The Torah revisited

Defining the Word Torah

A comprehensive grasp of Torah, both with the head and heart, is essential if one is to not only understand the heart of YHVH Elohim, but to understand the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith, for a love and comprehension of Torah is to grasp with the heart and mind the very fabric, foundation and bedrock of the Testimony of Yeshua (New Testament). But what does the word Torah actually mean? Hebrew is a rich language. A single word can have a multiplicity of connotations at all levels of human comprehension, experience. Spiritual implications beyond the ken of human understanding can be found therein.

Moses 10 Cs 2

For nearly 2000 years since the time the Christian church departed from its Hebrew roots (in the early to mid second-century of the common era) the Hebrew word Torah (Strong’s H8451, TWOT 910b) has been translated in the writings of Christian theologians and in all of the most common English Bible’s as law. Is this an accurate translation of the Hebrew word Torah? Does it capture the true essence, heart and meaning of the word? This is an important question to answer.

If we were to ask you to technically define any English word you could avail yourself of a dictionary which should give you the precise meaning of that word. In any college level dictionary a word will have a primary meaning, Continue reading