genius at that!”

Read Full Article Here Trump: I’m ‘Like, Really Smart,’ a ‘Very Stable Genius’
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Florida girl, 11, wearing headphones, looking at phone hit and killed by train

Parents and those who care for young people: PLEASE teach the young people in your life the basic rules of common sense and the necessary survival skills to function in modern life thus protecting them from needless tragedies! We are all too addicted to our electronic devices. If we’re not careful, we’re going to have a society full of mindless, zombified idiots who can’t even walk down the street without getting injured or killed.

My wife and I can’t tell you how many people we encounter in our town whose heads are glued downward to their electronic devices when crossing a busy street. They don’t even look up to check on-coming traffic before stepping off the curb. They just assume the cars will stop. Is life so cheap to them that there’s no fear of death? Are they so addicted to your devices that their brains have become mush? Dear Lord, please save us from our own stupidity! Do you anyone out there know what I mean?


An 11-year-old girl was hit and killed by an Amtrak train in Florida Wednesday after she failed to hear the train conductor’s horn blow while she was crossing the tracks, investigators said.

Yazmin White was on the way home from a supermarket before walking through a wooded area and trying to cross over the railroad tracks, according to a media release.

Polk County detectives investigating the death said the conductor blew the train horn and started braking when he saw the girl attempting to cross the tracks. Investigators said Yazmin didn’t make any indication she was aware the train was approaching — and evidence revealed she was wearing headphones at the time.

The conductor also told police she was looking down at her phone while she was walking.


The Amtrak train conductor says he blew the horn but Yazmin was wearing headphones.  (Fox 13 Tampa)

The train, which had 12 passenger cars and two engines, was going about 68 miles per hour when it struck the 11-year-old.

“We are completely heartbroken and send our deepest condolences to Yazmin White’s family,” said Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd. “This is a tragedy no parent or family should have to go through. Please keep them in your prayers.”

Yazmin attended Davenport School of the Arts where she studied piano, according to Fox 13 Tampa.


Elgin, Ill. Man Threatened to Have House Condemned for Sheltering Homeless

The city officials of Elgin, Illinois had better be prepared to hear the condemnation of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah when he returns to this earth for not letting Greg Schiller do exactly what Yeshua commanded decent and caring humans to do: to feed the hungry, cloth the naked and visit those in prison—in other words, care for the needy (The Bible, Matthew 25:31–46).

Sometimes the laws of men run counter to the higher laws of Elohim (God) as spelled out in the Bible. In those cases, for example, to save lives, one must be willing to break the laws of man. Saving a life takes precedence over obeying the ordinances of bunch of godless two-bit city officials who have no fear of Elohim and view themselves as demigods! Shame on the lot of them!

You politicians are commended for having a city homeless shelters, but what is to be done when they’re full resulting in people freezing to death on the streets? If only one homeless person dies of exposure to the cold, who could have found refuge in Greg Schiller’s basement, then you will have that person’s blood on your heads, and, unless you repent of your sin, Yeshua will have this to say to you on judgment day:

 Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these [e.g. care for the homeless], ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. (The Bible, Matthew 25:45–46).


Elgin Man Told to Stop ‘Slumber Parties’ for Homeless During Cold, He Says

A suburban Chicago resident who was offering up “slumber parties” in his basement for homeless people in his neighborhood during dangerously cold weather says city officials have given him an ultimatum.

Stop the “slumber parties” or the house will be condemned.

Greg Schiller, of Elgin, said he began letting a group of homeless people sleep in his unfinished basement last month during brutally cold nights, offering them food, warm beverages and a cot to sleep on while watching movies.

“I would stay up all night with them and give them coffee and stuff and feed them,” he said, adding that no drugs or alcohol were allowed inside his residence during the evening events.

Last winter, Schiller offered up his garage to area homeless, but said he was told he could no longer do so after EMTs were called to help a man with a heart condition. That’s when he had the idea to move them to his basement – complete with all the activities needed to consider them simply “slumber parties.”

Schiller believed city code allowed for slumber parties, but officials said there are “sleeping regulations” for basements and Schiller’s basement doesn’t meet those requirements.

“While we appreciate those who volunteer to provide additional resources in the community, Mr. Schiller’s house does not comply with codes and regulations that guard against potential dangers such as carbon monoxide poisoning, inadequate light and ventilation, and insufficient exits in the event of a fire,” city spokesperson Molly Center said in a statement.

Schiller said city officials and police officers came to his home with a warrant Tuesday and went into his basement. There, he said they found his ceiling height too low and windows too high and too small to be an egress.

“They shut me down and said I have 24 hours to return my basement to storage and take down – I have several cots with sleeping bags for everybody – or they’ll condemn the house.”

Center confirmed that Schiller was given 24 hours to clear the basement in an emailed statement, adding, “If not, the City will take additional enforcement action to compel the removal of the unlawful basement sleeping area. 

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Officials had earlier threatened citations for other violations at the home, which is owned by Schiller’s girlfriend, including a broken window, a fold-up trailer on the property and a portable toilet he had set up for the group to use, Schiller said.

“I’m trying to help these people get out of the cold,” he told NBC 5. “There’s not a lot of help for them as far as places to lay their heads.”

Schiller said he only opened up the basement when an area shelter wasn’t available.

He noted that some shelters in the area require homeless to meet a specific set of criteria and others open only when temperatures reach a certain level.

PADS of Elgin confirmed that there are requirements to be eligible for their services, but declined to specify what that criteria included.

An emergency shelter at First United Methodist Church of Elgin, operated by the organization Matthew 25:40, opens when the temperature outside is 15 degrees or less.

Schiller said he hosted his “slumber parties” when wind chill values were 15 degrees or less, but would not offer up the basement if the emergency shelter was open.

“It’s cold enough to freeze to death,” he said.

Matthew 25:40 did not immediately respond to NBC Chicago’s request for comment Tuesday.

“Elgin has lawful shelters that provide a safe space for people to go throughout the year,” Center said in a statement. “In times of extreme temperature, temporary locations open within the community that all conform to regulations and codes.”

The city also noted there is a women’s shelter and other facilities around the area where people can go. A full list can be found on the city’s website.

Temperatures Tuesday in Elgin were forecast to reach a high of only 6 degrees, meaning area shelters should open. They aren’t expected to warm above the threshold again until this weekend, when they could rise back into the upper-20s. It’s not clear if shelters plan to remain open.

Schiller said that while he does plan to stop hosting his slumber parties, he’s working to find other options for taking care of the homeless he now knows so well.

“Somebody’s going to die,” he said.