Despite all odds, Donald Trump became the president of the United States. Many Christians view it as a miracle—the hand of Elohim. For better or for worse, I tend to agree.
In my opinion, although President Trump is just a man—a very imperfect one, like all of us—he has done many good things that have helped the cause truth and righteous, even though his methods may be somewhat unconventional and even distasteful so some.
Regardless, the Bible, the Word of Elohim, is very clear about those who boast of their accomplishments and neglect to give the Creator the glory. Please be careful, Mr. President, about boasting and self-exaltation. The Bible has some powerful admonitions in this regard.
Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD. (Jer 9:23–24)
Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. (1 For 10:12)
Blessed are the poor [contrite, borken] in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matt 5:3)
For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. (Rom 12:3)
Whether Elohim the Creator was instrumental in President Trump’s victory or not is not the issue. The fact is that each of us owes our very existence and every breath of life we take to our Heavenly Creator. He is the one who has given us not only the gift of life, but everything else that makes our life possible. As such, it’s wise that we give him the credit and glory that he deserves, for we are only one breath, one heartbeat, one bullet away from cessation of life.
Please earnestly pray for President Donald Trump that Elohim will give him divine wisdom, guidance and protection for him and his family, and that he will do will of the Almighty and give Him the glory that He deserves! Amein.
Trump: I’m ‘Like, Really Smart,’ a ‘Very Stable Genius’
Saturday, 06 Jan 2018 08:10 AM
President Donald Trump early Saturday morning railed against questions concerning his mental stability following the publication of a controversial book about his tenure in the White House, describing himself as being “like, really smart,” and saying that he is a “very stable genius.”
“Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart,” Trump said in his early morning Twitter messages. “I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star … to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius….and a very stable genius at that!”
Read Full Article Here Trump: I’m ‘Like, Really Smart,’ a ‘Very Stable Genius’
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Every day I pray that Yehovah would give Trump strength, wisdom, diplomacy and an awakening to THE TRUTH, after all he is just a man, part of all fallen mankind. May His will be done, amein!
I don’t know what the truth is about his knowledge of or faith in Elohim, but I do know he is very confident about himself, his abilities, and his accomplishments, and He certainly doesn’t hesitate to express that confidence. Of course, most of us would likely consider it arrogant, prideful, and boastful, though that does not mean he does not believe that Elohim is the source of his strengths, abilities and accomplishments. He surely doesn’t freely express his faith much or give just attribution to Elohim for who he is and what he has accomplished, does he?
Then, of course, there are also those who have false humility and boast in “God”, but otherwise also appear arrogant and prideful. At least President Trump doesn’t seem to display FALSE humility. That may be just as bad, if not worse.
I, too, wish he were more humble and gave attribution to Elohim, but I would rather he’d do the work of Elohim than not, and just give lip-service to Elohim as others have done in that office.and not do the work of Elohim. And that too remains to be seen if he will be faithful to do that work and be true the minimal testimony of faith in Elohim he has declared to have.
Regardless, I, too, would much prefer he’d let others “toot his horn” and that he would grow in his knowledge and worship of Elohim, in word and deed!
If Pres. Trump is only in it for his self agrandisement Elohim knows. I do like your comments. I often forget to give glory to Yah not because I don’t want to but the circumstances move so quickly that the language of the world which I hear all around me doesn’t give a lot of receptive space to the reality of Salvation and the Creator and we don’t have a lot of practise saying these truths of gratefulness out loud in such company any ways.(shame on us… or is it wisdom before swine given by the Spirit?) Many times I would suggest in political circles there is a disingenuous malevolent use of “god language for personal gain”. Let us just pray for our leaders that we have peace to worship in Spirit & Truth as Messiah taught. Be blessed. FJ