A Word About President Donald J. Trump and the Spiritual State of America—2/2017

What follows is one of the most important statements I have ever made on this blog. Please read it and pass it on. — Natan Lawrence

This is what YHVH Elohim has to say about those who are on the right (i.e. conservatives) versus those who are on the left (i.e. leftists, socialists or “progressives”) morally and spiritually.

A wise man’s heart is at his right hand, but a fool’s heart at his left. Even when a fool walks along the way, he lacks wisdom, and he shows everyone that he is a fool. (Eccl 10:2–3)

Donald J. Trump is likely the most controversial and polarizing presidents in recent American history. There are those who love him, those who hate him and those who are undecided and confused. This was the case with Obama, and to some degree with all newly elected presidents, but the vitrol and hatred demonstrated against President Trump by the leftists and the left-leaning establishment media is unparalleled in my lifetime. The hatred against him including calls for his assassination is unprecedented in US history.

For many years—nearly my entire lifetime—the socialistic leftists with little interruption have seen their agendas in the US through rulings, laws and policies from the judicial, legislative and executive branches of our government being implemented one after another. This agenda has been diametrically opposed to the traditional Judeo-Christian values that made our nation great and the envy of the world. This tidal wave of evil likely started in 1962 when prayer in school was banned in New York state. Then in 1973, abortion was legalized and our nation has been sliding downhill morally and spiritually ever since with a steady stream of ungodly and unbiblical laws and agendas being foisted upon the American people.

When Donald Trump was running for president, he was an enigma to many people including me. He was a Democrat turned Republican with no track record of advocating social or morally conservative values. As such, most the Democrats hated him and the many Republicans at best disowned him and at worst despised him as well. On my part, I kept an open mind, while holding my nose. Trump made a lot of conservative-sounding campaign promises, but because of his reputation as a bombastic talker who often speaks rashly in self-exalting hyperbole and half-truths, I didn’t know whether to take him seriously or not.

Now that he is the president, we sit back and watch to see what his track will be, and what his true colors will be. So far, I have been very pleased by what I see. What righteous person couldn’t be overjoyed with the public defunding of abortion providers, the appointment of committed conservative Christians to high governmental positions, protecting our borders from terrorists and the list goes on.

For the record, I’m on no one’s side—only YHVH’s side; I am on the side of truth and righteousness as defined by the Bible. I’m totally independent of and outside partisan Continue reading