Sukkot Northwest 2013 photos — Wish you were here!

Shalom everyone from the intermountain region of Central Oregon, USA where we are celebrating Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) with other like-minded redeemed Israelites who are returning to the Hebraic, pro-Torah roots of the Christian faith.

Below are a few photos I took with my I-Phone that will give you a small taste of what’s been going on here. More will come later.

We’re at a state campground where there’s no cell phone/wi-fi connections. Right now, I’m sitting in a Starbucks in nearby Bend, Oregon getting ready to upload these photos from my I-Phone.

I’m also in the process of trying to upload a teaching that Dr. Joseph Dombek, my assistant  shepherd at our Congregation Elim (Portland, Oregon) gave  here in La Pine on Sukkot. It’s a basic overview of this biblical feast that I recorded. YouTube is unusually slow at the moment, so I’m not sure if I’ll get Dr. Joe’s great teaching uploaded before we leave this Starbucks’ wi-fi hot spot.

Now here are the photos.

Let Sukkot NW 2013 at in La Pine, Oregon, USA begin.

Let Sukkot NW 2013 at in La Pine, Oregon, USA begin.


The Congregation Elim/Sukkot NW 2013 praise and worship team.

The Congregation Elim/Sukkot NW 2013 praise and worship team.


The Sukkot NW 2013 Sukkah.

The Sukkah NW 2013 Sukkah.


Worshipping YHVH in the dance at Sukkot NW 2013 in the wilderness of Central Oregon.

Worshipping YHVH in the dance at Sukkot NW 2013 in the wilderness of Central Oregon.

Tammy, Abigail and Terry from Texas, praising YHVH with lulavim in hand.Tammy, Abigail and Terry from Texas, praising YHVH with lulavim in hand.

Luzvi praising YHVH with tambourine, Linda with the praise banners, and our Davidic dancers in the background.

Luzvi praising YHVH with tambourine, Linda with the praise banners, and our Davidic dancers in the background.

John from California with tzitzit tied into his biblical beard.

John from California with tzitzit tied into his biblical beard.


Brother bill decked out in Hebraic regalia worshipping YHVH at Sukkot NW 2013.

Brother bill decked out in Hebraic regalia worshipping YHVH at Sukkot NW 2013.