Shabbat Shalom from the West Coast of the USA

Shalom aleichem from the faithful remnant warrior bride of the regathered sheep of Israel on the West Coast of the United States of America to all of our brethren scattered around the world as they love Yeshua the Messiah by keeping his commandments including observing the seventh day Sabbath.

I took these photos this erev Shabbat as the sun was going down. I could almost envision the clouds splitting at that very moment and Yeshua the Messiah returning as I viewed this stunning sunset. 

Please enjoy these pictures as my love gift to you and give glory, praise, honor and worship to YHVH Elohim, the Most High El Elyon and the Supreme and Majestic Creator of everything. Amein.

Natan Lawrence


Photos: Nestucca Bay on the Oregon Coast

This weekend, my wife Sandi and I along with two of the elders of our local congregation (Dr. Joseph and Heidi Dombek, Congregation Elim of Tigard, Oregon —, vacated to the world class Oregon coast (about two hours away from our homes) for a quick leaders planning session. There we discussed issues, plans, visions and goals relating to our congregation and Hoshana Rabbah (, which is the outreach arm of our ministry.

I took these photos (with my iPhone) from the front yard of the rented house, and from the bay below. The Pacific Ocean is out in the distance beyond the bay. Enjoy!


